Lemon: Starscream x Fem!Reader

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(Don't own photo)
Requested by: @blackrose6969420
Description: A little rough Starscream, loving on his human pet. Remembered someone mentioning where they could shrink into small forms, but not being human so that's what Starscream did. Enjoy!!


"Just look at you my dear, so helpless." His voice filled your ears, struggling against the restraints. The Second in Command brought your smaller form closer to his faceplates gently kissing your stomach. You could already feel his breath fall over your form, it made you arch your back.
"S-Starscream..." your voice trembled showing your weakness toward the affection, the commander gently ran a servo down your side being gently against the flesh. He didn't mind you squirming under his touch, enjoying every sound you made.
"I never thought a fleshy could be so beautiful." Starscream mumbled, gently allowed his glossa to lick up your stomach to your breast. You sqirmed under the wet tongue.
"S-Stop teasing me..." you could hear the desperation in your voice, as the grey mech smirked. Pulling you from the chains allowing your still cuffed hands to wrap around his neck. The seeker allowed himself to push you against the cold wall, your naked body shivering.
"I love that you're so warm, and soft." He whispered huskily against your ear. Starscream gently began to nip at your neck, sucking on the tender flesh leaving a visible bruise. You could feel your cuffed hands gently run along his helm, pulling him in for a kiss. The feeling of his glossa slipping into your mouth, gently running it along your inner cheek and teeth made you moan.
"Hmm, I could eat you up my dear." He grunted gently biting down on your lower lip, sucking the plump flesh. You could feel your own arousal gently trail downbetween your legs, at the pleasure.
The grey mech slipped his servos against your ass, digging his sharp digits into it. You gasped from pain and pleasure, feeling him trail kisses along your collarbone. He bit down and sucked against it, leaving marks as he went. You could feel his glossa gently swirl around you breasts, flicking his glossa over the bud before sucking. You could feel your body tremble under the hot breath, as his sharp digits dug gently into your flesh. The taller mech swiftly lifted you up, walking toward the cushioned bed. You grunted in surprise, and annoyance at the loss of his dermas.
"Just lay back and enjoy yourself dear." He whispered, laying you against your bed. You had your cuffed hands lifted over your head as you stared up shyly watching the mech. Starscream leaned down between your thighs, running his servo along the plush skin, digging his servo into them as he spread them open. His blood red optics glistened at the sight before him, the fluids between your folds dripping onto the bed. The grey mech glanced up at you, seeing your face blush red at his glossa running along his dermas hungrily.
"You look so delicious baby." He hummed, leaning down sucking the plump flesh of your folds. Allowing his body to tense under the gentle moans slipping between your lips. Starscream began to gently flick his glossa against your clit, swirling around the sensitive spot. You gently brought your cuffed hands down, running it along his helm pulling him closer. The seekers wings fluttered, shoving his tongue into your entrance tasting your arousal. He could feel his spike push against his interface plate begging to be released.
"I think you deserve a reward for being such a good girl." He smirked, licking his dermas before moving to a position where you were between his legs while he sat upon your bed. He smirked down at your form, allowing his plate to open springing out his dripping spike. The mech moan under the touch of both your hands stroking his member, teasing the tip with your tongue. Starscream gently grabbed a servo full of your soft (h/c) hair pushing your mouth onto his hardened spike. You could feel the tip hit the back of your throat, feeling your body tingle at the feeling as the Second in Command began to moan loudly. You allowed your head to bob up and down, taking as much of him as you could. Allowing your fingers to slip into your own dripping entrance, pleasing yourself while you sucked off the Commander.
"Just like that (y/n), such a good girl for your Master." You could feel his spike pulse within your mouth, as he moved his hips thrusting roughly into your mouth. You could already taste the prefluid, feeling drool dripping down your chin moaning against his spike. Your fingers curled within you, imagining his spike. You could feel him shake, trusting deep within your mouth as tansfluid filled your mouth. The loud moan of the seeker made your own knot unfold cumming on your fingers. You swallowed the fluid, letting out a satisfied hum at the taste, before being shoved on your hands and knees onto the bed.
"Seeing you like this is so hot." He began to tease your entrance, gently putting the tip within you then gently rubbing it between the folds. You could feel your body ache, still panting while glancing back at the seeker with desperate eyes.
"S-Starscream, p-please." You could hear the want in your own trembling voice as the grey mech chuckled. Leaning down to your ear, allowing his sharp digits to dig into your side scratching the tender flesh.
"Beg for it. Beg for your master to frag you fleshy." His voice was low and husky as he gently licked your ear, and trailed kisses along your back. You arched your back moving your hips back moaning.
"M-Master please frag me, please fill me with your spike." You could feel him push the tip of his spike within you again, humming leaning back pulling your hair.
"Master who?" You could hear the demand in his voice, as you trembled against the pain.
"Master Starscream! Please fuck me!" You yelled, feeling him shove his spike deep within you. Not giving you time to adjust he began to slam into you at a fast pace, digging his sharp digits into your hips. You moaned in both pain and please at his rough behavior, moving your hips along with his thrusts. He leaned down biting your neck, making you hiss in pain. Starscream could feel you tighten around his spike, knowing you were close to release.
"Turn over, now." His voice was low and demanding as he pulled out, watching you quickly turn over to stare into his red optics. The grey mech grabbed the cuffs that bound you hand together, allowing them to click unlocked. He rammed himself back into you, leaning down to your face capturing your lips. You allowed your free hands to cup his cheek plating bringing him in closer to your form. You moaned against his lips feeling his glossa slip into your mouth again, allowing your tastebuds to tingle with your own juices.
"I'm gonna cum baby," you could feel him pulse within you, you allowed your kisses to trail down to his neckcables biting down roughly. The mech moaned at the pain, as could feel your own body shake tightening around his spike.
"I-I love you (y/n)." He moaned loudly thrust roughly one last time before spilling his fluids deep within you. You could feel your own body tingle feeling your body fall from your own high. You slumped back letting out a sigh panting, hearing the familiar whirl of his fans. He slumped between your breast snuggling close to you, letting out his own satisfied sigh.
"I hope I wasn't to rough..." you could hear his slightly concern feeling his red optics stare into your own, as you gently flicked his red antenna. You chuckled at his surprise, swiftly kissing his forehelm.
"N-No. I like when you're rough. A-And I love you too Starscream." You wrapped your arms around him, he smiled grumbling before going back to snuggling you.


I had fun writing this! Hopefully it turned out alright!

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