TFP: BumbleBee x Reader

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(Don't own photo)
Requested by: @CosplayFanGirl
Description: This is the first of the requests(not really)! This takes place a bit after Bee gets his voice back, and I thought It'd be cute for Bee to want to surprise the reader.


You gave a long sigh slowly easing your way into the bath, once your body was submerged you let your body relax into the warmth of the bath, the sweet scent of the bath soap you used began to fill your senses. After a long while of relaxing and making a beard with the bubbles, you decided to get out. Swiftly wrapping the towel around your form, to keep the now cold atmosphere from touching your damp body and then draining the water.
Your tried to kept your balance on the tile floor while making it into your bedroom, once you did you gently shut the door not wanting to wake your family. Every small movement toward your dresser made you nervous, you felt like you were going to explode. You started to do your usual routine when getting dressed, but added a few extra steps to make sure you looked your best, nothing major.
Your phone began to buzz on your nightstand, you excitedly walked over opening up the message seeing it's from your favorite kid, Raphael. The message read that your favorite bot was on his way over, you shot back your own message before slipping your phone into your back pocket. There was a visible skip in your step as you walked to your front door, of course you were still nervous but all the more excited.
Sitting outside on your porch you waited and waited, you check the time to see it was a quarter till eleven. The nervousness grew making the excitement turn into a bit of anxiety, all the possible reasons as to why the bot wasn't here made you worry. After awhile you decided to go back inside realizing that you were dressed and excited for nothing, again.
Before you closed the door your heard a familiar rev of an engine, you quickly glanced back noticing the familiar shine of the yellow and black car beside the street lamp.
Just as quickly as you opened the door you shut it and ran down the steps to your boyfriend, running your hand along the hood and getting into the passengers seat.
Once you got in you noticed that the interior was shiny and clear of any dust, you gently wrapped your arms around the seat you were in and let out a satisfied hum. There was an awkward silence in the car after your hugged the seat, but it faded when there was a whirl from the radio, and the gear shifting as the yellow bot began to drive. The car ride was silent and slightly awkward but you just happily snuggled into the seat feeling it heat up, making you feel comfortable enough to let out a soft "I missed you."
Suddenly the warmth of the car stopped, the heat coming from the vents went cold, but the seat was still warm to the touch, there was a shift of the gear and the bot parked popping open the passenger door to let you out. You stepped out feeling excited while looking up at the stars, everything in your hometown was amazing.
You were glad to still be in contact with the friends you met in Jasper almost two years ago, and you're glad to have met Bee. The love you two shared was odd, one being due to the fact you both were two different species, two is that the differences between the two of you were huge, and three being that the distance even if it was from here to Cybertron, or just to Jasper Nevada. Yet some how you and the scout found each other, you both found a way to make these differences work, to find time for each other, And this to you was enough.
You looked up at the stars giving a smile even the crescent moon was beautiful surrounded by thousands of stars, you let out a sigh of happiness hearing the sound of gears turning and a few clicks. You looked up at your alien lover, he gave a few whirls and beeps that sounded so familiar, and your Cybertronian was getting better from Raphael's lessons. You nodded looked up the the stars once more, feeling Bee scoop you into his servos. Once your body was snuggled up against his warm metallic one you were already sleepy, loving this feeling of being safe and loved.
Bee let out a long whirl while gently letting his digit run along your (h/c) hair, you felt a blush spread across your cheeks while shaking your head, letting out a small whine,
"B-Bee, you know how it makes me feel when you compliment me." There was a few beeps and clicks that sounded like laughter, you let out an annoyed sigh while he started to compliment anything and everything about you. After awhile of compliments and teasing, you were already trying to hide your face, Bumblebee lifted your form from his lap to his face. The bot let out a few beeps and slowly brought you closer to him, his faceplates were glowing a light blue while you still covered your face the bot gently brought his mask to your forehead and gently placed a "kiss" on your head, after awhile you uncovered your face looking up at the bots glowing blue orbs knowing that now he can see the blush on your face. You felt your stomach turn as you watched his servo gently move a strand of hair from your face, there was a loud click and suddenly you felt metallic lips press against yours. It was odd but his dermas felt warm, and the surge of feeling high running through your veins made your body weak as you let your lips press against his.
You knew this was one of the types of drugs your parents tried to tell you to stay away from, telling you that you'd get sucked into it's hazy grip leaving you to wonder how you got here, wondering when you'll get another hit.
Without having control over what your body wanted, you felt your tongue slowly graze against his lower derma, feeling the bot tense but letting his dermas open, you let your tongue slowly glide along his denta before finding his glossa, slowly you swirled your tiny tongue around it, you couldn't contain how much you missed your 'sparkmate' as he called it. You felt a moan escape your lips, at least you thought it was yours. You pulled away panting for air looking at Bee who let out another groan,
"Jeez, (y/n) I wasn't expecting that." You felt your mouth gap open, you tried to find words but you felt so dumbfounded while looking at Bee. There was a smug grin you could see on his lips, and that hint of blue on his faceplates. "Surprised to hear my voice?" You nodded still trying to comprehend it, it sounded amazing sexy even. You felt your body tense when you felt the dermas you were once kissing lay on your forehead, letting out a satisfied hum Bee spoke again, "It was supposed to be a surprise, but you left me so... ugh! I just couldn't help it." You felt another blush form on your face as you gently laid your hand against the cheek plating, rubbing soft circles while hearing Bee talk about how he got it back and everything afterward. You felt so happy that Bumblebee was with you, even though you were still worried about his well being.
Gently as possible Bumblebee brought a digit to your chin and pulled you in for another kiss, this kiss was gentle and soft, nothing rough or hungry. You let out a satisfied moan while letting your hands lay against his cheek-plates, Bee moved his digit to your back and rubbed gently. You both pulled away, Bee was looking into your (e/c) orbs seeing the stars reflect on them, he tried so hard not to kiss you again while he let you lay against his chest. His spark beat was fast, but gentle against your ears, you could hear the energon coursing through him. You gave another hum while dozing off to his spark beat, not even realizing he was talking until he said your name.
"(Y/n), I know we've been dating for only a year and I've been so busy that I've never got to tell you how I feel. But I know you're dozing off so I'll just be the first to say that..." you heard him take a deep breath in and you felt a clicking and gears moving, you felt a huge heat wave. You opened your eyes to see Bee's chest plate slightly open for you to look into, his voice quivered but he continued, "I know Sparkmates seems like a simple term, but to us it's a deep connection between two cybertronians. I know you aren't one, but that doesn't mean I'm not willing to still follow tradition... just don't touch it I don't know what will happen..." You felt in awe at his words, you tried to hold back your tears while hugging onto his digit, letting out a small chuckle you felt a surge of emotion while seeing it. You watched it click closed as he looked down at you once again,
"I love you too Bee!" You jumped up to his faceplates and placed a kiss, this surprised the bot so much so that he fell back from his sitting position.


Let me know if you liked it! And sorry to the person who requested it and if you think it's bad! But I feel I did an ok job even if it's been awhile!

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