RID: Ratchet x Reader

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(Don't own photo)
Requested by: @YJSung2
Description: I know the request didn't specify RID but I hope this is okay! Anyway, the reader fell in love with the medic at first sight. Since he's gone for long periods of time the reader thought that since they missed him so much they might've hallucinated him, but they were sooooo wrong! Enjoy!


You glanced up at the white and red mech, his colors suited him so well along with his bright blue optics. The very feeling within your human heart soared, something about the medic made you so happy. His smile was the most amazing sight, the way he walked through the scrapyard, the way his beautiful optics glanced at you and oh how he laughed! You could feel your face heat up at the thought, never had you felt such a way for anyone before.
Gently tracing your hand along the shelves of the many rows in the scrapyard made your aching body yearn for his presence. The sudden feeling of happiness jolt throughout your body with the hope to see him again one day soon, not realizing just how excited you were you let out a long love filled sigh. Each step toward the main area of the surrounding rows felt lighter and lighter, your mind still drifting back to the while and red mech.
The daydreaming moment was ruined by the sudden crowbar laying across the dirt path, tripping over it slamming your body against the ground. You moaned in pain rolling over onto your back bringing your hand up to your head, while trying to dust off the sand from your baggy long sleeve shirt. The feeling of your head pounding shook your form, or at least that's what you thought.
Slowly you opened your eyes, the glowing white figure standing above you with a goofy smile made your heart soar. Then you groaned again rubbing your head letting out a long disappointed sigh.
"Oh come on, I know I miss you but this isn't fair." Your voice trembled, gently proping yourself up with your elbows still looking up at the medic. His faceplates could be seen filled with confusion, his optic ridges tilted glancing down at you. You allowed your eyes to close as you hummed, realizing you must've hit your head pretty hard.
"I wish you were really here, I could use a good pick me up with that laugh of yours." Your happy tone shortened as the large smile turning into a calming one. Just the thought of his laugh made you giggle, knowing you missed him enough to hallucinate.
You still kept your eyes closed, deciding to at least relieve some weight and continued to talk to yourself aloud.
"Then maybe I can actually tell you just how I feel... you probably won't return my feelings but as long as I get to see you smile that's good enough for me." You gently fluttered your (e/c) eyes open, allowing them to lock with the to realistic shocked bright blue orbs above you. Giving your best smile you reached a hand up to the hallucination, wishing you could really feel his presence instead of this make believe one.
"I wish I could tell you just how much I miss you with each passing minute, how amazing I feel when your around, or just how I want to get closer to you. To hug you, hold you... kiss you." You dropped your hand along with the happy smile, closing your eyes once more letting out an annoyed sigh. You allowed your body to move, standing up to stretch shaking your head your (h/c) hair flowed off the dust. Still standing, you tried to shake an odd feeling behind you until you glanced back noticing the red and white medic still standing there. Glancing up at the expression to see a small smile, the blue optics filled with shock still but you didn't bother to worry about it.
"I like you, okay? Now stop messing with me!" You shook your head hoping the hallucination would leave, but when it still stood you felt rage weld within your body. Letting out an annoyed sigh walking over swatting at the mech.
"Just leave already! I hate that this isn't really my Ratchet! Ugh! See I can't even touch yo-" your hand hit roughly against his pede making you hiss in pain, stumbling back. After recovering from your pain you felt the realization hit you against tour heart, quickly looking back up at the white and red medic. Ratchets expression still held its loving look, but the soft smile turned back into that goofy smile from before. You swore you seen your soul leave your body as you backed away, stumbled over the crowbar again and landing roughly against your back. Not bothering to whine in pain you began to crawl back pointing at the medic,
"Y-You're really here! I'm so sorry!" Your voice quivered, feeling the familiar burning of your eyes as tears began to prick at the edge. Before you could get up and run you were grabbed gently in his servo, you kicked and struggled while the tears kept falling coating your shirt in dark droplets.
"N-No! Let me go, I already apologized-" you could feel your body being pushed into a warming embrace cutting off your rambling. A digit began to stroke your hair, as the thumping of a spark filled your ears. A familiar laugh rumbled throughout the being you were pushed against.
"You were always so clueless (y/n)." Ratchets voice was like music to your ears, his simple sentence calmed your racing nerves allowing himself to hold you close. After a long time of silence you could feel him move you up toward his faceplates, guiding you toward his dermas.
The warm metal was smooth against your own lips, the shock of how amazing it felt was more than you could've imagined. The kiss was long and loving, nothing forceful or needy just a tender soft kiss. You didn't know how long you kissed but you enjoyed every second of it, still being able to feel it when he pulled away.
"You are so adorable. I am glad to have surprised you with my visit, I have to admit I missed you a lot too." His voice was just above a whisper but it still held its cockiness. Your (e/c) eyes opened to see his blue optics staring into your own, allowing his forehelm to rest against your forehead. Your mind wasn't racing, but you could still feel your heart beating roughly against your chest at the moment the two of you had. The tears that once drizzled down your cheeks were dried, allowing them to be replaced with the gentle kisses from the mech.
Not realizing just how scared you were, your body relaxed almost fainting at the loss of fear. The medics kisses replaced the tired feeling with once of excitement realizing just what had happened, gently placing a hand against his faceplates pushing him away giggling.
"R-Ratchet, stop! I'm ticklish." Your happy voice rang within his audials as he kept kiss your face, gently gliding his dermas against your forehead. He gently captured your lips in another kiss, allowing his spark to thump against his chassis hoping for this moment to last a little bit longer.


So someone commented they wanted me to do more RID, so whenever it's not specified in the request for Characters that show in both RID and TFP then it'll just be random or if I have a good idea. Don't be mad pls. Anyway! Hopefully this was good!

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