TFP: Optimus Prime x Autobot!Reader

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(Don't own photo)
Requested by: @WorradaChanapai
Description: Reader was a sparkmate of Orion Pax, then when he was sent to be a Prime he would lose his memories. During the war Reader was badly injured and thought to be offlined, but they awoke within a pod headed to an unknown planet. Just read and enjoy!


You wrapped your arms around Orion, giving him a loving kiss that could've broke your spark. His servos ran along your back struts allowing his glossa to slip between your dermas, moving it around and along your denta.
"Say you love me..." his vocals shook with a desperate manner, moving to sit against your shared berth. You could feel lubricants drip down your cheekplating, from the amount of emotions tingling at your spark. The Librarian kissed away the stray tears going back to pull you closer, hugging his servos against your delicate frame.
"I-I love so much Orion." Your own voice box shook with pain, feeling your chest latch onto his chassis. The amount of love outweighed the pain, causing you to connect your dermas once again. The blue and red mech ran his digits along your sleek frame, letting them glide gently against your metallic body with the utmost delicacy. He gave a quivering moan against your dermas, feeling your sparks beginning to sync with one another. Orion had drool drizzle down his chin as your glossa slipped into his intake, moving it lovingly along the delicate metal. The room was echoing with the grunts and groans, along with the fans of the two lovers. With once last surge of energy the chests unhinged, caused the two to pull away with a gasp. Your breathing was heavy, trying to calm the racing of your spark. Orion already had his servo running along your faceplates, looking lovingly into your (f/c) optics.
"I love you (y/n)." He laid his helm against your own, giving you a gentle smile even though he could feel the tingle of pain arising in his spark. You tried to block out the negative thoughts, knowing full well he could now feel all the emotions you pent up.
"P-Please just, just be safe. I know this decision is for the best of our home but..." you could feel lubricant roll down your face, causing an audible sob to escape your dermas. Orion sighed wrapping his arms around you, laying you against his chassis. His servo holding your helm close, while his other rubbed your back struts in a comforting manner.
"But the consequences for becoming a Prime is, is you might not even remember me! I-I just can't take that Orion, I don't want to live like a stranger to you." You snuggled closer to his neckcables letting all of the pain flow, you could tell he felt it from his own body cringing at the amount of pain. Still the Librarian held you tighter not bothered at the way you were reacting, he knew just how much he meant to you and how much you meant to him.
"It will all be alright (y/n). If I cant remember you, just think I'll fall for you all over again." He made your faceplates burn from his sweet words, still continuing to rant on and on. You gave a playful giggle still feeling the pain but not as immense, still your sparks felt the same emotions. The laughter died down as you laid your helm gently against his chassis letting out a hum,
"Lets not forget we're Sparkmates now, maybe that will help me out a little. I just, just want you to be safe with or without me." You gave a gentle kiss to his neckcables, allowing his spark beat to lull you into recharge even though you knew what was going to happen when you wake.

Your optics began to online, gasping for air you didn't need. The gears scraped against one another as you moved to check you body, your optics providing light within the dark space to see no leaking energon. Each crevice of your body was not like your own, realizing just how different you looked from when you were on Cybertron. Your digits running along the glowing scars edged along your body, few would cause you to flinch back in pain. The last thing you could remember is the immense pain in your body, and those disgusting vile blood red optics. Your spark pulsed in pain from an emotion you've never felt before, the aching increased for a while until suddenly the black surrounding around you turned red.
"Warning—" there was an odd voice filling your audials, until it cut off at the sudden shake of the vehicle you were in. The red flashed every few seconds causing you to see the control panels, your processor more confused than it was before. You swiftly began to type along the keypad hoping to understand why you were here, why you weren't on Cybertron anymore. Your typing became frantic trying to send out a transmission,
"Mayday, mayday! This is designation (y/n) and I am-scrap!" Your back was pushed back into the chair, digging your digits into the metal around you as the pod plummeted toward an unknown planet. The damage done to the pod wasn't immense, you thanked the allspark that the hatch opened. You could barely see through the dust cloud, looking at the sand around you feeling the heat from the planets sun. Every few second you'd try to use your com-link to contact any Autobot around but you concluded it must've been damage during the land or way before. The sudden whoosh of a portal startled you back into the pod, locking you out from your amount of force. Your body moved swiftly to try and hide from whoever was coming, the worst that it could be was a decepticon. Each second that ticked by the more fear rose within your spark, not bothered at the weirdly hopeful feeling.
"There was no indication on where it came from?" There was an unknown voice that you hadn't heard in a long time, but that didn't stop you from taking action. Your visor clicked over your optics as you swiftly and quietly stood behind the yellow and white mech, your blaster clicked in place as you watched him and his much taller companion freeze.
"Don't move." Your vocals sent a shiver down the taller yellow and blacks back strut, watching as he groaned in pain cupping his helm. There was an odd heighten in your spark but you pushed it away, watching as the smaller one reached out to help the other. Without missing a beat you slammed your blaster into his shoulder causing him to stumble into your pod, his digits digging into its metal to steady himself.
"Listen here Decpticons, I'll spare your sparks if you just answer a few of my questions..." you scoffed moving to turn the smaller one around, while keeping your blaster on the taller one. Once your optics met with his familiar facial shape you instantly froze, your optics widened in surprise and a bit of anger more so at yourself.
"By the Primes, (y/n)!" Ratchet reached out to you, hoping you were real as his digits gently grazed against your shoulder. You latched yourself onto the medic giving out a pained sigh,
"Ratchet! Thank Primus, I can't can't believe you're here!" Your vocals shook in sadness, and relief but were quickly pushed away. His black optics gleamed with its still astonished look,
"I-I thought you were offline! I mean anyone would've expected after we seen, endured your-I don't even want to think about it. It's just so good to see you." He gave you a gentle smile, while you gave him a questioningly look. But the moment was ruined at the sudden collapse of the larger mech, you visor clicked back into its compartment as you glanced down at the all to familiar mech. You stumbled back at the red and blue color scheme, realizing just who it was. Ratchets orange and white color scheme to surprise you, realizing just how dirty your visor was. The medic seemed to understand your distress, giving a gentle pat to your shoulder before moving to pick up the Prime. The medic pulled out a remote like devise, pressing a button to open up a ground bridge. He signaled for you to follow, which you did while also helping pull Optimus through to the other side.

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