Lemon: Bumblebee x Femme!Reader

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(Don't own photo)
Requested by: @00SquishySquiddy00
Description: Another lemon! This time Bee wanted to try you with some honey! Enjoy...


Your optics landed onto the few bottles of honey within the scouts servos, who held a pleading look within his optics.
"You promised, please?" His vocals changed tones to get his point across, as his familiar beeps and whirls tingled your audials. You could feel a heat begin to rise on your faceplates, and your lower region. The yellow mech walked over to you, he gently beginning to rub your servos with a gentle touch. With each passing second you could feel the heat between your legs rise, knowing full well what the mech wanted to try.
You turned your helm away, hearing the slide of his mouth piece as he began to gently kiss along your cheek plating.
"Ngh, B-Bee." You bit down your bottom derma feeling the soldier suck against your neck cables, gliding his glossa between the crevices. Bumblebee ran his digits along your chest, rubbing the area before moving further down to your interface panel. You gasped at the feeling of a much colder substance dripping down onto your body, a familiar sound of the bottle running low. The scout fluttered the doors on his back, excited about the new experience of foreplay. Without missing a beat the yellow scout began to lap at the sweet substance dripping down along your frame, his audials tingled at the sounds coming from your intake.
"You're so beautiful," his vocals shook with the cybertronian, as he gently ran his digits skillfully across your body. You bit back a moan feeling the mech begin to suck on the honey that dripped down your body, knowing the places that drove you the craziest. After a few more minutes he laid you against your berth, drizzling another bottle against your interface plate. The feeling of the substance made you arch your back, a chill running up your spine. Bumblebee glanced up at you with a smile, gently running his glossa along your plate allowing himself to enjoy the taste.
"Bee, p-please..." your voice trembled with want, allowing your code piece to slide back not caring if your body was sticky after this. The yellow mech could be heard chuckling, gently drizzling the honey over your folds gently rubbing it along the plush flesh. You offlined your optics feeling the mech begin to suck against the folds, running his glossa skillfully against your node. The grip you had on the sheets tightened as the mech lightly grazed his denta against the node, along with the outer folds. You could feel the urge to lubricate as the mech sucked harder against your node, now using his digits to slip into you adding more pleasure. The knot in your lower tank began to heat, sending your helm back in pleasure as the transfluids were rushed into the mechs intake. You could hear your fans kick in trying to cool down your over heated form. The overload sent a tingle up the mechs back, at the taste of your fluids and honey. The feeling of his spike pressing annoyingly against his own interface plate.
"Your turn," his vocals shook with a bit of lust and his usual playful tone, sitting himself up on your berth. You positioned yourself between the mechs legs, he didn't wait for your permission slipping off the code piece. The embarrassment within your body filled as you gently drizzled the golden liquid on the tip of his spike, hearing his metallic body shiver from the feeling. You wasted no time in licking up the base of his spike, the golden liquid tingled your glossa with its sweet taste. The few sound that left the mech were encouraging your movements, allowing his spike to hit the back of your intake. You swirled your glossa against the tip, sucking long and hard with a moan.
"F-Frag...(y/n)" the mech moaned, shoving your helm down on his spike with a needy thrust. You gagged at the feeling, but readied yourself for the continuous punishment of his spike thrust into your intake. Bumblebee shook beneath you, trying his best to not overload to fast not wanting the feeling to end so soon. You could hear the familiar sound of his fans kick in, as he shoved the full length of his spike deep within your intake letting out a few beeps and whirls. The taste of his overload mixed with the honey had a pleasant taste, trying your best to swallow the load going as far to suck the tip of left over juices.
Bumblebee struggled to contain his cooling systems, hoping he wouldn't over heat from his overload. The yellow mech pulled you close to him, his body made an audible sticky sound as he snuggled your neckcables. You moaned in discomfort, trying to pull away to go wash yourself off. Until you could feel the mechs spike gently graze against your sticky entrance, gently running the tip between the folds with a desperate few beeps and whirls. The overwhelming feeling of him stretching out your walls left you clinging to his form for support, cringing at the feeling knowing it's been awhile since you two interfaced. Bumblebees engine revved with a purr moving his hips back and forth in desperate movements, trying to hit a certain spot within you. You dig your digits into his back struts, gasping in pleasure as he hit a sensitive spot against your walls. He increased the pace ramming into you with a force that sent you into a moaning mess, drool beginning to drizzle down your chin. Bumblebee clenched your aft bouncing you up and down on his spike with his trusts, the feeling of your walls tightening proved you'd soon overload.
"Bumblebee-I'm going to-o-overload." Your vocals shook as your legs trembled, overloading hard against the mech. You struggled to get his transfluids deep within you. The mech helped by pushing you down, engulfing his spike with your valve. After some time of cooling off, you sat up with a shaky sigh stumbling to get clean. Bee chuckled at your tired behavior, allowing himself to stand as well trying to help you along.


Hopefully this was ok, I felt since their way bigger they'd use a lot more than a human would! So that's why there are multiple bottles, hope that makes sense.

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