TFP: Predaking/Orion Pax/Megatronus x Predacon!Reader

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Requested by: @DragonQueenPrime
Description: So, the beginning takes place during the Great Cataclysm when the Predacons went extinct. The reader was saved by Primus for a certain purpose he seen within them, but as time went by reader got lonely so he allowed them to return to the Cybertron. Enjoy!


You quickly gathered the youngling, carrying him between your denta trying to help Predaking as much as you could. The mech rushed to guide other predacons underground to shield them.
The time was just before the sun was setting when the large fireballs fell from the sky. Predaking was the first to take control and try to lead the families to safety, and everyone followed. Of course you were worried for the cybertronians as well, although Predaking said they wouldn't do the same. Such a thing made you want to help them more, you did manage to save most of their young then came back to help. Even though they were worried you'd eat their young, you may be a predacon but you didn't believe in doing such a thing as others had.
You growled flying passed a few fireballs, stumbling forward to barely dodge another. The youngling within your grasp began to cry for his birth giver, you tried to calm his nerves running forward toward the other den. Your hind legs and wings ached from all the running and flying, having to collect many of the younglings running around. While in thought you slammed into a large black and dark red mech, stumbling back to growl getting in a fighting position to protect the youngling that was still in between your fangs. You let your body relax as the familiar feeling of wings hovering over you, blocking rock debre from the comets.
"Hurry (y/n), we must make sure these young ones are safe." You nodded your helm gently placing the young predacon down, watching him run toward his mother nuzzling into her chassis. Being ushered into the den, staring back at the world crumbling around you. You nuzzled close to your friend, scared for your lives. The mech stiffened before allowing himself to cuddle you, his muzzle behind your audials in a comforting manner.
Predaking began to think of you, in his vivid flashback before all of this. He remembered the cocky vocals of you being so excited to be able to challenge him. Of course you were smaller and slimmer that him, the chances of you winning were less to none. But to watch your smaller frame dodge his every move, swinging your tail into his helm with a new found strength. The mech couldn't help but fall for you more, but none of you could've predicted this. He wished he had more time to spend with you. He wished he could've confessed instead of hiding his feelings, maybe then he would've enjoyed more out of his cycles.
"Predaking... I'm scared." He heard your scared vocals, gently licking your helm nuzzling you closer to his chassis. The predacons bright yellow optics offlined, letting out a shaky chuckle at his broken decision.
"Do not be afraid my dear, I am with you here and now. Even if our time was short I'm glad to have spent it with you, my... friend." He choked out the last bit, feeling foolish for not being able to confess as the radiation began to effect each of your forms. You nodded lubricants falling from your (f/c) optics letting out a raspy whimper, at the feeling of your body breaking down trying to stay online. Hearing your spark pulse with pain, and the aches against your back struts burned, the overwhelming feeling of emotions filled your processor. The last thing in your helm was the only close friend you had, knowing you'd never be able to see him again.

Instead of black clouding your vision all you could see was white, stumbling around trying to look for any other predacon or even cybertronian. You could feel your body move forward trying to reach out for anyone as your cries of pain filled the white void.
"Predaking? Anyone? Where am I!? S-Someone help me!?" You couldn't hear the rumble of your growling voice, it was instead replaced with a cybertronians. Stumbling forward landing on your knees, staring at your servos that were once claws. You began to question existence itself, staring at your new body realizing you were now a cybertronian. The cries and wails of agony flooded around you, realizing just how badly your spark ached.
"Do not cry, you are okay my child." You could hear the overpowering voice of another cybertronian, your cries dimmed down to hiccups. Glancing up to be met with four large figures, but none of them seemed to be the source of the voice you had heard. Your pain was eased to a peaceful feeling, wiping away the lubricants and standing onto your pedes staring up at the figures.
"W-Who are you?" Your voice shook from nervousness, realizing just how much taller they were from your form. The sudden feeling of many emotions flooded your helm, just as it had before you perished. Instead of them speaking you could hear the familiar voice of the mech from before,
"I go by many names young predacon. The Creator, Cybertronians God of Good, The Master of All Transfomers, I am Day, Midnight, Light. I am Primus, the Good Counterpart of Unicron." You glanced up at the four cybertronians, seeing one glare with its bright blue optics while the others observed. The feeling of your spark beat increasing made you choke back your fears, already knowing who Primus was but these four before you were not known.
You could feel your helm ache with a pain, moving your servo to cup your helm feeling your faceplates cringe realizing you suddenly had knowledge over the Primes. Gently stumbling back at the pain, landing against your aft harshly. A question began to cloud while look up at the Four of many Primes, letting out a shaky sigh looking down.
"W-Why me? What makes me so special, could you not have saved my fellow predacons as well?" You could hear the whispers of the Primes, trying to hear them but they were hushed by the powerful voice of Primus.
"Young one, you are a vital role in the future of Cybertron." The answer didn't satisfy your need for comfort, feeling anger weld within you as you began to crumble under the pressure of it all.
"N-No, I-This can't be! I-I am no one special, I am no Prime nor am I worthy of saving you... I just want to wake up, this has to be a dream a-a trick!" You could feel lubricants brim at the edge of your optics, clenching your aching spark as you hissed in pain trying to stay awake. Just realizing how much it took for you to speak, and to be in the cybertronian form. You growled as you could feel your fang like denta clamp down in pain, your body began to transform back into its predacon form. Your vision was flooded with black dots trying to keep your (f/c) optics online, feeling your wings arch and your tail slam into the invisible ground before offlining.
After you awoke you'd be left alone by Primus, some times the Primes would visit every now an again although one of them didn't like you all that much. You had learned more about Cybertronians as well as your own kind. You learned how to be within the mode of a cybertronian, even though it was hard to maneuver without all fours. Each time you'd revert back to your predacon form you'd think of Predaking, spark broken you'd never see him again. Some days would be amazing, being able to be taught something new but the over whelming feeling of loneliness began to cloud over. And Primus knew this, he didn't have to ask because he knew you'd soon ask to leave to be on Cybertron again.
"Primus, I-I dont think I can take this anymore. I can't stand being alone, you're company is stupendous but I wish to be around my own kind once again." Your voice trembled, scared for asking such a request, but he didnt miss a beat in answering back.
"I have known, and I will allow you to return back to Cybertron. But know that you will be among cybertronians, none of your kind are left. And I am sorry that the Great Cataclysm had taken their sparks, but you will be reunited one day." His voice never changed its tone, realizing just how much you had grown used to it. You nodded still looking into the void, wondering if Cybertron was as beautiful as you'd remembered. The sudden feeling within your spark made you gasp, stumbling back at the feeling. Primus had spoken once more to ease your racing mind,
"You will be working with one of the remaining Primes on Cybertron, Alpha Trion. I know you two have gotten acquainted during your time here, you will be familiarized with the way things function on the New Cybertronians." His voice shook your core as you felt your body burst with more pain, feeling it change back into its predacon form. You could still hear his voice ring in your audials,
"I have been teaching you for this moment young one, I will be watching over you." His vocals sounded muffled, barely hearing him as you felt your body limp.

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