Rescue Bots: Boulder x Reader

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(Don't own photo)
Requested by: @autobotfan02
Description: Rescue Bots Boulder!! Big green bot just falls in love with the reader, even though he knows it's probably not right. But he does ends up revealing himself when he saves the reader, it was a good call and now he can freely speak to them now! Enjoy..?


He always had a fascination with earth and it's inhabitants, even though it was limited to Griffin Rock he didn't mind. Boulder loved everything about the island, and all the people on it but it's changed the day he met you. You may not be from Griffin Rock but anytime you came to visit he couldn't help but feel this ache in his spark. The inspiration for his art pieces had come from you, like the new garden of flowers. For some odd reason the world seemed to brighten up, such as the blue skies that reflected your personality, the gentle breeze that could carry your pleasant scent his way, even the gentle thump of the rain against his windows could be your voice tingling his audials. Boulder didn't dare mention the feelings he felt for you, he was afraid it would bring more harm than good. After touching a bit on it with his Leader, Heatwave was against it saying it would endanger their mission. But no matter how hard he tried to hide it, he knew you were meant to be his, and he was meant to be yours. His silent feelings toward you rose once he found out you decided to move to Griffin Rock.
On that faithful day he was asked by Chief Burns to help with your move in, of course he instantly agreed. Boulder found out just how much you two had in common, and your need to show people just how grateful you are for them. The first words you ever spoke to him were simple, yet made his whole spark send a pulse of energy through his metallic body.
"I know Graham, but please allow your Lime green bot to accept this token of my appreciation! It's the least you two can accept, until I can afford something better."
His spark soared at the little car freshener you gave him, it was also his favorite scent of flowers. And the cute picture of you, Cheif Burns, Cody, Danielle and Kade, he was hoping to keep it inside his glove box but it didn't end that way. Slowly over time he got more attached to you. Some days he'd take longer routes just to see you water the flowers in your yard, or even get a glimpse of you in your living room dancing along to your favorite music.

Today was a very special day though. Boulder and the team would be going out to a celebration. They had to accompany the party due to the fire that was being lighted, the bots had no clue what it was for but were still happy to come along for the experience. Boulder was more than excited to go, after hearing you were going to be their. He was always curious how you were around people besides Burns, him and the other bots. Usually around the Burns you'd be outgoing, being an older sister to the kids and being a good friend of the chief. Around the bots you'd talk to them about the Burns, and how happy they seemed to be working with them. He had yet to learn about your pasts, but he more than adored the you now.

His orange optics scanned your form once again, he couldn't help but be captivated by your beauty. The way your (h/c) hair swayed and your beautiful (e/c) eyes sparkling in the moonlight, along with the semi-dress-up clothes that hugged your body in all the right places. The green mech was brought out of his thoughts by the nudge to his shoulder plate,
"Boulder, stop staring." Heatwave had a teasing tone in his vocals, knowing full well what the mech was doing.
"I can't help it, have you seen a human with such beauty?" Boulder's vocals shook in an exciting tone still staring at your now dancing form. The mechs metallic body tingled in an amazing way as a chill also went up his back struts, not bothered at his team mates whispering at his behavior.
"I know (y/n)'s been around ever since we got here, but we can't reveal ourselves. We'd fail our mission if (y/n) ran and told everyone." Heatwave bubbled up in a bit of anger, glancing over at the gawking green bot. Boulder could barely hear his leader at the sound of your laughter bouncing off the forest trees, and into his audio receptors with a pleasant ring.
"(Y/n) is more than that, other humans can't begin to compare to that exquisite outer layer. And as much as I love the outer layer, I'd love to get to know the interior-" Boulder quickly went back to his still body, looking straight ahead to keep up the act as Kade and you walked toward Heatwave.

The familiar cold breeze made Kade bring over a jacket to drape over your shoulders, you gave him a playful nudge.
"Are you the Kade I know? Graham I think we have an imposter." You jokingly whispered the last part toward the young adult, having him chuckle along with your humor. Suddenly the blonde was picked up by the police bot they called Chase.
You were happy they had names for their robots that suited them, although it did make you wonder.
"I will detain the imposter." It's robotic voice rose, as Kade began to struggle within its hold. He spoke a few swear words trying to command the bot to put him down, but it didn't seem to work. Everyone around you began to laugh as you quickly stood up, even though you did joke around a lot you didn't want anyone hurt.
"N-No no, it's okay C-Chase. I was just joking, please set down Kade." You gave an unknowing puppy eyes up at the bot, who quickly set down Kade before moving back to its standing position. Kade gave you a playful glare as he flicked your nose, digging his hands into his pockets.
"I don't need your saving, I'm sure he would've let me back down." Kade voice box rang in a cool tone, leaning against the firework with a stick of his tongue. You rolled your eyes and rubbed your nose at his behavior, until you noticed the firewood beginning to roll. Just as luck would have it they landed right into the fire. Kade was dumbfounded for a few seconds before calling for his bot, which didn't seem to follow his orders well. You didn't waste anytime moving everyone back, hoping the fire wouldn't spread any further than the pit. An odd tingle went up your spine as if someone was watching you, which had been happening throughout the night.
"Way to go Kade!" You could hear the sound of Dani complain snapping you out of your thoughts, before she ran to help you. Slowly the flames found their way to the surrounding trees, the burning heat that radiated from the flames burned against your body. You knew full well the flames only made it to the trees due to a certain platter of food the mayor just so happened to ask for, and the freak out of the people around knocked over the table with the food.
Kade and his bot tried their best to contain the fire, which soon ended up in all the bots helping them. Even in a moment of fear your movements were quick, even for your stature. You told off Charles when he wanted you to leave, so being the stubborn adult you were, you helping as much as you could. It did pay off, doubling the rescue of the few people caught in the middle of the flames. The last little one you carried in your arms, whom had passed out from fear, but just as you reached their parents they awoke as the little family fled to safety. You were so caught up in your own worries for the family you didn't notice the large burning tree breaking to the right of you, the rushing sound of the flames drowned out the snaps it made.
"(Y/n)! Look out!" An unfamiliar voice rose above all the others that called, you looked up to see the flaming tree fall down. You were swiftly covered by a familiar large lime green bot, his orange optics held an odd lubricant in them as he stared down at you. One after the other trees fell onto the bot, it flinched back in pain but it help a gentle smile looking down at you.
"I'm glad you're safe, don't ever scare me like that again (y/n)." His vocals shook in a teasing tone, before letting out a grunt from the amount of pressure on his back struts.
"B-Boulder. I-Are-you're-" you stumbled with your words trying to figure out if you were dreaming, but from the sudden water splashing in your face, you knew you weren't.
Boulder moved from off of you once the others had removed the larger logs, his servo reached out to cup you to check if you were ok. You weren't as surprised at the robots having its own thoughts, but having an explanation would help you out a lot.
"He-They are actually living beings! How did I not know this?" You nervously yelled, crossing your arms at the family you considered yourself apart of. They all nervously looked away, while Charles tried his best to explain it, while you were still held in Boulder's servo.
The ride home was long, and after putting out the fire and making sure everything was cleaned you were exhausted.
You accepted a ride from Boulder since your house wasn't far from the campsite, Graham didn't mind that Boulder wanted to drive you home by himself although it did raise questions among the few who didn't know his feelings toward you.
Boulder preferred to walk with you in his hold, knowing no one would be out this late at night. He also wanted to keep you within his hold, after today's incidents he was nervous to let you go. The walk was silent until you started to get sleepy, then you decided to speak.
"So, I guess your family now?" You tiredly asked, snuggling closer to the metallic palm that was surprisingly comfortable. The sound of the mechs pede steps stopping signaled your nerves to jump,
"I'd prefer friend, and it'll be a start (y/n). I would love to finally get to know you." Boulder smiled down, running his digit along your hair feeling you soft form gently snuggle against his warm touch.


Hopefully this was ok, and sorry it took awhile! I got a bit of writers block lately, and it's starting to tick me off... but as long as this turned out ok I'll be good!

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