Rescue Bots: Chase x Handicap!Chubby!Reader

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Requested by: @TransfomerRouge
Description: Skreeeeeee!! So, Reader finally meets her soulmate, finding out that it was a robotic alien from outer space. But reader could care less, since they waited years to finally meet him and they sure as hell won't turn him down after that long.


"I-It's you... you're my-I can't believe it. You're not even h-human, and your-how is this possible." You could feel your hand grip against the rubber wheel, trying to piece together every moment you had before this encounter. Every day you imagined how this would turn out, how easily you'd hide all your insecurities just to get out and say you found him all on your own. The gentle trickles of rain began to slip down your cheeks, hair beginning to stick to your forehead and the (dress/suit) was becoming damp from the earth scent of rain. Your eyes stared into the glowing yellow hues, hoping to find any sort of emotion within that usually emotionless pit.
He seemed to be doing the same, but the rain thumping against his metal plating didn't help his processing. The large robotic being brought a servo down to you, running it along your hair finding it oddly comforting at how warm he was. Every ounce of wonder and pain began to trickle down your face in hot tears, hoping the observant robot wouldn't figure out your insecurities so soon. You spent many sleepless nights building your walls, bricking them up to keep out the stares and words of others who thought your condition rendered you useless. The constant pitiful looks and the mumbles of few passer by's,

"Poor thing,"
"Does (s/he) need help?"
"Look at how big (s/he) is, no wonder they need a wheelchair."
"People like that should just stay inside."
"Not being able to walk is like not being human at all."
Your head throbbed with the constant chatter, only when you felt yourself being lifted did the words stop. The robotics yellow optics didn't show any emotion, nor did his facial expression. Your fears drifted away as its larger robotic hand held you ever so gently, as if you'd break if he wasn't careful. He slowly but surly brought you up to its face, the rains gentle rumble of thunder played in the background. Each passing second you realized just how handsome it looked, even being a robot it still had its own unique handsome face.

"Oh, how much it means to finally meet you. My spark drips with enough energon to travel to Cybertron and back, eons without ever knowing the comfort of a mate and here I stand before you. You are not the soulmate I envisioned, but that does not make you less of a perfect being." His monotone voice brought another odd wave of comfort, realizing he spoke a truth you felt too.

This larger metallic being was not of your envisions either, but to finally be close to such a life waiting moment was all you could ask for. The distance cracks of thunder suddenly stopped, even the gentle tapping of rain began to cease. You leaned over to gently place a hand against the smooth, warm metal plating of his face. Within seconds he had melted into your touch, ever so slightly tilting his helm to indulge in its comforting warmth. The nagging feeling to kiss him was overpowering but without the means to move closer you were stuck in a standstill.
He couldn't bring himself to smile, afraid all of his human practices weren't going to suit the situation. All the larger mech could do was watch as your eyes began to tear up again, the salty tears began to mix with the rain that he almost forgot about. His optics scanned you over, noticing your plush curves being hugged by the fabrics of your (dress/suit). The more he looked you over the more he found you ravishing, your plush body was what made him more so weak. Never had he thought of a human in such a way, his processor ran to so many things he's researched and how delicate you may be.

"I remember the first time I heard you sing, it was the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. Right when I awoke from stasis you were already singing, it was the best moment of my first cycle on earth." The mech gently placed his forehelm against your own, allowing his breath to produce soft steam into the chilled air.

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