TFP: Wheeljack x Hanahaki Diseased!Reader

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(Don't own photo)
Requested by: @Preatty_Chill
Description: Hanahaki is a fictional Disease! Also I did edit this a lot, so sorry for the typos and shiz, hope you like it though!!

Edited: April 28, 2022


This had been going on for since you woke up, it first started off as a simple cough. The constant itching in your throat had made you assume it was a cold. You'd contained yourself within your own bedroom, hoping this cold would pass over within a few days. Sadly that did not happen, instead you were still feeling that itching feeling in your throat. The constant grunts and attempts to clear your air way never seemed to work. You couldn't stay inside forever like you hoped, not when a pink piggy tailed dare devil nearly broke down your door. Miko had literally dragged you into a large green vehicle that had taken you to a familiar bunker just out of town.

It was difficult to keep your constant throat clearing to a minimum especially when every bot and human were around, asking you questions about your absence. However you were surprised to still see a certain grey wrecker beside the medic Ratchet. You had mixed emotions looking at the grey bot, even though there was a burning sensation in your throat once again. It was much more difficult to breathe the longer you looked at him. Your heart had been caught in your throat as you tried your best to repress a cough. Finally taking your eyes off the grey bot you quietly made your way toward the bathroom, hoping no one would stop you on the way there. However your hopes were lost when you were abruptly stopped by a large metal hand coming down to scoop you up.

"Well well well, if it isn't my favorite meat sack." His voice sounded silky smooth, just as you had remembered the last time he was here.

"O-Oh hey WheelJack..." You were completely entranced with the ocean blue optics that peered into your (e/c) eyes, and you swore your heart would've stop if he kept that smirk plastered on his face.

Just as quickly as your admiration for the bot surfaced it quickly died down. Your head was pounding along with your heart. It was nearly missed if you hadn't felt the hot breeze grace your body, the slightly smell of oil and dirt filled your lungs before you coughed harshly into your balled fist. It wasn't hard to miss the relief in your once itchy throat as something was cleared from your airway. The look of concern on his grey features didn't go unnoticed as you quickly hid the slimy dark pink petal that had just been dislodged from your throat.

"Are you alright kid?" His voice was completely laced with concern, something that you still couldn't get used too.

Instead of speaking you nodded, trying your best to keep a smile. It was getting difficult to breathe once again, and you tried your best to keep the sudden urge to cough down again. He didn't seem to notice only giving you his prized smile, walking with you in his palm as he told you about his whereabouts. It went like that the rest of the day, no matter how hard it was to keep your distance from everyone, especially him, they never seemed to let up.

It had been only a few days of going back and forth to base, it became apparent to you that it acted up even more when you were at base. WheelJack was surprisingly still present, which was odd considering he'd usually stay for a few days. Bulkhead didn't seem to mind though, having his best friend felt like a much needed distraction. There had been little to no Decepticon activity, which was rare and everyone was enjoying the time they had to breathe although it did raise a few red flags amongst the Autobot leader.

You noticed immediately that WheelJack would spend just as much time with you as possible, after you work shift he'd be right outside waiting for you and after your classes he'd be waiting outside too. It wasn't a secret you had a crush on the cocky bot, but it did come as a surprise he had no idea about it. You however did notice his liking toward the medic, which did rub you the wrong way. But you weren't one to judge when it came to people's love interests, especially since you yourself were in love with a mechanical alien robot from another planet... so a male trying to woo another male was something you couldn't judge. It did make you jealous though, especially when you were right in between the two.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2022 ⏰

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