Rescue Bot Team x Short!Autobot!Reader

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(Don't own photo)
Requested by: @KitsuneEclipse
Description: Just a shortie visiting the Rescue Bots at the Firehouse, and spending some time with them. Takes place after they reveal themselves! Enjoy..!?


You clenched tightly against the child in your servo, his blonde hair drooping from the water he was once suffocating in.
"Are you alright?" Your vocals shook with worry, clenching the sparkling like human close to your chest. Cody gave a soft laugh at your gentle behavior, patting your servo with a smile.
"I'm fine (y/n), I'm not in any danger it's fine." Cody moved to crawl from your servo but you gave him a nervous stare, gently moving to sit beside the large rectangular pool of water. Your servo moved to gently place the human mech down, watching as he floated in the water. The human began to swim in the pool, splashing at your sitting form obviously trying to provoke something from you.
"I still do not understand these human concepts." Your (f/c) optics moved to glance up at a blue police bot, his own optics gave you a quick side glance.
"Humans are unpredictable, but are quite fascinating. Cody is a good teacher and I'm sure you will grow to enjoy them." Chase gave a gentle smile, he acted way different from what Blurr describe him as. You moved to glance around the pool party,
"Neither of you are what I expected. Blurr gave an overdramatic explanation about you and these life forms, and Salvage was explaining more about the amazing things he could build out of the waste on this planet." The water once again soaked your form, as Cody and Danielle laughed at your surprised expression. Chief Burns even threw another water filled elastic at you, they seemed to enjoy the sport.
"Is it legal to be assaulted with these, um water balloons?" You gave Chase another look, standing to grab a small squishy ball that fit snuggly between your index and thumb digit. The blue police bot nodded his helm, lifting up a servo full of water balloons and gave a gentle movement to show he was demonstrating.
"Boulder!" The monotone mechs vocals held an odd playful tone, that caused you to smile at his gleaming orange optics. In once swift motion the large green construction bot was soaked from helm to pede in water, a few of the elastics stuck to his body.
"By the allspark Chase! You startled me." The other human Graham beside him was also soaked in water, his light brown hair sticking to his forehead.
"See, There is no harm done. But with humans it is best to avoid certain areas, such as the face and pelvis area." Chase moved to motion toward the two areas, before giving a playful chuckle. His orange optics read what he wanted you to do,
"Give it a try," he moved away, standing quietly to watch your movements. Your optics gazed along the helms and faces, noticing a grumpy looking firetruck bot in the corner. You gave a playful chuckle aiming, then throwing the one water filled ballon to slam into the red mechs faceplating. Heatwave let out a surprised yelp, falling away from his leaning position. The onlookers let out a gasp, their eyes and optics filling with surprise at your horrible choice on who to throw the ballon at. The red mech stood up with a deep growl, sending a noticeable chill down your spin.
"Who threw that?" His vocals shook against your audials, making your tanks rumbled with a small chuckle that soon turned into a full laugh.
"(Y/n)!" Your body jolted from the amount of fear welding within your metallic body. Heatwave stood a helm and a half taller than you, his optics glowed with anger as he loomed over you. The look on his faceplates were of true fury, as the others around you moved back in fear while you stood defenseless in front of the Leader. Your optics widened as you were quickly coated in water. Heatwaves vicious look was now a more than playful gleam, his dermas opened as a laugh erupted from deep within his intake. The mech held a handful of water balloons,
"Come on shorty, if you can't finish a fight you started how am I supposed to believe you fought alongside Optimus Prime!" Heatwave moved to throw a few more at you, causing your reflexes to kick in dodging the few that were headed toward you. You swiftly slammed your pede against Heatwave's back heel, watching as he fell to the floor shaking the ground around you. The water balloons within his grasp were already coating his form, while he was trying to recover you moved to grab a large bucket, dumping out it contents before scooping up the chemical water. The Rescue Bot leader tried to process the moment only hearing the howling laughter of his human companion, as you very gently placed the bucket over his helm.
"Your tail pipe just got kicked by a bot shorter than you! You and Quickshadow's fights can't compare to this one!" Kade's laughter only caused Heatwave to roughly throw a stray water balloon and surprisingly hitting his face, causing the older human mech to stumble back into the pool. You gave a nervous smile, moving to help Heatwave while removing the bucket. An odd feeling welded in your body at the teams laughter filling your audials, some unknown force caused you to chuckle along with them. Heatwave gripped your servo to get your attention, you quickly pulling away realizing what happened.
"You're pretty fast, I can see why you worked with Optimus." Heatwave gently placed a servo against your helm, rubbing gently along the metal. You thanked the Primes no one was paying much attention as you swatted at his servo, realizing he wasn't anything to the way Quickshadow describe him as. The familiar rotors turning caused you to look up, glancing over to see Blades. He tranforomed and quickly lifted you into a hug.
"You're finally here! Bumblebee told me so much about you, I'm glad you're staying a few days." Blades vocals rang happily, as he quickly set you down pulling out a list from his compartment.
"Don't worry! I have everything planned all the activities and such, isn't this exciting!" Blades moved to lift you again but Heatwave scoffed, moving to block the mech.
"Blades, don't you think that's going overboard? You did the same thing when Bumblebee came here, and it didn't end to well." Your optics widened, remembering a time when Bee was coated in a random assortment of colors from helm to pedes.
"I'd say he had the time of his cycles, I just want to spend some time with (y/n)!" Blades gave Heatwave the best pleading look he could give, inching closer to you with a hopeful hum.
"I'm okay with that Blades, I hope it's something we can all do. I would love to get to know you all more," your vocals shook in a happy chirp, leaning into the side hug Blades gave. He looked over the list letting out a hum of wonder, his orange optics went to Heatwave and the others behind him.
"Well, I'm sure going to the Arcade after this would be fun! Then we can go see a movie at the drive in theater, or at the firehouse and maybe go out and enjoy Earths nature!" The orange and white helicopter moved to lift your smaller form up, doing one of the few things Bee liked to do.
"I'm not a princess/prince! Stop spinning me!" Your vocals shook, holding on for dear life.

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