TFP: Ratchet x Old!Femme!Reader

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(Don't own photo)
Requested by: @autobotfan02
Description: Another request! It's kind of sad, but I followed through with the request a bit. The Reader lost her sparkmate and uh, yeah it's just sad. I didn't want the reader to be always sad but they have their moments. Hopefully you can follow the story! Enjoy.


You took in the fresh air of the planet around you, the beautiful grass, that wasn't smashed by your landing, underneath your pedes. The sweet scent of rain and flowers, and the rushing of a near by river. You looked up at the clouded sky that gave a dreary mood to the setting around you, the small clank of rain hitting your metallic body was calming. You let out a sigh stretching, looking inside your pod erasing any files about your designation. The sound of a ground bridge opening filled your audials, you quickly tinkered with the stasis pod and swiftly hid behind it. The ground bridge portal closed, a few bots could be seen. You took a deep breath in, transforming your forearms into blasters while hearing the foot steps of the cybertronians coming closer. You didn't know if they were Decepticon or Autobot, you prayed to Primus that you would be able to take them all. You heard three voices talking,
"The pods empty!" A young femme voice could be heard, you could hear them coming in closer to the pod.
"Where could they have gone?" There was an older huskier voice, it made your body stiffen as it reminded you of someone you shouldn't be remembering at the moment. Not letting your emotions get the best of you, you waited patiently,
"I will go look around, you two stay here and check for any sign of where they may have gone." The booming voice of a Leader filled your audials, you waited until said Leaders foot steps were unheard. You glanced out from behind, noticing one of them was inside the pod looking. You slammed your fist into the side of the pod hearing the door slide shut locking the bot inside, you sprung from out behind the pod running for the other bot. You slammed your small frame into their larger bulkier one hearing a grunt from the mech, you pushed your blaster into his helm glancing back at the pod seeing a blue femme banging on the door.
"Where am I?!" You stared back to the mech glaring into his blue optics with your own (f/c) optics, you could see a shocked expression on his face.
"Y-You-" the mechs voice faultered as he tried to glare back up at you, but his voice was cut short by the familiar Leader like voice.
"Calm dow-" you blasted beside you, hearing the sizzle of where it hit the ground near the Leaders pedes,
"I want answers now, or I'll rip all your sparks out." Your voice was low, as you still stared at the mech beneath you. There was a long pause until the leader spoke, his voice shocked,
"(Y-y/n)... is that really you?" Your audials fuzzed, you glanced back seeing the familiar blue and red color scheme of the Autobot Leader.
"O-Optimus!" You sprung from off the bots chasis running into the Leaders, you felt a genuine happiness and it felt to good to be true. The leader wrapped his own servos around your form,
"It has been a long time, I was worried for you." His voice sounded broken which made you glance up feeling sadness plague your happy mood, you looked back watching the orange and white mech open the stasis pod letting out the blue and black femme. You could feel her glare on you, you didn't bother to say anything already feeling like it was a mistake. But she walked over to you and her steal like gaze reminded you of your own, you stood your ground knowing you may be about her height but you knew better than to show you were weak.
"I'm Arcee, any friend of Optimus is a friend of mine. I've heard about you, I just didn't know you were a bit of a trickster." You glanced up at the Leader and at the Arcee,
"I can see you've been busy Optimus." You gave a playful wink, Optimus stiffened shaking his helm while Arcee tried to stop herself from stuttering at your words. You let out a laugh that you thought you'd lost long ago,
"I'm just kidding you two!" You felt Optimus smile at your happy composure, you felt a tingly sensation go down your body looking over at the what you assumed to be medic. He had a device in his hands looking at you vitals, he glanced back up at you then looking away.
"You seem to have no injuries, but I do recommend getting some rest." You felt your happy mood change into one of annoyance, hearing his voice brought your thoughts from before back. You let out a sigh looking up at Optimus then down and back up,
"So... are we just going to stand here or are we going to your base? I would love to meet the rest of your team." Optimus spoke into his comm and once he was done a space bridge opened, you walked beside Optimus giving a nudge to his shoulder plating while glancing back at Arcee.
"Woah! Who's this!? You look so cool, look at your (f/c) color scheme!" You looked over from out of the ground bridge toward the side seeing three weird figures, you leaned down to them,
"Oh I know! Are these the natives to this planet Earth?" You optics sparkled with wonder looking at them, they seemed to gawk at your happy composure and you were even surprised at it.
"As clever as ever (y/n), these are humans they come in all shapes and sizes but they do age differently" Optimus looked down at you, you gently held out your servo.
"Just like big guy said, I'm (y/n) it's so nice to meet you!" Your voice was filled with enthusiasm as your glowing (f/c) optics glowed brightly.
"I'm Miko!" You looked down at the young femme who had her hair done up in two piggy tails and a pink strand of hair, you smiled noticing she seemed just like you when you were younger.
"This is Raphael, we call him Raph for short!" You noticed the shorter mech human with glasses, he reminded you of a sparkling. Then you looked at the taller mech like human,
"And I'm Jack, it's a pleasure to meet you (y/n)." You smiled down at him, his composure reminded you much of someone you shouldn't have thought about. You felt your smile weaken, then you thought about asking them questions but of course asking how they reproduce is considered impolite, you decided to do your own research on it later.
You looked up at the green bulky mech in front of you,
"Hello, I'm uh Bulkhead." You nodded walking around him taking in information as you went, their was a yellow bot who walked up to you, and he spoke in Cybertronian.
"Hello! It's nice to meet you (y/n) I never thought I'd see you! The names Bumblebee." You nodded at the scout, taking in the information that he was the one who had his voice box torn from a Large grey mech you refused to picture any longer. You gently embraced him feeling a pain weld within you, when you pulled away you were taken by the Leader to the consoles seeing the familiar white and orange medic.
"So... what's your name?" You didn't want to ask already fearing his voice,
"Ratchet." He didn't look from the console which made you feel better knowing you didn't have to look into his optics,
"Don't worry Ratchet is usually a grumpy grandpa," you felt your helm tilt,
"Grandpa? What is that." You heard the trio of humans laugh,
"It means someone who's old" you felt a ping of sadness, slouching and looking at them, your optics changed in size while doing it,
"So I am a grandpa?" You watched them burst into laughter except for Jack who only chuckled before explaining,
"you would be a grandma, pa means man or dad, ma mean female or mom. And grand... I have no idea but you get it?" You nodded taking in the informations, until Miko jumped up looking at you,
"How old are you? You don't look that old!" You felt a blush form on your cheek plating,
"I'm actually maybe the same age as Ratchet, maybe a bit older." Mikos mouth dropped, looking at you then at Ratchet.
"Wow, so Ratchet is really just mean! Not just from age! But you're so sweet, and very beautiful!" Your blush darkened shaking your helm, not noticing all the optics on you, everyone was taking in information about you now. Suddenly Miko broke the silence again,
"So, have you had a husband or the equivalent to one? Seeing as how old you are your must've had a few lovers." The word husband rang a bell and the lovers made your spark break, your happy blushing composure changed in an instant, your voice became cold while you stared blankly down at them.
"That's none of your business human." You caught yourself mid sentence shaking your helm, you glanced around seeing everyone's shocked optics on you. You felt a ping of annoyance and sadness, feeling lubricants brim the edge of your optics,
"I-I-I'm sorry I don't-" you felt a servo land on your shoulder, Optimus had an all knowing look.
"Why don't I take you to your new room, I'm sure you'll find it most comfortable." You nodded, walking down the hallway while Optimus tried to comfort you anyway he could.
"Wow, just like that." Miko snapped her fingers, she sunk back feeling bad,
"You struck a nerve Miko, thats why you don't just burst out like that!" Raph scolded, Jack glanced to where you once stood,
"I hope she'll be okay, I could tell she's in a lot of pain." Miko nodded. Everyone went back to their business except the orange and white medic, who couldn't help but be more intrigued by you.
"I fear you blame me for his offlining... I was the one who lead them to battle." You shook your helm, glancing around the room.
"No no, It was no ones fault. This war is to blame, so much energon and chaos." You flopped onto the berth, letting out a yawn. Optimus walked toward the door clicking it open, you looked over at him and gave a weak smile,
"Thanks you for everything." Optimus nodded him helm and waved before gently shutting the door, you sat silently letting the lubricants slip down your faceplates. Your servo covered your face shielding your shame, you wanted desperately to forget this pain you've felt for so long. You laid silently crying for hours until you finally dozed off, hearing a few laughs from the main room that brought your own smile, relieved to be with allies.

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