Team Prime x Child!Reader

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(Don't own photo)
Requested by: @Thelogicalbean
Description: Team Prime!!! Not gonna spoil this super small part, so enjoy!!


Miko laughed at your smaller form as both of your hands ran along the wall with calked hands. Her smile never left as you drew your favorite animals and random doodles, but her careless behavior was quickly noticed by the smaller but older boy coming up the stairs.

"No, no! (Y/n)! Miko!!" Rafael lifted you from off the ground, your whines and attempts to free yourself made him stumble back and onto the floor.
Miko laughed aloud at Raf's failed attempt to stop you but was quickly cut off by an overdramatic groan from behind her. The black haired teen glanced back to see Ratchet shaking with anger, both of his servos lifted as he turned to glare at the children.

"Can you tone it down, I am trying to focus!" Ratchet grumbled more cybertronian curses as he moved to go back to the computer panel, both servos harshly tapping away.
But just as he started there was a loud giggle, which had sent him into another grumpy mess as he moved his helm over to glare at Miko. Miko had a surprised look, obviously offended at Ratchet for thinking it was her.

"What!? It wasn't me, it was (y/n)!" Just as she spoke you had let out another giggle, both hands reaching out to Ratchet as he finally noticed your smaller form standing along the couch.
Your giggles became louder as Ratchet scoffed to turn away but the sound of you trying to call for him caused his circuits to stall. The three had their own astonished looks as you tried again to say, assumably, his name but it wasn't at all what they expected.

"A-affer bur-mer!" Your tiny voice using a new cybertronian curse caused the trio to gasp, Rafael glaring at Ratchet, who tried to not to blow a fuse over how easily he forgot you were still a child, while Miko began to laugh again at your small voice repeating it over and over,

"Ratchet! You're not supposed to curse around children, (s/he)'ll repeat it back!!" Raf sighed deeply already having dealt with you cursing from a few months ago, he was hoping to not deal with it again. Ratchet tried to keep his cool by grumping a small apology while glare at your smaller form, and how oddly adorable it was to hear your small voice.
Raf quickly moved to cover your mouth with his smaller hand, obviously feeling like the only responsible adult. Just before Raf could continue to chew Ratchet and Miko out, the sudden sound of Optimus' voice chimed in through the comm.

"Ratchet, we need an immediate ground bridge. Please prepare the medbay." Just as his voice stopped you were already trying to move toward the stairs, both hands slapping and pushing Rafael's hands away.
Everyone knew that you, much like every else, enjoyed Optimus Prime. He had such a calming nature over a child like yourself that you couldn't possibly get from anyone else, at least that's what they thought your tiny reasonings were.
Your whines and cries began to grow at the tight grip around your small body, Raf had held you close to his own so you couldn't hurt yourself going down the stairs like you had at some point.

"No, (y/n) calm down! You need to wait for Optimus and the others," Rafael could feel you being pulled away from his arms by Miko, who had lifted you much farther than Rafael could. Her big smile proved she had something up her sleeve,

"Come on kiddie, do you wanna see Optimus? Arcee? Bumblebee? I'm sure you'd much rather see Bulk!" Miko moved toward the edge of the railing and set your down along it, while both of her hands fit tightly and snuggly around your stomach to keep you from falling.
Her words had somehow calmed you down more than Raf, which made him a bit offended since he was the one to keep you out of harms way.
There was a loud swoosh that caught everyone but Ratchets attention. Ratchet moving toward the portal to make sure everyone was okay.
There was a long pause before the four bots emerged, Arcee being held up by Bee and Bulk who had their own wounds to deal with also.

"Opimoos! Bucky! B! Ceecee!" Your small voice brought a small smile along the fours faces, especially Arcee, who had lifted her head to smile at you.
Her smile didn't last long as she flinched in pain from her side hurting to much, already seeing her blood trickle onto the floor.

"What happened?" Ratchet was quick to move Arcee along the medical berth, while setting the others down so they could rest up while he did a scan over them. You were trying to reach out to Optimus, who was standing the closest to you but Miko pulled you back.

"Buncha cons, we thought we could take em but..." Bulkhead moved his helm away, both of his servo cupped his helm to see if it was even on. The others made no attempt of their own to explain the situation, even Optimus felt bad for leading his team into a battle they couldn't possibly win.
You let out a whine that caused the others to glance over at your small form, your (h/c) hair was in your face as you called for Arcee again. Their was always something between you and Arcee that was so magnetic, and the most surprising part is that she grew on you in a matter of days.

Miko had her own look of sadness as she tried her best to keep you steady in her arms as she made her way down the stairs, nearly toppling over at your constant movements. In a few minutes you were already besides Arcee, who leaned down to scoop you up into her arms as both of her digits moved small strands of hair from your face. You made no attempt to move as you touched along her faceplates, and holding onto her digits with a small giggle.

Ratchet let out a deep sigh, letting his own servos wrap around you to remove you from Arcee.

"Come on (y/n), I need to work." He moved you so you were now in Bee's servos. Bee gave you a small glance before holding you closer, finding a deep comfort in having you within his hold. You didn't seem to mind being held by Bee, but his constant buzzing and beeps usually made you agitated, they assumed it was because you couldn't understand him but they didn't really know.

"I apologize... I should have been more cautious, and that on its own cost us-" Optimus was cut short by you being placed in his servos. Bee didn't say a word as he leaned back to rest his helm while you began to run your hands along the plating of his digits. The Prime glanced down at you, then back up at his team who all held the same look. Bulkhead sighed with a small smile, moving his servo to run along your much smaller head.

"It's alright boss, I think we just need to relax for a few days. We'll get it next time," Bulkhead could hear your small laughter as you swatted at his digits, until Optimus moved to set you back on the floor near Miko. Miko leaned over to fix your hair with a small hair tie while you lazily laid against her chest, both of your hands messed with her shoe laces as you tried to start a conversation which was just your random babbles.

"Don't ya look cute! Kind of wish Jack was here, he's so much better with you." Miko moved to pat some of your hair down before moving to let you stand.
You had started to run up to each bot babbling to them about your day, until Ratchet would take them into the med bay. This went on for some time until you were sitting within Bulkhead's servos, both hands held calk as you drew small circles, hearts, and stick figures.
The wrecker didn't seem to mind, most likely due to not wanting to make you cry for saying no. There was a few moments were you'd ask for his opinion, but not being able to see it he'd just nod his helm with a large smile.

This was a usual day, especially with how easily you could calm down the team after a long mission. They didn't know what they'd do without your small form running around, you were the joy within the chaos and the rainbow after the storm.


Sorry for the super late update ever! I've been super busy with life and shii, ya know how it goes when you're on your last year of highschool in quarantine... maybe some of you know but I really don't wanna do online classes😩

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