Writers Games; Alliances

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The tell-tale click of Occisora's heels announced her arrival in the conference room before any one could see her. "Good morning." She said taking her seat at the head of the table. "Good morning, Ms Crudelis." the people around the table droned in unison. She flashed them a smile.

 "So a new years Hunger Games." She said in a voice like velvet. She waited looking at every one in turn.

 "What have you got planned for this year, Ms Crudelis?" A small woman squeaked.

 Occisora's smile widened, "I'm glad you asked." She rested her elbows on the table putting her fingers together.

 "I have something special planned for this year," he chuckled to herself, "I bet you hear that every year. The jest of what I have planned is as follows, I want them to make alliances."

 She paused waiting for their reactions.

 "But, Ms Crudelis, don't the Tributes always make alliances?" The small woman asked.

 "Not all of them." She said faking disappointment. "This year they will form alliances or they will die." She stood up and walked around the table.

 "They will have to trust each other. To a certain extent." She picked up one of the delicate glasses from the table and turned it in her hand. She squeezed it hard making shattered glass pieces fall to the floor.

 "Trust is such a fragile thing. I want them to form alliances and I want them to break their alliances." She titled her head looking at the shards of glass she still held in her hand. She brushed them from her fingers and continued, "However, on their own they will not be able to survive."

 A lengthy pause hung in the air.

 "How are you planning on achieving this?" A nervous young man asked.

 "For that I have a special arena planned."

 Occisora had always intimidated every person in this room. Her voice was soft and calm and her movements graceful. She was very beautiful and tall. With piercing green eyes that seemed to look right through you.

 Morus Fortibus, however, had never before met this woman and didn't have the same fear as the others did.

 “How is your arena going to be special?” He said. Occisora looked at him as the other people around the table held their breath. Morus held her eyes as so few people did. She considered him for a while longer and looked away. The people exhaled and looked from Morus to Occisora as if at a tennis match.

 “Well, firstly there will be no cornucopia.”

 “Then how will the Tributes get the things they need?” Morus asked. Occisora was not used to people asking her such direct questions.

 “I will decide when and what the Tributes will receive.” She said.

 “That hardly sounds fair.”

 “Every year we send the children of poorest people in our country to fight to the death for our amusement while we sit on our butts safe and wealthy. Fair is not the main aim of the Hunger Games.”

 “What about sponsors?” He asked after a moment of silence.

 “I haven't decided yet.” Occisora said truthfully.

 “And the arena? What is that going to be? Mountains, forest, dessert?”

 “It is going to special. It is going to be different areas where different skills will be tested. Teamwork, individual skills etcetera.”

 “Sounds interesting.”

 “I think I like you...” Occisora trailed off.

 “Morus. Morus Fortibus.”

 “Morus Fortibus,” she tasted the word in her mouth, “Mr. Fortibus will now be my deputy head Gamesmaker.” Occisora said to the people in the room.

 “Come with me Mr. Fortibus, I would like your help to design my arena.”


I was inspired to make this by the wonderful Emlouisaxo so this chapter is dedicated to her. I am sorry, Em, if it seems like I have taken ideas from you, but you are a genius and I look up to you and I am just not as original as you are. *what an asskisser*

Writers Games; AlliancesWhere stories live. Discover now