Ea X Reader X Shin Part 1

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It was a sunny clear day in West City; a city where people shop, eat, do businesses, and so on. Farther away from the city is a building that is where Capsule Corp lies within its own private area, away from the public. Out in the yard, Bulma was working with Ea, the Supreme Kai of Universe 3, on how he can operate a used computer which can help his universe. As she ducted taped the wires together, she presses the power button and it made noises as it opens the screen. The computer screen changes from dark into colorful screen with data typed within. Ea smiles as the computer is working its way through its completion. 

"Oh, wow Bulma, it works!", said Ea with a gleeful smile, "Once I teleport back to Lord Mosco, we can create artificial computers for our research." Bulma nods and was glad that it's working out for the kai. "I'm glad that it's still works after someone throws it out. Anyway, come back when you have further problems", she said and then heads towards the back door to her research lab. "Oh ok. Thank You Bulma! See you soon.", he waved her and unplugged the computer. 

As he places the computer into a box, a figure was standing behind him; then suddenly, it taps Ea's shoulder and he yelped in surprise. He turns around and sees Shin the Supreme Kai from Universe 7. Shin was shocked by Ea's reaction. "Oh my. I'm sorry Ea, I was checking up to see when you're done with your work", shin said as he bowed to him. Ea sighs in relief and says, "Don't worry Shin, I'm actually taking my leave to meet Lord Mosco. Next time, we should have tea time at your planet." Shin nods in agreement and turns around.

As Ea was busy looking at his computer, Shin saw a female figure running from the back door. "Hi Shin!", said the feminine voice which caught Ea's attention. "Hi (y/n)-san!", replied Shin as he waves his hand at her. "Hey Shin, who's...this...", Ea asked until he stops and stares at a pretty young woman running towards them. 

Ea gasps as he sees her shiny aura; She is bursting with pure innocence! This girl's spectacular, everything about her is perfect: Beautiful long (h/c) swaying back and forth, long skinny legs trotting through the grass, curvy hips sways back and forth, her (b/s) are evening jiggling all over the place! But what he loves about her is her pretty face: perfect arched eyebrows, small nose, perfect shade of pink lips, and her beautiful (e/c) shining from the sunshine. As she stops in front of them, Ea realize that she was shorter than him: the girl is a foot shorter, facing his chest. But at least she's taller than Shin's height. 

"I miss you Shin! How are you?", said (y/n)-san and gives him a hug. Shin returns her hug and smiles, "Doing well thank you", and sees Ea's blushing face. Shin went by Ea's side and poke him by the side. "(Y/n)-san, this is my colleague from Universe 3 Ea. Ea, this is my close friend (Y/n)-san", he introduced them to each other. Ea, who was sweating profusely, extends his hand out to the girl. "Ggggoood to meet you", he stutters, and she giggles. "Nice to meet one of Shin's friends", she said and shake his hand. As they touch hands, Ea was shocked how soft they felt against his skin. "Oh kami! You're a goddess!", he accidently said out loud while goggling her. He blushed in embarrassment. 

(Y/n)-san find it cute and chuckles; then giving him a big hug. She really likes him. Ea felt her breasts touching on his chest; he gasps as he felt the two boobs on him, causing him to moan as if he was about to have a nosebleed. After the hug ended, (y/n)-san tip toed and kiss him on the cheek, "I wish I could stay, but I got to get going for work. Hope we can meet again Ea. Bye!", she said and left his side. Ea touch his cheek where she kissed him; his pupils turned into hearts, his lips turn into goofy smile, and his blush turns redder.

Yep, Ea's in love with (y/n)-san and nothings getting in their way; until his eyes sees (y/n)-san kissed Shin's cheek and they hugged each other, seeing his face almost touching her boobs. Ea was shocked and his heart breaks; Ea's eyes turn from love into hatred, his hands clenched into fists, and his smile turns into a frown, gritting his teeth. "Shin...", he whispered in a deep low voice, "How dare you took her away from me!" As (y/n)-san leaves, Shin waves her goodbye and smiles. Shin looks at Ea and looked confused, "What's wrong Ea? Did something happen?", he asked. As Ea stood there, he and Shin look at each other; Ea stares at Shin with angry look.

With karate I'll kick your ass
From here to Tiananmen Square
Oh yeah, motherfucker, I'm gonna kick your fuckin' derriere, yeah, yeah
You broke the rules, now I'll pull out all your pubic hair...
You motherfucker...
You motherfucker...

Ea picks up the box, steps closer to Shin, and said, "If I caught you with (y/n)-san like that again, I will kill you." Then, Ea instantly teleported back to Universe 3. Shin's eyes blinks in confusion, "What I did I do to him?" "And What does (y/n)-san has anything to do with us kais?" Shin then realized that Ea's in love with (y/n)-san and shook his head. "No! He can't be serious about me dead, is he?", he asked himself, "Whatever it is, next time I need to tell him about (y/n)-san and nothing bad happens between us." And so, Shin instantly teleported back to the Sacred World of the Kais; hoping to find a way for Ea to stay away from his close friend.

-To be continued

-The song is called Karate by Tenacious D. Here's the link to their song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kscPFYvliY

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