Grand Priest X Depressed Reader

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This last temporary request is requested by WereAllMadHere1234. I appreciated the hint for the fanfic, but I also alternated the scenes differently because some characters don't work well with secondary characters. Anyway, I'm not sure whatever happened to the Grand Priest's wife but I pretend that she died from overbreeding.

I also like to point out that cutting themselves is the only thing that I'm not doing. Except when accidently cut herself cause relief from pain part. I hope you like this. Please enjoy.

This is from the DB Super manga, like these two images and edit them. It reads "(Y/n)...I love you", then I added -Insert (Y/n) here. I don't own the image of it's original source.

The Grand Priest is the advisor and aid of the Grand Zeno and Future Grand Zeno; he lived happily serving his majesties. For eons, he and his children are angels that are superior and celestial beings with their celestial staffs. They don't age unless they wished to age with their loved ones; however, no angel wants to age as his children are happy serving for the destroyers. For many eons, he felt lonely; being by the Grand Zenos' side and seeing his children once in a while are fine, but he needs is a companion who understands his feelings. But he scoffed to himself, "As if anyone wants to love me", he muttered. "What's that?", asked the Grand Zeno. "Yes, what is it?", asked the Future Grand Zeno.  He holds his hands up, waving, looking embarrassed, "Nothing Sires, just talking to myself', the Grand Priest replied. "AWE BUT WE NEED TO KNOW!", exclaimed Grand Zeno, tugging his arm. "PLEASE!!", begged Future Grand Zeno tugging his other arm. "TELL US!!", they both exclaimed, child like and innocent. He chuckled, cannot hide it from them, even they cared for their angel's happiness. "Alright Sires, I'll tell you", he was about to speak until his staff glowed, sounding it's alert. "Oh? Who could that be?", Grand Priest asked, picking up his staff.

            He smiled, seeing Goku; but then he noticed a pretty girl next to the warrior. "Who is it?", asked Grand Zeno. "Yes, Who is it?", Future Grand Zeno asked. "It seems Goku's here. And he brought a friend with him", Grand Priest answered, showing the Omni-Kings the image of Goku and the girl outside the palace. "Well bring them in!", exclaimed Grand Zeno. "Yes, bring them in!", exclaimed Future Grand Zeno. He smiled, "As you wish sires", then he instantly teleported outside the palace. Goku blinks and notice the angel, "Yo! Wass up Grand Priest?" The Grand Priest sighed, smiled sadly while shaking his head, "Doing well Goku." He noticed the girl up closer. She's (height), skinny, (hair style)(hair color) hair, (color) eyes, (skin color), even her face is (color). She wears nothing but black turtle neck sweater shirt, black skirt, and black shoes. He looks at her in awe, seeing how pretty she looked, "Is she friend of yours?" Goku smiled goofy, "Yep, I brought her to see the Grand Zenos today while I'm away for few hours." The Grand Priest stood aside, his hand pointing to the palace, "Please follow this way", them guides them inside the palace.

            "Hi Goku!", said Grand Zeno greeting him with a fist bump. "Yes, welcome back Goku!", said Future Grand Zeno greeting him with a fist bump. "Yo! What up Zeni!", he replied, laughing carelessly. "Good", both Omni-Kings replied. Then, they noticed her, hiding next to him. "Tell us Goku, who's this?", Grand Zeno smiled, asked curiously. "She's a pretty lady", replied Future Grand Zeno. "Yes, such a pretty lady", replied Grand Zeno. Their compliments made her blush, smiling in embarrassment. He gestures her to stand out and she stood closer to their view. "This is (Y/n). She's a friend of Bulma's and now my friend. I was supposed to train today but I promised her that I would watch her while her close friend's at work", said Goku, giving her a box, "Anyway, can she stay here until I return?", he asks. The guards gasps and then, growled at him. Their growling startled her, making her back up, hiding behind Goku. This is her first-time seeing deities, so she would get shy with new people. The Grand Zeno's notice this and stared them with their scary looks, "Stop it", they said, making them silent. They look back at the two and smiled. "Sure, she can stay", said Grand Zeno calmly. "Yes, a new playmate for us!", exclaimed Future Grand Zeno. "Yes, new playmate!", exclaimed Grand Zeno, their fists raise in the air. "Great! Well, see you later (Y/n)-Chan!", then, he left the throne room.

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