Lord Chilled X Reader Lemon

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Requested by EstelaTorres182. I'm sorry that there's no image for this fanfic, but I can't find a good one. Please enjoy.

!!!!!!!! Past Timeline !!!!!!!

"Faster!", demanded Chilled, forcing his maid to suck him off. She obeys her master, continuing to suck his bluish penis harder. He groaned, liking the feel of his servant's tongue, massaging his manhood. He may be too short to please women, but he's a space emperor; he can do anything he wanted and desired, even if being cruel and harsh. Since he's powerful, disrespecting him will cost them their lives. He stood on a stool, trying to stand tall, helping the maid bend better while sucking him. She sucks him, faster, faster, and faster; the stimulation causes his body to build up his orgasm. He grabs her by the hair, roughly thrusting inside her mouth, causing her to gag. But Chilled ignore it, continuing to throat fucked her. He closed his eyes, head tilt back, thrusting hard as he reaches his orgasm. He growls, grunted, and slams into her mouth, stops as he loaded his seed inside her throat. He opens his eyes, looks down at his maid, glaring at her. "Don't you stand there fool!", said Chilled, making his maid snap out of her horniness, "Clean me up and leave! I got important business to attend to!" The maid quickly sucks the remaining semen off his dick; as she stood up, she bowed to him, leaving the room. His penis inserts itself, inside the skin's hatch to his crotch area, and closed up. He smiled, happy to get a blow job; now he prepared to deal with a new threat who killed two of his men a few days ago. He left his room, walking through the corridor. "Let's see this threat", he mutters, smiling wickedly, "I'm sure I'll destroy him and continue my quest for universal invasion (no Nazism reference intended)."

Present Time

Lord Chilled is on a medical stretcher, severely injured from his current fight with the Saiyan stranger known as Bardock. All doctors attended to him, in the surgery room, giving their lord every treatment to heal his wounds. Lord Chilled is in too much pain from being touched by medical tools and medicines. "This isn't working", exclaimed the head doctor, "Give him the anesthesia! We need to go straight into surgery!" His assistant nodded, placing the nose & mouth hose onto Chilled's face, placing him into anesthesia. As it takes its effect, Chilled's eyes slowly closed, falling into deep sleep.

Lord Chilled is on the ground, badly injured, as he's fighting against Bardock. His hands on the ground, fingers digging up dirt. He frowned, seething as he was being humiliated by this. During the fight, Bardock managed to turn into Super Saiyan, glowing golden hair and aura, after seeing Chilled injured the poor alien boy. His anger is the trigger to his transformation and his energy level increased, out numbered the space emperor. The emperor's anger raises up again, feeling he had enough. He levitates off the ground, hovered in midair, and prepared to end the monkey. He formed his energy ball, big enough to stop the Saiyan. As Chilled throws it towards the Saiyan, Bardock swiftly dodged; missed his energy ball, and Bardock throws his big energy blast towards Chilled. Chilled stood there, unable to deflect it, he is finished. "NO! This cannot be!", he screamed, braced himself as the blast collided into him; then, everything turns bright.

Lord Chilled eyes wide opened, quickly sit up, breathing hard. He winced as he felt the pain on his abdomen. He looks around his surroundings, realized that he was on his ship, in the medical room. He laid his back on the bed, sighing that it was only a terrible memory from his recent defeat. Suddenly, the door opens, the head doctor entered. He walks over to Chilled's bedside, holding his clipboard, holding Chilled's medical stats. "Good! You're awake Lord Chilled!", smiled the doctor, holding his clipboard to his face, "We used everything we can to heal your wounds. It took us several hours to finally sealed the wounds." Chilled frowned, wanting to leave his bed, but the doctor prevents him and laid him back to bed. The doctor smile faded into a sad frown, "My lord! I'm afraid that you won't leave your bed anytime soon." The emperor gave him a crooked angry look, "Why not?", he asks angrily. The head doctor face lowers to the floor, "Unfortunately for your internal organs, they still need to heal for...six months." Chilled eyes grew wide, "WHAT!?", he exclaims, ached by the pain inside his body. The doctor looked shocked, "Please be careful my lord!", he warned him, "If you made too many movements, your organs will eventually give up, ending your life." Chilled is angry, wanting to leave his bed, trained harder to have his revenge on the Saiyan; but his organs are too frail that prevent him from his goals. He closed his eyes, sighed, "Very well", said the emperor, disappointed, "I shall stay in bed." "Good!", replied the doctor, "I'll send all your servants to attend to your every will." A few maids came in, cleaning up Chilled's old bandages, replacing it with new ones around his stomach. Chilled is glad to have his empire being on their priorities, he hates to be absent from his conquest; but he must endure this until he's healed to presume his job.

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