Salza X Chubby Female Reader Lemon

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- This is requested by IndieFlower53. In this chubby pairing with DBZ character lemon fanfic, I'm going to warn you that I will make Salza more perverted whenever he sees her chubby body. Please enjoy.

Salza is Lord Cooler's second in command soldier of his Cooler Squad; the blue skinned being did numerous tasks, servicing to Cooler to destroy innocent lives and sell planets for profit. He pays attention to his lord and completes his mission without fail. Until he meet the most gorgeous woman he ever seen. He was summoned from unknown planet to meet with Cooler for important mission. Salza spend two days traveling in his space pod until arrives at the motherboard ship. Safely landing in the docking bay, he left the pod to the soldiers while he enters into the corridor. He finally arrived the lobby where Cooler stayed in his high thrones seat; he saluted to his lord, "Lord Cooler, I came here as fast as possible." Cooler smirks, "Well done with your tasks Salza! Now, I can send you to your new mission." Salza is curious, "And what is this mission be, Lord Cooler?", he asked. Cooler chuckled, took out a remote projecting an image of a chubby young woman. Salza gasps in awe, admiring her unique beauty. "This girl is a rebel who has been chasing our men out and destroying our base. I need you to convince her to join us", said Cooler while Salza stares at her large breasts. "And what of she refused?", he asked again. "Then, eliminate her for good", Cooler replied, then the project shuts off.

Cooler handed Salza the image projecting device, "I already send the coordinates into your pod and ready for launch. Now go!", Cooler demands. Salza saluted to Cooler, "Yes, as you wished!" After he left the lobby, Salza grabs his bag of clothes and heads out to the docking bay. He climbs inside the pod, entering the coordinates. As the engines roared, it launched into space in quick speed. While he waits, he opens the projection image of the woman; he stares at her body. She's (height), probably shorter than his height; her hair is (length) and (color), skin is (color), and her eyes are (color), shining like a shooting star. She only wears her (color) strapless tank top, showing huge cleavage. Exposing her belly, she also wears a short skirt which covers half of her rear end. He blushed as he saw her (color) panties underneath her skirt. He felt a bulge within his spandex armor; not from looking at her panties, but from her chubby weight. She has flabs around her waist, hips, and upper stomach. The rest of her body is slim even though her thighs are curvy. Most importantly, he noticed her huge camel toe (a term I heard of if anyone knows it); he cannot control himself and pulls out his own cock gently. His penis is seven inches, normal but with a thick girth. He breathed huskily, quickly huffing as he masturbates to her camel toe and her chubby body. He cannot wait; he swiftly pumps his dick. At a minute, he orgasmed, shooting his own semen onto his lap. His eyelids closed as waves of pleasure took over him. As he breathes, he came back to his senses; he groaned as he made a mess on himself. "Great", he said annoyed, "Now I have to changed into a new one." As his space pod traveled into space, Salza will have to be patient and hopefully find this woman which he can claim her as his own.

After three days of searching in space, he finally arrived at the base camp planet that was once owned by Freiza until Cooler took over it as his own base camp. But since his target is chasing them away and destroying their bases, Salza has to save her from unpredicted and dire punishment. His pod landed safely on the ground; after the door opens, Salza climbs out, turning on his scouter to find her Ki signature. He hovers into the air and began to fly around the area. Each time he passed by areas with trees, bushes, and even destroyed buildings, he tries to scout them and find nothing. For an hour, he still cannot find her; "Damn", he mutters, "If I cannot find her, then she'll be killed by Lord Cooler himself. And I don't want that to happen." Stuck in his thoughts, he did not noticed a feminine figure hiding behind him. She was looking around to find any valuable items to sell and an escape to a safe planet; until she found him sitting on a rock. She recognized the armor and knows he's from the Cooler Squad. But she sensed something good in him. Not as in a good guy, but as a good person. Cautiously, she tipped-toed over, creeping behind him. She peered down to see what he's doing and let out a silent gasp; she blushes red as she caught Salza masturbating. She cannot believe how big his dick is and decides to enjoy the show. Salza was thinking a way to help her escape from death, but once he day dreams of her body, her face, and her lovely camel toe bulging through her panties, he cannot help except took out his penis and touches himself again.

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