Shin X Fem. Human Reader

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Requested by RoseDroplit. I wanted to post Shin's eyes dizzy when he fainted in DBS epi. 55, but I couldn't find it and used this image. Sorry if it's short, but I don't think this character and Shin would do anything else besides kiss, hugging, and French kissing. 

-note this is my first encounter with fem. type of women but will try my best to make her dominant than Shin. Beware brief nudity. Please enjoy. 

On the Sacred World of the Kais, Supreme Kai Shin is busy setting up tea cups on the table while Kibito and Elder gather in the kitchen to make tea and (insert favorite pastry). As Shin finished setting up the table, his eyes were blocked by a pair of feminine hands. He heard her giggle as she whispers next to his ear, "Gotcha Shin!" He let out a small sigh, "Cut it out (Y/n), let go of my face." She moves her hands out, but she turns him around and make him face her. 

(Y/n) stood there, wearing her usual (color) dress, exposing her skin and chest, her thighs, and wears her (color) high heels, necklace, and her (length)(color) hair flowing from the gentle breeze. Her (color) eyes looking at shins eyes, glistened from the sunshine, her eyelashes covered in mascara are long, she wears her usual makeup (insert what color or style it is), especially her soft (color) shaded lips. She's an Earthling, he can tell by the look of her (skin tone) skin.

Shin first met her back on Earth six months ago, he was trying to teleport there to find Goku for important message. He accidently teleported inside her bathroom and he saw her naked, her body exposed to his view. He yells, hear her gasps, and cover his eyes, "Oh I'm so sorry miss! I must've teleported here by mistake. I'll take my leave", he said, embarrassed and about to leave. But she ran over to him and blocked his way out. "Wait!", she said, looking at him, "Who are you?" Without looking at her naked body, "I'm Shin", he answered, sill blushing. (Y/n) smiled, knowing he must be a virgin and never seen a naked woman before. 

She turns him around, lifting his chin up, making him face her. "Look at me", she commanded. He refused to look especially she's naked. "Look at me, now or I'll tell everyone that you saw me naked and you're a pervert", she threatened him. He gasps, cannot believe she would do such a thing. He gulped, opening his eyes, looking only at her face. She smiles, "I'm (Y/n). And welcome to your new acquaintance", she said. His eyes grew wide, confused, "New acquaintance?", he asks her. She nods, "That's right Shin, because for now on, I want you to let me visit you and your home."

Shin frowned, "Absolutely not! I cannot just bring a stranger to the scared world meant for only Supreme Kais!", he stated, trying to make her understand. But she has an idea. Quickly, she snapped a photo of in front of the mirror, she shows it to him while holding the phone; Shin gasps as he saw a photo of her, naked, while he stands next to her. "Yes, you will let me come every other day. If you don't, I'll see your friends, show them this photo, and they will call you pervert forever!", she bribed him, smiling evilly. His jaw drop, cannot believe what she'll do to him, and he doesn't want this to happen, scared how his peers react to this photo. He hung his head low, groaned, "Fine! Now get dressed already!" She giggles, "Great!", she said.

Ever since that accidental encounter, (Y/n) swing by their place three times a week, enjoys torturing Shin by teases, annoying him, and embarrass him when his peers were around. Shin cannot stand her obnoxious attitude of hers and her dress code is not appropriate. As Elder Kai and Kibito arrived with snacks and tea, they set it down. "Oh my! It's nice to see you again (Y/n)", Elder Kai greeted her. She smiles, "Nice to meet you too Old Kai." He may look old and hates being mentioned for his title, but he doesn't mind her calling him that name. Kibito see his master irritated and knows how much annoyance (Y/n) cause. 

Elder Kai looks inside the kettle, "Oh dear! I forgot to grab an ingredient for the tea. Could you get it for me (Y/n)?", he asks her. (Y/n) nods and ran inside the cottage. Elder Kai knew that she has been a pain in Shin's neck, he sends her away to have a chat with him. "I can't believe she keep visiting us for six months. I have no idea how much trouble she caused you", he said to Shin. Shin sighs, "Because I saw her naked, she bribed me to come see us or else she'll expose me, saying I'm a pervert." Shin rubs his face with his hands, he groaned, "What am I going to do with her?" Kibito sit next to him, "Master, the only way to get rid of her is tell her how hurt you are by her bribery and tell her to stop it", said Kibito.

Shin's glad that Kibito listens and decides to take his advice. He went inside the cottage, spots (Y/n) in the kitchen, and stands next to her. (Y/n) searched everywhere in the kitchen, even in the pantry, there's no ingredient that she's looking. She paused, she realized what Elder Kai send her to the house. She take a thought to herself and realized what she did: as she visit Shin for six months, she not only embarrassed him about their first encounter and now felt bad that she hurt Shin's feelings. For her entire life, she wasn't supposed to cry; she wanted to be strong and independent so nobody can make fun of her. Now that she's bullying him too much, she must find Shin and apologize. 

She steps back, out of the pantry; but after she closed the door, her rear end bumps into Shin, causing him to fluster, blushing as he backs up. (Y/n) turns around, blushed a bit. "Hi Shin", said (Y/n), greeting him. Shin huffed, "Hi. Now (Y/n), I must tell you honestly about you that", he said, but she interrupts him. "That I pushed you at the edge and completely humiliate you since our first encounter. Yes, I knew you want to talk to me about it. And I realized how I teased you too much", said (Y/n), finished his sentence. Shin looks surprised, "Really?", he asks her. She nods, "I'm sorry Shin. For being a dickhead." His eyes grew wide, "What!?" She clears her throat, "Meaning sorry for being a jerk. Please forgive me Shin, I don't want to look like a bad person anymore", she apologized and pleaded to him.

"You really mean it? Forgive you for your stupid teases?", he asks her, feeling sad that she might make fun of him again. She nods. "But why did you do this to me for the last six months?", he ask her the big question. (Y/n) gets nervous by his question and gives him her honest answer. "Because I love you Shin", she replied, blushing. His face is in disbelief, jaw drop, and his face is a blushing mess. " said you fell in love with me? And say you love me?", he asks her, making sure he's not deaf. 

"Yes, I did Shin", she said, looking into his eyes, "I fell for you since the day you teleported into my bathroom, saw me naked, and I was embarrassed that you might exposed me to your friends. I have been made fun of by people for my appearance and attitude for my childhood, if only people like you be kind, I won't be this mean." Shin's ears drooped, feel terrible towards her; he has no idea she has sensitive feelings. Yet, she tried her best to hide it so nobody can bully her. And her presence and her laugh rub off on him. He admits he also fallen for her too.

He leans in to her and hugs her, embracing her, and holding her. Comforting her, Shin leans his face on her chest. He didn't flinch that his face is touching her chest, he wanted to make her feel better. "(Y/n)", he whispered. (Y/n) was impressed how his maturity made him an understanding person and realized he wanted to apologize for not knowing she doesn't want to feel weak in front of him. Shin's height is what made him feel inferior, so he levitates off the floor, his face meeting her face, and he kissed her lips. (Y/n)'s eyes grew as she felt his lips touching hers. 

(Y/n) figured out that he wanted to be closer to her. "Yes, I want to be close to you. Kiss me (Y/n)", Shin said, asking her in telepathy. She returns the kiss and make out. While they French kissed, she wraps her arms around his back, then kissing his cheeks. His arms still embraced her, his tongue flicked, touched her tongue. Sucking their tongues and mouths, Shin felt she already dominates him. 

She stops kissing and they takes a breath. "For once, you're a great kisser Shin", said (Y/n), complimenting his kissing skill. He gave her a soft smile, "You too. I forgive (Y/n). I want us to put those problems behind us and become happy couple." (Y/n) nods, "And I forgive you. Thank you Shin", then holds his hand. 

They smiled at each other and he leads her to his bedroom to continue their make out session. What he doesn't notice that she took a photo of him, bumped into her rear end and she giggled as she realized that his hands touched her butt. "My little pervert", she thought as she and Shin went inside the bedroom and closed the door.

The End

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