REUPLOADED: Zamasu X Penny (OC) X Black Lemon Part 1 & 2

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- Requested by Chespin101. I just looked and try to find part one, but I accidently deleted part one. I am so sorry, but don't fear. I added part one with part two to make it a longer fic. Please enjoy it.


Penny; a young mysterious woman. She's short, but not too short (I say, by my guess, she's a 5'1 or 4'9). A skinny woman with flat surfaces on her body, but at least she has human proportions. Penny also has gorgeous black skin (by the requester's knowledge, she and I aren't racists, just being honest). 

Penny has orange hair in braids, hanging down by her shoulders, at each side of her face. Her face is consisted of a small nose, two Earthling ears, deeper shade of black lips, and a pair of mix matched eyes: Her right eye is gray and her left eye is emerald green. She also has three specks of light grey freckles on each cheek (once again, not racist, so I added lighter color, again I apologize). Penny's outfit is a white t-shirt with a yellow cardigan, blue shorts, candy cane themed stockings, gladiator scandals; she also wears a red framed glasses since she used them to see and wears her black Potara earrings. She may look powerful, but she's too timid and shy (like Fluttershy from MLP), usually stutters when talking. Plus, she's very weak considering she's a halfling. Penny is half mortal; not sure who the father is, but her mother is the Supreme Kai of Magic.

Her mother was once a powerful being with huge Ki to conquer up all magic that can cause chaos and despair across the entire multiverses. One day, her mother was discovered by a mortal woman who saw her murdering a couple who just got married and their young child. After the townsfolk captured her, she was placed into the Witch Trials; after many witnesses who sold her out to the judges including which she told them that she will annihilate all mankind, she was found guilty, immediately executed for her crimes of witchcraft. 

After she got hanged, everything went back to normal; except her mother kept a secret from them. Earlier, she called a fellow Supreme kai (random name) to take care for her child which she hidden her within the forest. The Kai agreed and eventually found baby Penny sleeping on the meadow grassland. The Kai got too many responsibilities to handle and place Penny into an orphanage for young orphaned Shinjins (that's what I read about Shin's bio). Poor Penny spend her entire twenty-one years in the poor condition orphanage; she tries to make friends but they treated her badly, always making fun of her stuttering talk.

Once she turned twenty-one, Penny decides to leave this place and venture out on her own. At first, she was scared being alone. Afraid what will happen to her if encounter problems. But she found a safe and happy haven on an uninhabited planet nearby. At least at her training, she learned basic abilities including instant transmission which leads her to the happy planet, filled with colorful flowers, singing birds, friendly animals, and gentle weather. 

For two months, she continue to learn her mother's magic which will help her someday. As she practiced, she made many failed attempts; but she retried again, and again until she did it. She was getting the hang of conquering magic until one day, she accidently conquered an erased memory spell and erased only her memories of knowing that she's a half kai-mortal being, her memories at orphanage, and everything else that involves the term kai or shinjin. She woke up from her mistake, yet she thinks she's only an Earthling. Ever since that day, she continues on, conquering magic for two long years.

On a sunny afternoon, Penny was walking around the meadow, admiring the flowers and the gentle breeze flowing through her face. She sigh, looking up at the sky. A deer walk up to her which she smiles, happily pet its head. She cannot find anywhere more happier than this; except she finds herself a little lonely when she's the only one here with the animals. "Iiiff only", she mutters in a stutter, "IIIII hhhave ssssomeonne tooooo be with." 

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