Freiza X Lord Beerus's Chubby Daughter X Cooler Lemon Part 1

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- This is requested by PeachyStar2006. Normal threesome except she's Lord Beerus's daughter. The introduction of this fic is similar to Resurrection F except Cooler is involved. Please enjoy.

Freiza; evil emperor of Universe 7. He was once killed by the Saiyan named Goku. He defeated Freiza for his crimes of killing innocent lives. His father, King Cold, find him floating in space and used cyborg support to keep Freiza alive. At first, he and his father arrived on Earth, plotting to kill Goku and his friends, families, and Earth; but it lived too short as Future Trunks arrived, finally put an end to Freiza and King Cold, no longer threaten Earth anymore. For a decade, Freiza has been imprisoned in hell; but not wasn't just hell, it's his hell. Surrounded by Hell's fairies and magical stuffed animals ,singing, laughing, and making him smile made him feel sick to his stomach. However, he disappeared, no longer in Hell anymore. The fairies alerted King Yenma while searching for him.

Apparently, it was Sorbet who revived Freiza, using Earth's dragon balls. Except he was brought back when he cut into pieces. That doesn't concern for the small short man as he placed the constructed pieces of Freiza into their new regeneration machine. For quick minutes, Freiza's men were in awe, amazed how Freiza's body is fully back together into a whole. Freiza noticed that he was breathing through the filter, his body's twitching. He wake up, powering up his Ki; His huge Ki shake up the ship, causing all scouter devices to break including the glass dome of the tank. As pieces of glass fell on the floor, Freiza walk out of it, cracking his neck, and spewed out green liquid on the Sorbet, Togoma, and the frog-creature Freiza soldier. Freiza walked a few steps, then stop as he looks around his surroundings. Sorbet stood there, spoke up, "Um...welcome back my lord. It's great to see you", he said as he shook in nervousness. Freiza turn to see him, "And you are?" Sorbet reply, "My name is Sorbet. I was part of your staff before, um from the third stellar region." Freiza hum, "Oh you do look vaguely familiar." Sorbet find it embarrassed and speak up again, "Actually, I have been leading your forces just in your absence of course." "You've been in charge?", Freiza chuckles shortly and clenched his hand into a fist, "It seems that I've brought back to the living world." Sorbet smiled, "Yes, using dragon balls and our newest regeneration machine." Freiza frowned, unimpressed, "Dragon balls you say? Oh, right those orbs from that miserable planet." While Sorbet talks about the Freiza Forces' latest regeneration machines which recover one's body's fully, Freiza finds it unimpressed, feeling irritated, "But tell me: does it seem hard to count days when you're dead or did it took you long time to restore my life?" Freiza's serious tone while asking the question tells Sorbet that his lord is not happy.

Sorbet looked more nervous while sweat drops appear on his face, "I'm sorry my lordship; while it took us a long to hunt down the dragon balls, developing our regeneration technology wasn't easy", he said in honesty. "Oh I'll tell you what isn't easy", said Freiza in an angry yet calm voice, "Spending all these years in earth's Hell!" Sorbet speak up again, being apologetic, "You must be relieved then. We're so glad you're back!" Freiza look back at Sorbet, scoffed, "I bet my empire is falling into pieces without me cracking the whip, and you only revived me because you were desperate." Sorbet shook his head, clearing up the

misunderstanding to his leader, "No Sir! That's not it, I swear! It just took us a lot longer than we hoped. But on the bright side, it gave us time to improve our tech; we restored you completely without any cyborg support." "And my father?", Freiza asked Sorbet, just a curious question. "Our plan was to revive you first Lord Freiza. And then King Cold as soon as we can make another wish", Sorbet replied. Freiza chuckled in short reply, "No, we don't think to worry about reviving him; Father is always bloated with self-importance." Sorbet's eyes grew wide a bit and understood Freiza's reason, "Of course! Whatever think is best my lord." Just as Freiza was about to test out his Ki, Freiza sensed a familiar Ki which is close to his ship. Then, one of the soldiers saluted to him, "Lord Freiza, we have a communication message from the war ship next to us. Shall I answer the call?" Freiza groaned in irritation, not feeling great about answering calls, but this one's important and he must answer it. "Very well, pick up the communication", Freiza replied, watching his soldier answering the message. Their communication device is place in front of them; an image of the call appeared: it was no other than Cooler! Freiza's older brother. Freiza's eyes grew wide for a second, and then frowned, growled in annoyance. Cooler knows that look and tries to be friendly this time, "Long time no see, Freiza. How's my little brother doing?" His brother's question already put him on edge. He grunted, "Not now Cooler", he said with a glare, "I'm too busy plotting my sweet revenge."

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