The Great Saiyanman (Gohan) X Girlfriend Reader

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This fanfic is requested by AngelOfTheBlackRose

I thought through the story; it may not planned or meet your expectations but hopefully you like this one.  

*In this alternative, Hercule Satan had a premonition that Videl will be married to Gohan who's not rich and is the son of Goku, he send Videl to live in another city, hoping that she'll be married to a rich man. Sorry if you dislike this idea, but it's an only way for Gohan to meet the reader. Please enjoy.


Gohan left Orange Star High School building; He just completed his exams throughout the entire day. Gohan studied extra hard to score high grades, otherwise his mother, Chichi, will yell at him for failure. She feared that Gohan would end up like his father Goku: a broke-ass, jobless man who does nothing except training and fight. Gohan remembers what happened to his parents' last discussion and Gohan shudders, hoping to avoid it. Anyway, Gohan decides to walk around Satan City, searching for interesting activity to do. He stops in front of Satan City's book store, The Depths of Endless Minds & Imaginations, looking through the windows.

Gohan haven't notice the small ki, hiding behind him. He was startled by a pair of light hands, covering his eyes. However, he smiled as he recognized a familiar scent of cherry blossoms and pear. "Very funny (Y/n)-Chan. You can cut it out now", he said as he moves the two feminine hands off his face and spins around to look at the stranger. This stranger is Gohan's girlfriend (Y/N)-Chan; she has (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, a pretty face with a mole next to her left eye, slender arms, curvy waist, (b/s) breasts, she is wearing (f/c) blouse with a (f/c) (short or long length) mini skirt, (f/c) stockings, and (f/c) boots. (Y/n)-Chan's a girl who has no friends and the only person who brings him books from the bookstore. The reason how (Y/n)-Chan was able to bring him books from the store is because she works there. She usually stocks new arrivals on the bookshelves; once a week, she would work as a cashier, scanning books and completes customer's purchase. (Y/n)-Chan grinned, "Wasn't obvious?", and gives him a hug; Gohan returns the hug and they walked off from the store. "So (Y/n)-Chan", Gohan continues as he talks to her, "Did you got any new books for me?" "Sure thing!", and then she hands him three books: one for research on animal cruelty, one for British literature, and one on advice for his scholar career. "How come your not at work right now?", he asks. "Because I decided to take the rest of the day off after working hard from exams", she said, "We should hang out at that new café near the bank, we definitely deserve a break from school." Gohan nods in agreement and they proceed walking through the city.

A waitress serves Gohan and (Y/n)-Chan two vanilla parfaits, with chocolate sauce, two banana slices, and nuts. "Here's your order, enjoy!", said the waitress and walks off. They sat at a corner booth, near the exit door of The Pretty Girl café. The two teens are smiling, excited to try their parfaits. "Aw man, I've never tried desserts like this before!", Gohan moans and quickly ate his treat. (Y/n)-Chan chuckles, eating a spoon of her parfait while watching Gohan devoured his entire parfait in one bite. "Really? Does your mother afford any food at all?", she asks. "Well, only important foods to make meals. She can't afford for luxurious items especially desserts. Except on birthdays, she can make only cakes", he said while wiping his mouth with a clean napkin. (Y/n)-Chan looks at Gohan and notice a spot of vanilla cream on his cheek. Gohan notices her stare, "What's wrong?", he asks. She giggles, "You got a spot of parfait on your face", then she moves closer to his face. They're an inch closer to each other and Gohan gets nervous, causing him to blush. Suddenly, guns shots are heard from the bank next door.

Two men in black masks, wearing regular clothes, emerged from the building. They each holds a sack which are overfilled with money, stolen from the bank while holding black pistol guns. One of them points the gun in the air and starts shooting, making the cars stop in the road. The other robber opens the door and points the gun at the male driver, "Listen up! This is a bank robbery! You better listen up!" Gohan frowns and looks at (Y/n)-Chan, "(Y/n)-Chan, would you excuse me. I forgot something which I need to go. I'll see you soon", and then he ran through the exit door, causing it to turn on it's alarm. (Y/n)-Chan turns around and smiles, "I know what you're up to Saiyanman", she whispers. (Y/n)-Chan remembers the first day of school, where she first met Gohan.

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