Requests are now closed

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Good evening everyone! This week's very busy and strange due to the Coronavirus. Here are a few things I want to say:

1. I like to thank all the Wattpad users giving me requests and thank some of their positive comments on the fics already submitted.

2. As for the other requests, I will continue working on them until they're all done. Thank you users.

3. And I will apologize to the users who are waiting and almost ask if it's finished, I do appreciate of you don't ask me since I'm busy working on them. I live in North America (a hint) and sleep during the evening while some of you live in different time, so I need my sleep. I'll also thank them if they understand and be patient. Once they're sumbitted, the fics will be very detailed and exciting than being rushed.

4. Looks like the Coronavirus is a serious problem. My college is extending my spring break another week because of the spread. Let's hope it won't harm us and please stay safe and wash your hands (pst, I heard mixing aloe lotion with alcohol are a great liquid lotion to prevent it except you mix it well, put two drops on the hand and apply it.)

5. In the near future requests (I don't know when), I want you to make sure that your description of the plot should be mandatory and short. For example, if you ask me to include the beginning with dailouge, flashbacks, and etc, It would be best if I shorten them until I get to the point, otherwise it'll drag on and be boring.

Anyway, that concludes this post. Now be safe, have a goodnight, and I'll update soon towards the end of May. 

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