Saonel X Reader Part 2 Lemon

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Hello everyone! I noticed that Dragon Ball Super Oneshots gain over 1000 views! I would like to say thank you for reading these and made requests to me to be creative on these stories. I may be posting stories and requests, but soon I'll be more busy on college essays, homework, and projects. So for future requests, It'll take longer for me to find free time to make them. anyway, please enjoy this final part of this fanfic.

Saonel and (Y/n)-san have been together for three years since the day when they fell in love for the first time. They couldn't be anymore happier; while they're dating last year, (Y/n)-san loves Saonel so much that she couldn't leave his side. On the other hand, Saonel felt that something's missing. Something that his lover didn't have; even he felt weird that they'll be boyfriend and girlfriend forever. He told her that he'll be on a mission with Prinia for a while, promised her that they'll be safe back home. She nods, knowing his word, and waved bye; leaving her and Prinia's boyfriend alone. Three weeks later, both Namekians came back; both their lovers feel glad for their return. While the two Namekians chat, Saonel guides her by the hand to an exclusive place to talk.

            Saonel was nervous, how to tell her what he did on his travel; would she say yes or no? The anticipation is killing him, his heart beat beats fast, sweat drops on his head. (Y/n)-san notices his behavior, "Saonel, is something wrong? Tell me my love!", she asks, trying to hear the problem. Gathering courage, he took a deep breath and sighs, he kneels down on one knee on the ground; his hand holding hers while the other hand holds a small box. His finger flips the top open and reveals a beautiful gold ring with a small (any stone or gem) on it. She gasps, smiling. "(Y/n), would you have the honor to be my wife forever?", he asks, waiting for her response. Tears flows out of her eyes, immediately hugs him. "YES! I'll marry you, my handsome Saonel!", exclaims (Y/n)-san. He smiles back, happy. He places the ring through her finger; they stare at her new ring. "It's beautiful on you (Y/n)-san", said Saonel, holding her hand. They look into each other's eyes, smiling, and they kissed.

Present Time

            It's only a year since they're engaged; Saonel wanted to get married last year, but (Y/n)-san suggested that they should wait another year, wants to get married at their pretty trees where the pink flowers bloom (not saying it's cherry blossom tree, this is Namek after all). This is the spring season and only tomorrow is when they'll be wed. Prinia doesn't know any Earth's wedding culture; but he decides to be the preacher and Saonel's best man. Prinia's boyfriend will escort her to the trees. It's a good thing that they have a ring bearer because Prinia and his lover raised their own family: they have two Namekians boys. While the three Namekians talked, Saonel watches (Y/n)-san play with the kids, laughing while chasing each other. He smiles happily, seeing his lover hugging the kids. Secretly, he wanted to create a family with her; but he knows that it's too soon for her to handle children. But because of his race's anatomy, they're unable to produce sexually. He'll have to talk about this with her once they're settled first.

            (Y/n)-san notices Saonel's sad face; she always saw him sad when he saw Prinia playing with his family. That's when it hit her; feeling sad for the poor Namekian. She thinks this through and decides tonight, they'll make their family.

             Everyone decides to sleep early to prepare for the wedding ceremony. They all went to their homes, preparing for bed. Saonel lies on their bed, waiting for his lover to join him. He closed his eyes, humming. His pointy green ears heard a soft ruffling, knows she's in their room. He smiles, feeling her straddling him. He opens his eyes and gasps softly; (Y/n)-san's wearing nothing except her (color) panties. He stares at her perfect (type of body mass) body, her (breast size) pair of breasts, and her exposed stomach, blushing from her rare beauty. "You look beautiful as usual (Y/n)-san", he said, giving her an awkward smile, "But why are you almost naked?" She rolls her eyes at him, now feeling annoyed. She stares at him, "Saonel, I noticed your sad expression whenever the kids are around", she said in a serious tone. He nods. She sighs, "Well, I think it's about time that we make one of our own." His eyes grew wide, shocked that she wanted one that soon. He placed his hands on top of her shoulders, staring into her eyes. "(Y/n)-san, are you sure you want to do it before the wedding?", he asks her serious. She nods, giving him a soft smile. "I always dream of raising children together. I mean we are going to get married anyway, so might as well seal it with making a child." Her words reach out to him, relieved that she felt the same way. He picks her up, holding her body, then laid her back on the bed; he crawls on top of her, his body touching hers, looking each other's face. "(Y/n)-san", he continued as his hand clings onto her panties, his other hand touching her face, his thumb caressing her bottom lip, "We Namekians are one gender, so we don't have semen. Or produce sexually." "I know", she nods, replied, "I know I cannot bare your offspring, but", she continued, her hand touching his face, "I just want to experience our first love together." He smiled how he ever met her in the first place. He kissed her lips, making her to French kiss with him. She hums, give in as they kissed passionately.

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