SSJ4 Goku X Reader

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Requested by SoulEater_Luvr. I do apologize if this fanfic's shorter but since this is a fic where I decided to not include too much details of flashbacks. It's mostly present or recent flashback. 

-Let's pretend that Chichi decided to file a divorce, left Goku living by himself. I just don't want him cheating on her with the reader. Almost as horrible as DBS episodes 73 & 74, fricking hate those moments. Also, felt like half of it is like Dragon Ball GT, but it follows after Super. Please Enjoy.

Goku, in his ssj4 form, is flying around the world, searching for the scattered black starred Dragon Balls. Well, half of the part is the second reason what he's doing right now. The first reason why he's flying is to get rid of his grief from his recent divorce; after dealing with Goku and his training/fighting antics, almost risking their lives, especially he recently turned into a kid again, Chichi had enough of this. She explained to him and their families that she no longer wants to deal with Goku any more. Goku felt heartbroken because of how he was oblivious, she felt unloved all those years, but he understood and signed the divorce file paperwork. At first, he was gonna see his children and granddaughter Pan every day since he lives next door, living in Grandpa Gohan's shed; but Chichi gets emotional, every time she saw him, she moved out to Gohan & Videl's house along with Goten. Two weeks went by, Goku spend his days alone, hunting for food every day, still growing his vegetables, and continued training. Now, he and his friends accidently summoned corrupted Shenron, the black starred balls scattered across Earth. He and the Z Fighters split up to collect them before disaster comes.

While flying, he heard a feminine scream, coming from a near by village. He took flight fast, brought him closer to the area. He notices a figure, a young girl, hiding in a corner, while was being threatened by a large man, holding a knife. "You better give me your money or else I'll kill you!", the man yells at the girl. "But I don't have any money!", she replied back, holding her tears, scared. The man frowned, preparing to swing his knife, "Then die!" Preparing to be stabbed, she notices nothing's happened. She looks up, and gasps, saw a tall, red hairy monkey man; wearing only his yellow gi pants with light blue sash, and shoes. He's holding the man's arm, forcing him to release his knife. As the large man drops his knife, the stranger knocks him out, fell on the ground unconscious.

The strange man picks her up bridal style; causing her to blush. Suddenly, he levitates off the ground, into midair, and flew off, the girl screamed all the way to his shed, surprised. He noticed how pretty she looks; she's (height), has (color) skin, (color) eyes, (color) hair, wears only a pair of jeans, (color) sweater shirt, and (color) sneakers. He places her on a chair, then sit next to her. "I would be happy to serve you tea, but unfortunately, I only get water from the well", he apologized to the girl. "Oh no, that's ok. I'm really grateful that you save", she said, suddenly confused. "I'm Goku. Um...I usually look normal. Right now, I'm in my Super Saiyan 4 form", he said. She looks at him confused, "Super...Saiyan?", she asks. He nods, "I was born from an alien called Saiyans: I was sent here to kill your race, but my grandfather who found me made me into a kind warrior, protecting Earth for years." The girl's curious about his origin, "Are there any more Saiyans besides you?" "Yes, just me, Vegeta, and Broly; except he's on planet that looks like horrible place to live (I know the name, but don't want to say it out loud in case Frieza's around)", he replied. She smiles, "Ok. I'm (Y/n), I just got kicked out by my step family. I wanted to stay longer to save enough money to move out, but they have no place for me anymore. I'm alone", she said, looking sad. Goku felt bad for her; truly want to help her. But he doesn't have money to make her happy. Well, he'll have to earn her trust to help her survive until she's ready to move out. They both engage into long conversation, trying to set out her situation.

Early morning, Goku wakes up, still in his SSJ4 form. He hears a soft snoring and looks over his right arm. (Y/n) is wrapped in his arm, sleeping peacefully. She wore only a tank top and her (color) panties. He could've sworn that he made a bed for her; yet again, it wasn't comfy, just out of big tire, tossed with pillow and blanket. "Oh well", said Goku mentally, "I don't care. If she wants to sleep with me, I'm fine with it." Goku stood up, placing her on his bed, cover her with a warm blanket. He smiled, seeing her happy in slumber. He petted her hair and head outside, finding food for two.

For three days, (Y/n) have been helping Goku with little shed cleaning, preparing meals, getting water, and does his laundry. (Y/n) stops wearing her sweater and ends up wearing her plain (color) t-shirt. In afternoon, she washes his orange gi shirt on the old scrubber thing, removing stains. Then, she rinses the shirt, squeezed the water out, and hang it up to dry on a rope that Goku made to dry his clothes. She washes his boxers next, blushing; she felt close to him ever since they met. She wanted to confess her love to him. But the thought of a divorced man being in a relationship with a younger girl prevents her from expressing her feelings.

She remembers Goku told her his recent divorce; how he married his ex-wife for years, happy, yet, Chichi felt that she's sick of seeing him training. (Y/n) frowns, "Chichi's stupid!", she exclaims, roughly squeezing his boxers, "If I married him, I still love him while allow him to train. He trained to protect us all the time! What a b...", she gasps, noticed Goku came back, carrying a huge fish. He looked surprised, he heard everything what she meant, blushing. (Y/n)'s face blushed red, quickly hangs his boxer, and about to run; but he grabs her wrist, making her stay. "Wait (Y/n)-Chan! You don't have to leave!", he said. "But", she paused, about to cry, "I just insulted your ex-wife...and confessed my secret in front of you!"

Goku wipe her tears away, his hands holding her by the shoulders. "There's no need to feel scared of me (Y/n)-Chan", he said calmly. "Really? Why?", she asks. He leans down, then kissed her. She shook, feeling his lips touching hers. He ends the kiss, looking into her (color) eyes. "I know how you feel for me (Y/n)-Chan", said Goku, "I was sad how my first love left me. I tried to move along, but I can't stop thinking of her. But after I hear your confessions...I think I felt the same for you." (Y/n) looks at him in awe, then smiled, "You mean you love me?", she asks the Saiyan. He nods, "So, do you still want to live with me?", he asks her. She nods rapidly, arms wrapping around his neck, kissing him. Then, Goku grabs her ass, groping them; they started to make out, tongues dancing in each other's mouth, sucking.

Suddenly, Goku sensed huge evil Ki behind his direction. "That must be the next black starred Dragon Ball!", said Goku, holding her hand. He looks at her, guiding her back to the shed. "(Y/n)-Chan, stay here until I come back. I got important mission to complete", said Goku, place a kiss on her cheek. "Will you come back after this Goku?", (Y/n) asks Goku, making him look at her. He smiles, "I promise I'll be back. Love you babe", he bid goodbye and flew out towards his direction. (Y/n) smiles, hearts in her eyes; she sighs, "I love that Saiyan!", she said, swooned by his masculinity, his Saiyan form, and his handsome face. "I'll wait for you Goku", she whispered, preparing the fish for tonight's dinner.

The End

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