Tag You're It!

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Hello everyone! It's been a long time since I been here; I do apologize for long absence but the good news is that I only have one more exam tomorrow evening and then I'll be done.

First of all, I am very grateful that not only do I have more new followers but also this oneshot  views are over 9000!!

I would like to thank all of you followers and requesters to like my fanfics.

Anyway, I got tagged by AlkaAmi. this is where I post this tag thing where I have to post up thirteen questions with my answers. Then tagged twenty people I choose (except the ones that I cannot use since their already tagged). So yeah, I was unable to post the picture of the list due to issues so I'll type them as I typed my answers up. So let's begin...

1. Do I Like Someone? To be honest, I don't have any interests in real life. Only my three husbandos that I like: Piccolo, Pikkon, and Tengu Brunch (Toriko).

2. Do They Like Me? There are some people who like me as a friend. As for my husbandos, I hope they like me otherwise I'll feel sad if not noticed me.

3. Middle Name? For those of you who reads my God of Destruction's First Love fanfic posts, you probably know my full name. If not, then you should read it a bit (Yes, it's very outdated but I do find some of my scenes funny). To be frank, I'll give a hint that my middle name starts with letter M.

4. Single or Taken? In real life, I'm afraid I'll be single. (stupid real life conflict news that treats pregnancy as negative problems) Plus, I don't think any man will ever find me.

5. Last Person I Texted? My Mom (no, I'm not using Muscleman reference)

6. Last Song I listened To? Never Too Late by Three Days Grace

7. Battery Percent? It was 55 percent until now (I need to charge it and it goes down really quick when playing apps for only ten minutes)

8. Girl Best Friend? I do have at least three: two from my childhood and one from my high school years.

9. Guy Best Friend? I'll be honest, I don't have any boys as friends. You know, I have overprotective father.

10. Favorite OTP? I did read many fanfics so far but it's limited and hard to say. But I do like Zamasu and Black pairing and also any character with Frieza as a pairing too (I just like to make dialogue for him).

11. Why I Made My Account? Here's a fair reason why: When Super ended (Japanese) I noticed that not many characters like Top, Belmod, the angels, and even the newest ones in the manga aren't in fanfics and they do deserve to be written into fanfics. So yeah, your welcome characters.

12. Current Screen Lock?

I love my man in a business suit

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I love my man in a business suit. Don't you? This is Toei's april fools day artwork.

And 13. Birthday? 11/05/94. Yeah it's already past November.

And now when you're mentioned in this, repost and do the same like I did.

The twenty people I tagged are:
















Soul Eater_Luvr





Now I'm done with the tag post. Stay tuned for my next post.

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