Liquiir X Half-Human Half-Fox Reader Lemon

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Requested by HellsingFan5ever. By The Way, I don't own this image, even though I tweaked a little creative side of me. Please Enjoy.

Far away, somewhere in Universe 8, there lies a distant planet; the crops, farmlands, planets, trees, and water sources has been polluted with diseases. The population decreased for the last 180 years; some of their farm animals died from the disease as well. Because of this epidemic, the folks lost hope for survival. Until that one fateful night, a young man was walking in the forest. At one point, he felt that he is being followed; something unhuman. He was carrying a knife inside his sleeve, hopefully to protect himself. As it approaches him closer to his back, he quickly swings the knife, managed to graze it. It landed on the ground, groaning; but it sounded human. The man took out his flashlight, shone it at the creature, and gasps: It was only a young woman (looked like an Earthling). She was covered in mud and dirt; but she does wear a shrine maiden dress. He saw the cut on her left cheek where he cut her. As the man inspects the girl, he gasps in horror as he noticed her long ears and big bushy tail, resembled a fox. He frowned in anger, grabs a rope, tying her, and forced her to walk. As they arrived his village, the man took her to the cell, holding her prisoner while the villagers think of punishment for her.

            After a day, they decided to sacrifice her to their deity, hoping to have their land and animals back to health. Every hundred years, the god of their planet would visit them for annual worship; if they ask the god for one important wish, he'll grant it. Some noticed that he also brought a peculiar man, using his magical staff to grant their wish. This year's different and they brought the fox girl to the shrine. Six men kneel on the ground, the young man forced her to kneel down while he holds her chain. Just then, a glow light flew closer and landed in front of the shrine. The girl is curious, not knowing that she's in for a surprise. She looks up and her eyes grew wide; she stares at a tall, orange, and furry fox. To her surprise, it's standing on two legs, shoes, and strangely, it also wears ancient clothing that resembles a deity. She wondered if this creature is their god. The young man stood up, hold his hands in prayer, "My god, welcome back. We humbly want to ask a wish." The fox deity looks around, noticing there's the planet is in bad shape, less creatures, and not even people. "I see that a disease took over your land", said the fox god, "But do not worry my people, I'll bring them all back healthy and safe from this disease." He signaled the sky-blue skinned man; he nods, took his staff out, the orb glows, and then, every plant, every animal, and even the water is back to its original state. After that, the man's staff disappeared into the ether. "Your wish has been granted. Now, we must take our leave", said the fox god, preparing to leave. But the young man interrupts them, "My apologize for interruption my god, but we also have an offering to you this year", then he yanked her off the ground, shoved her towards them, a few feet away. "As you can see my god", the man said, pointing his finger at the girl, "She's the reason for this epidemic. This demon fox decides to take away our land. I captured her while I was in the forest, the village and I decide to ask you to get rid of her, hoping she'll never harm our land ever again."

            The fox deity calmly shocked, but curious to see a being related to a fox. He lifts her chin up with his hand, inspecting the features of her face and her ears. He hums, "This is quite an interesting offering human", the fox paused, looking at her body, "Very well, I shall take her away from here." The man gave the chain to the god, he bowed, then everyone heads back to their village. "Alright Korn", said the fox to the man named Korn, "Let's head back home." Korn nods, the fox place his hand on Korn's back while holding the fox girl wrapped with his other arm, then they instantly flew out of the planet. After an hour, they arrived to planet Liquiir. As they arrived in the temple's living room, the fox god gave a loud yawn. "Korn, I'm heading to bed", said the fox, "Please get her cleaned and dressed before she sleeps." "As you wish Lord Liquiir." After the fox left, Korn brought her to the bathroom; she has no idea what they have in stored for her.

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