Quitela X Female Reader Reupload

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Note: this requester HellsingFan5ever notify me that this was removed from this book somehow. I apologize for that error, but in near future of a second oneshot book itll be safer to do only fifty stories. I will think of a way to divide this book into two books so we won't have anymore errors. Please enjoy. 

On planet Quitela, Lord Quitela is busy getting high scores on his GodStation console, playing crossword game. Ever since Lord Beerus taunts him that the cat deity can do better than the mouse deity in games; one day, they both end up in argument. Beerus challenges Quitela in a crossword game to see who can score the highest; whoever wins will be the winner and make fun of the loser for a week. So far, Beerus already played the game; he scored at least 500 thousand points. Quitela truly hates Beerus for his ignorance, he wished that Beerus should shut his mouth for once.

For the past week, Lord Quitela only scored 350 thousand points; if he could score 150 or higher, he would finally make fun out of the cat. Right now, he encountered a hard level crossword levels. A (height), (skin color), young girl is walking towards Quitela; her (eye color) eyes shines as she carries a tray with a glass of juice, chilled in ice cubes and a slice of orange hanging on the ledge of the glass. She wears her basic maid dress except the main color is light green like Quitela's gi pants. 

As he completed another level, his eyes turned behind him and immediately gets nervous. Sweat appears on his forehead, his eyes glistens while they widen. He was shaking as she stood beside him, place his drink next to his right hand. "Here you go Lord Quitela, your favorite drink", the (hair length) (hair color) hair woman said while bowing to him. He sees her cleavage poking out of the top of her maid dress and blushed, hoping she didn't catch him. "Oh, that nice (Y/n)-Chan. You can retire for the day", he offers, and she bowed back.

He sighs as he watches her walk out of the living room. For six months, he was having affections for this mortal. The problem is rumors make him sound like a selfish, bad deity. Well, half of it is true, but he wants to change a little for her; he wants her to be his lover. He tries everything to get her attention, but he's nervous when they're with Kuru, Cognac, or other mortals of Universe 4. As he tries to move those bad thoughts away, he keep losing on the hard level. He's usually stubborn about getting help, but he needs to stop being stupid and find his attendant. Quitela paused his game on hold, walks out of the room, and go find Cognac.

"So, what you're saying that you need my help to win (Y/n)-Chan's heart?", Cognac asks Quitela. "Exactly Cognac", he nods, "I wanted to talk to her for so long, but I'm...too nervous to talk to her...so...can you help me...please." Cognac is shocked by using manners for help; but since the mouse deity is desperate, the angel decides to help. "Alright my lord, I'll help. But I'll only help you when you two are alone while I get rid of visitors." Quitela grins, "Thank you! Make sure it's only me and (Y/n)-Chan." Cognac bows and left the room, getting ready to make a plan.

The next morning, Cognac created a decoy of Lord Quitela to distract the visitors. Meanwhile, Quitela decided to ditch the bet ,that would end this afternoon, to find (Y/n)-Chan. He stands in front of her room door and knocked. "Just a minute please", said her soft voice. Sweat appear on his forehead, waiting patiently. Finally, she opens the door, look out and she gasp as she saw Lord Quitela standing there. "Oh Lord Quitela! I'm sorry if I'm running late", she said but he interrupts her. "No! No! There's no need to rush (Y/n)-Chan! Since Cognac's running an errand, I came her to tell you that you can take a day off today." 

Her eyes wide open when he said that, she couldn't believe that he would give her a full day off. "But I also wanted to...ask you a request for me", he continued talking. "Yes?", she asks. "Well...w...will...", he takes a deep breath and bluntly talk, "Will you go out with me for the entire day?" A blush appeared on his face, preparing for rejection. As he looks up, he saw her smiling, blushing red on her cheeks, staring at him. "Is that a yes?", he asks her. "Oh yes! Yes, I will go out with you! Hang on, I need to wear nice", she said and ran back to her room, closing her door. "take your time sweetie", said Quitela, looking at the clock, read: 8:30 am.

Lord Quitela and (Y/n)-Chan had a great time together: they explored Universe 4's peaceful planets, revealed their new discoveries of creatures and plants. For lunch, they had a picnic in their yard, drinking white wine and eating gourmet crackers, cheese, and deli meat sandwiches. It felt like forever as the two laugh together; but time went by as they finally went back home from their little date. Quitela looks at the clock, 5:30pm. He lost once again; he'll deal with Lord Beerus later, right now he needs this time to confess to (Y/n)-Chan. He noticed that she's gone, he panicked and went on a search. 

As he searches through his home, he finally found (Y/n)-Chan in the living room and saw her playing on his console. He walks towards her and look at the screen; she was filling in the spaces to solve the hard questions of this final level. She's now on the final puzzle question. Quitela is amazed how she knows the questions. "So (Y/n)-Chan, do you know crossword games?", he asks her. She nods, "Yeah, I used to play crosswords back on my home planet, playing with my friends. Last played this game since the day before I was taken by space pirates." "Oh really? That long ago", he trailed off as he stares at her pretty face. "Oh, come on Quitela!", he thought to himself, "Get hold of yourself! You need to tell her now!" Quitela moves his hand and place it on her hand, touching her soft skin. 

He sighs, "(Y/n)-Chan"; she stops playing and looks at Quitela, "Yes Lord Quitela?" The mouse felt nervous to express himself to a mortal; sweat roll down his forehead, hands gets sweaty, and his throat started to feel dry. (Y/n)-Chan notices his strange behavior, grabs a handkerchief, and wipe all the sweat off him; that cause the deity to gasp, seeing her kindness towards him. He clenched his fists into a ball, closed his eyes, "Oh! I can't take this anymore!", he exclaimed and face towards (Y/n)-Chan, "(Y/n)-Chan, I love you!" He gasps as he said it and that cause her to gasp. Quitela started to feel scared that she might reject him and covered his eyes with his hands. Either way, he was preparing for the worst. Suddenly, a soft pair of feminine hands took his hands of his face, "Lord Quitela...please look at me. Don't be scared. I want you to look at me", (Y/n)-Chan commanded. He opens his eyes and looks at (Y/n)-Chan in confusion.

"There's no need to be afraid to confess to me my lord", she said, calming the mouse deity. "Eh? Why's that?", he asks. "Because I love you too", she answered, smiling at him. His jaw drop, looking at her in disbelief. "What!? R..r...really? You love me too?", he asks her once more to be sure what she said is true. "Yes, what I'm saying is no trickery. Ever since you saved me from those terrible space pirates, not only you made me into your maid, but you also showed me such kindness and respect to me. 

To be honest, I was attracted to you every time I stand next to you. I wished to confess to you sooner, but I was afraid that you don't show any interest in me." Quitela is shocked by her confession and wanted to fix this, "No, of course I won't reject you! You're", he paused, looking down, blushing, "You're the most beautiful creature I ever seen." (Y/n)-Chan blushes, smiling at his honest comment. She picks him up, his face facing hers, and she kiss him on the lips. 

He shook in shock while she kissed his lips; then, he kissed her in return, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. They break the kiss, catching their breaths. Then, (Y/n)-Chan presses buttons, filling the final answer of the puzzle: Love. Quitela is happy that the crossword is finally done...with help of course.

"You're a great kisser Lord Quitela", she commented. He smiles softly at her, "Just call me Quitela for now on...Um...don't let Cognac know what I did today", he said, feeling embarrassed. She giggles, "I promise", then kiss him again, and giving him a big hug, his face buried by her (chest size) chest. He blushes yet smiled by her presence and enjoy the hug.

Cognac is hiding at the corner of the doorway of the living room, finally seeing his lord get the girl of his dreams. Quietly, he left to the yard and contacted all the Universes angels and gods about the news. Everyone's happy to see their little trickster is now busy with his lover. Beerus smiles; not that he won the bet on the game, but he's also happy for Quitela, "You little lucky bastard", and crossed his arms, "I won the game while he won a dame."

The End

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