Moro X Imprisoned Reader Lemon

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-I know it's early for Moro to be in fanfics, but I'm doing it away; besides, I saw Hearts in them. Might as well throw Moro in. He's only in the manga, but if you see the latest manga cover, his skin is bluish, dark fur. Anyway, when I saw him transformed from a shriveled old goat and now turned into a hunk. The ironic part is that he's similar to Trek from MLP FIM and also reminds me of the similar scene of King Piccolo getting his youth back. P. S. the bubble words says, "I want your body (Y/n)", Please enjoy.

Moro, Sabango, and the prisoners from the Galactic Patrol Prison crew has been invading many worlds recently; helping Moro to preserve energy for his needs. Every beings on their own planets tried their best to fight against them; sadly, they were defeated and absorbed by the monster. The more energies he consumes, the more he gets powerful; reviving his youth to the fullest. "Sabango", Moro called to his follower. "Yes, Lord Moro?", Sabango respond. "I need more energies to reach my fullest potential and to defeat my foes: The Grand Supreme Kai and The Saiyans." Sabango nods, calling all teams across Universe 7 for information.

A young woman is scared, hiding in a corner from being seen while everyone on her home planet ,(insert planet name), have been defeated and killed; she looks behind her wall and notices how some of her defeated people are being carried by the intruders, away from her planet. "Great", she said to herself, "If I make a run for it, I can run to the communication hub and get help from the Galactic Patrolmen!" She waits for the right time; she saw the last members fly off the planet, cuing her to run. But as she stands up, a figure appeared, making her scream. The figure is no other than Prisoner 73, a weird being with three orbs on his forehead, a face resembles Hit, and spikes on each side of the head. The girl remembered his eyes can shoot lasers out of them, blasting her people to death. He grabs her hands, holding her from escaping. He already got warned by Sabango from his previous planet mission; this time, he's taking her in, alive. "No!", she screams, "Let me go! Please, I won't tell anybody!" Prisoner 73 just stares at her emotionless, ignored her cries, and fly out to the ship.

Moro laughs, happy as he already absorbed more new energies. But he stops laughing as he notices 73 holding a girl. Moro looks at her curiously. Her height is (height), curvy body, her skin is (color), and has (breast size) breasts; her hair is (color), eyes (color), and has a mole on her left cheek. Her outfit is (based by favorite fandoms), wearing her (color) socks and (color) shoes. Sabango walks over to them, "Excellent work 73", said Sabango, looking at the terror on the girl's face. He inspects the girl's Ki, not sure if she's useful or useless. "Lord Moro", Sabango said while 73 still holding the girl's hands, "What should we do with this girl?" Moro walks over to the girl, his hand lifting her chin up, observing her face. He admits that she's very beautiful; but his mind is focused on her body, sensing how delicious she looks. But not as energy. He knew what he wanted to do with her. "I'll gladly take her off your hands 73", said Moro. Prisoner 73 nods, handing the girl to Moro. Moro looks at the girl, staring at her; she notices him staring at her, feeling scared for her life. "Tell me child", Moro continued as he strokes the girl's cheek, "Tell me your name." Her mind refused to answer him, but she damn knows what he'll do to her if she gets him angry. "(Y....Y/n)", she stutters, mustering up the courage to speak. Moro smiled, giving her a creepy smile. "Ah! What a lovely name", he said, leaning close to her face, whispers next to her ear, "Not as lovely as your body." His whispering words send her chills and shudders. Moro places a light blow to her forehead, knocked her out. Before she falls, Moro caught her, holding her bridal style. He walks over to Sabango, "She'll be in my room for now on. May sure she doesn't escape", said Moro. Then, he left the area, bringing his new victim to her new prison.

(Y/n) wakes up, feeling tired yet confused. Then she gasps as she realized that she's chained: Her hands chained together in front of her, each of her legs chained to each side of the bedframe, and then she notices that she no longer wears her usual clothing, just a new (color) silky night gown. She tries to wriggle, struggling to remove the chains but it's useless; just like her. The door opens, Moro walks into the room, and the door closed. He smiles as he sees her struggling with the chains on her. "Ah! (Y/n), you're awake", he said as he sat next to her, "I was going to make sure how you're doing. Feel comfortable?" (Y/n) looks at him, tears flowing her eyes, "Please....I want to go home!", she whimpered. He gave her a stare; a stare that longs for her, his hand caressing her cheek. Her face blushed by his touch, his gentle touch. He sighs as he closed his eyes. Then he opens his eyes and looks at her again. "I'm afraid you won't be heading back home for a long time", he said sincere. "Eh?", she exclaims softly. He leans in, his face close to hers, "Because this is your home now. Your own prison and you're my own little prisoner", his smiled grew, then gave an evil laughter. She sighed, then cried; knowing that she'll be, forever, his prisoner.

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