Zamasu X Sexy Chubby Reader X Black Lemon

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Requested by: EstelaTorres182

-note this; this is my first fanfic encounter of making a lemon with a chubby or fat person involved. But this will be a good test to my writing skills.

Zamasu and Black are patrolling the desecrated ruins of a city that they destroyed while eradicated Earthlings a while ago. Both of them are glad that one area is clear; because they can move on to the next bigger city. Since Black came from alternative timeline, Zamasu from the future timeline teamed up with himself in the body of their greatest tool: Goku's body and power. With them together, they can finally start their Zero Mortal Plan in all the multiverses. So far, they managed to eradicate the entire mortals off the alternative and future timeline. Future Trunks was tougher than they anticipated, but he ran out of strength and power, ends up defeated by the evil duo. Right now, they entered this multiverse three days ago and they noticed that they cannot find Goku or Earth's dragon balls because they don't exist: only the mortals.

They flew passed the road for an hour, eventually headed towards a busy city. They observed as Earthlings were all too busy what' s happening in their lives. Not giving a care from the news, they thought it was a fluke; but they're wrong. They landed their feet on the ground and realized how the city was hard to navigate. So, they began to search, trying to find any other mortals before they begin their lethal attack. As Zamasu continues his search, Black was scanning the buildings; until his eyes found something...obscure. Zamasu heard Black stop, looked behind him, saw Black expressing his surprised and confused look. "Black, what's the matter?", Zamasu asked Black, walking besides him. Black could only point his finger in his direction. Zamasu turns and gasps in their strange encounter: they found a strip club.

Zamasu looks at the name of the building, squints in disgusted face. "Titty Twister?", said Black, reading the building's name, "What's that about?" "I don't know Black, but I think we should leave now", said Zamasu, yanking Black to move. But Black smiled, curious of this place. "Let's go investigate Zamasu!", he said amused. Zamasu gets mad, "Black!", he scowled, "We're not going in there! Let's go", but then he realized that Black already went inside. Zamasu let out a frustrated growl, "Stupid bastard", he mutters and then went after him.

As they reached to the entry way to the place, both of them blushed at a horrific and (to Black) interesting sight: strippers everywhere! All of them are women. Everything in their eyes are scared with excitement and curiosity. Some of them pole danced in front of men, others served with beverages, and they saw a stripper walked out with a guy into a room to do the deed. Zamasu was frightened, he yanks Black's shoulder. "Black! This is outrageous! We need to go now!", he begged to his comrade. "Come now Zamasu", said Black, smiling, "We should just observe and enjoy this bizarre event." Zamasu frowned, did not signed up for this. The lights dimmed down; stage lights peered down on three platforms. "Oh! It's starting!", whispered Black, then went over to the third area. Zamasu follows him, both take their seats.

The first stage features a slim blonde-haired woman, with a perfect set of legs, arms, body parts, including normal sized breasts. She climbs onto the pole, giving them a show of her pussy rubbed against it. Both Zamasu and Black aren't impressed, yet Zamasu glared at him and frowned. He saw Black's erection slightly appeared within his gi pants. The second stages feature a black haired, (skin tone) woman who is apparently is skinny, flat chested, She puts her hands on her vagina and starts rubbing her clit, teasing her customers. Zamasu blushed, disgusted by her gesture and noticed that Black's erection grew, almost visible by his eye. 

However, this didn't satisfy them at all. They find the two strippers' boring. But what they find strange is that the third stage that they're seeing is vacant except themselves. Finally, the third stage began; as a big figure walked on stage, both Black and Zamasu both gasps. There was a sexy and chubby female stripper, appeared before their eyes. She posed her sexy stance, revealing her large sized breasts, teasing the two beings. She is short while being chubby, but she is sexy for some people. She has (color) eyes, her face covered in make up in (insert color) theme. Her lips are a perfect size (not to big and lippy and not too tiny), shaded with (color). Her hair is (length) and (color), exactly like her outfit: a (color) lingerie that is combined with garter belt, attached with fascinators from her belt to her (color) pantyhose and wears her (color) leather high heel boots, and she has thin fishnet fabric covering her groin area, around her waist.

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