Frieza X Female Namekian Reader Lemon

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Hi, I'm back. This fanfic is requested by wolfkiller45. This is my first fic that involves Frieza considering his character is prodigal and malice. Hope you enjoy.

-This is the alternative multiverse where the Namekians do have both male and female genders. Sadly, Frieza managed to arrive on planet Namek, a week before Goku's friends travel to Namek. Please enjoy with this challenge of mine.

The evil emperor Frieza sat in his chair as he waits patiently in the control center of his ship. What is he waiting for? For whom? A soldier enters and stands before the tyrant, "Lord Frieza, lady (Y/n) is waiting in your chamber", he said. Frieza smiles as his patience is done. "Excellent!", he said in a satisfied tone, leaving his chair to the door, "I shall retire to my room. All of you make sure there's no interference with our plans", he ordered his soldiers and left. As he walks down the hallway, he gives a wicked smile; happy to go see his favorite love interest. How did this all happen? Well, it happened a week ago when he first met her: his beautiful Namekian lover (Y/n).

Frieza; the most horrifying and ruthless being of Universe 7, conquered planets and sold them to customers or turned them into base camps for the Frieza Force, and mostly murdered innocent beings by his soldiers or himself. Frieza' s first form is already surpassed most beings who tried to fight against him; especially his black horns that could impale anyone. Frieza used his scouter and captured the communication on Vegeta's scouter that mystical wish orbs known as dragon balls can grant any wish that he/she desired. He was determined to find those objects and make sure that he gets the first wish for immortality. First, he found out that planet Namek has their own dragon balls and set course to the Namekian planet. As soon as he arrived, he sends his minions to find the Namekian dragon balls from the villages and bring them to him. Frieza relaxes in his room, drinking his red wine, while looking through the big window of the planet' s landscape. Sadly, he's bored; so, he decided to step out for a good fly. As he flew through the terrain of water and grasslands, he stops and caught something from a nearby village; he saw a strange figure of an unknown Namekian, gathering water into a jug. Quietly, he floated down and hid into the tall grass. He inspects the figure closer; to his surprise, this Namekian is female! He gasps lightly and smiles in fascination as he also saw her turn, revealing her identity.

She's a real beauty; a rare specimen of female Namekian. This female has the genetics of the Namekian appearances: green skin, pointy ears, a set of antennas, hairless, and pink skin on her arms, legs, and abdomen. As a female, she has female genital, the vagina, a plum-shaped buttock, and a (breast size) pair of green breasts with little dark shade of green nipples. She has no clothing covering her breasts, the only clothing she wears is the white loin cloth wrapped around her waists and her vagina. Frieza blushes hint of purple as he caught a glimpse of her moist pink lips of her labia majora and labia minora (mostly the vagina) while she sat up on her knees. This sight turns him on; he could only imagine how he would easily claim her as his own pet. Giving her the best love and attention while rubbing her intimate parts that make her scream in pleasure. Yet, he wanted to earn her trust which make their relationship better. Originally, Frieza was going to slaughter the entire Namekian race. But since Frieza was in a good mood, he decided to be generous with the Namekians and spare their lives; Frieza heard cries from the village while men shouting at them.

This cause the female to run over there for her kind; Frieza follows her in pursuit. He doesn't want his men and civilians to see him creeping on the girl, so he levitates off the ground and flew off; landing next to his men which they gasp in surprise. "Lord Frieza!", they said in unison while salute their leader. "Calm down men", Frieza said calmly, "I'll handle this situation." Then, he faces the two male elders who are protecting the three male Namekian children including little Dende. Suddenly, a female came out of nowhere and punched one of Frieza's soldier in the face, cause him to fly a foot away. Frieza's eyes widen open in surprise and see his love interest attack his men. He finds it attractive to him; he really wants her. The female Namekian's arms are caught by the other two soldiers and try to attack her; however, Frieza instantly move to them and use his hand to lightly knock her out, holding her limb body. Frieza glared at his men with a menacing look, causing them to shiver in fear. "Don't even think about harming her. Here", he handed her body to one of his men, "Bring her to the ship and get her cleaned. I want her in my room when I'm back." His two men nods and flew back to the ship. Frieza face back to the defenseless Namekians, shivering in fear. "You there!", he pointed to the older Namekian Moori to stand up. Slowly, the elder stand. "Tell me Namekian, that female that we took away, what's her name?", he asks. Moori stared as he refused to tell him. "Tell me now or I will slaughter your children and the rest of your kind!", he threatens the Namekian, pointing his finger, forming energy, at the children. The children cried, hiding behind the elders. Moori gasps and grunts; he knew he has no choice.

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