SSJ4 Vegito X Female Saiyan Reader X SSJ4 Trunks

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Requested by: YuGiOhfan1999. I used paint software and paste them together.

-Goddamn! I have to make this fic about Trunks and Vegito (his father Vegeta fused with Goku with the Portara earrings) in their SSJ4 forms and are fighting for the Saiyan reader's love. This one will be a bumpy ride. 

P.s. This multiverse is different: both Chichi and Bulma divorced their husbands a month ago, left them out on their own. Both their husbands are no longer in love with them and is interested with the reader. So, they went to live with the reader. Sorry if it's short and you don't want the Xeno version characters but it's the most logical to go with for this fanfic.

Robot #76: Time Patroller: (Y/n). Race: Saiyan. Age: 20 years old. Height: insert height. Breast size: insert breast size. Weight: insert weight. She has (color) spiky hair, (color) eyes, (skin tone) skin. She wears a similar outfit to Kale except the colors are (insert color). (Play button appeared) Care to play this character?. Reader pressed play. Robot #76: Ok! Let's go! Then the background turn into darkness.

(Y/n)-Chan is a female Saiyan; a strong willed Saiyan who helped the Time Patrol against the forces of evil. She was an orphan for her entire twenty years of her life; after she graduates from the Time Patrol school, she was assigned as a Time Patroller. She spends her year as a Time Patroller: she spends her devotion to training, rescue missions, and recently been hanging out with Trunks (Future Xeno version), Goku, and Vegeta. Since both Saiyans' ex-wives filed and sign their divorce paperwork, she lets them live with her while they recovered from their bad moment.

What she doesn't know that Both Vegeta and Goku both have a love interest in her; but they argued and fight each other to see who can get to ask her out and be her lover. But last week, they dropped their jaws, found out that (Y/n) is already dating Trunks. 

So, while (Y/n) is busy making lunch, they confront Trunks, glaring at him with anger. Trunks is confused and scared by his father and Goku; but he noticed how they always tried to flirt with his girlfriend. That's when it him, realized that they had a thing for her. He blocked their punches and backs them up in their corner. "Enough!", said Trunks, "You must stop!" The two Saiyans stood there, confused. Trunks charged up his Ki, transforming, his aura and hair glowed.

Suddenly, he disappeared within the bright flash and light. Both Saiyans covered their eyes from the light. Once the transformation is over, they open their eyes and gasps: Trunks transformed into his SSJ4 form! They're in trouble. "Let's see who will get (Y/n) first", said Trunks, smirking at their surprise. 

Vegeta and Goku stared at each other, then grinned. Goku took out the Portara earrings; Goku wanted to fuse into Vegito again, so he stole them from Shin without being noticed. They both charged their Ki's transforming their aura and hair, glowing, and disappeared into the bright light. Once again, they also transformed into their SSJ4 forms. They look at Trunks and smirked.

SSJ4 Trunks wasn't impressed. "So? Is that what you can do?", he asks, retort. They smiled, Goku tossed one of the earrings to Vegeta; Goku placed it on his left ear while Vegeta placed one on his right ear. As they glowed, both Saiyans dragged against the ground, their bodies collided with each other, and then they disappeared within the light. SSJ4 Trunks gasp, cannot believed what they have done. As the light disappeared, both Saiyans fused into Vegito in his SSJ4 form. They all screamed, charging up their power, and runs towards each other, about to punch.

As (Y/n) hums her favorite tune, cutting the cabbage, she heard a loud explosion; startled her. She puts her knife down, walks over to the porch door, and went to her backyard. She gasps, her eyes grew as she saw SSJ4 Trunks and SSJ4 Vegito are fighting. They're all bruised by their punches and are about to pull their ultimate attack at each other. 

Trunks charged his Final Flash move that Vegeta taught him last month. While Vegito charging his ultimate Kamehameha. Just as they take aim at each other, they stopped. They dropped their attacks, staring at the angry (Y/n). She is not happy, "WHAT THE HELL'S GOING ON!?", she yelled.

Causing them to lower their heads in shame, SSJ4 Trunks got an idea; he went over to SSJ4 Vegito and whispers, "Here's the deal, we'll share her. Happy?" he nods in agreement. They went over to her side; "Whah!?", she exclaimed, caught off guard as her boyfriend gropes her breasts. While SSJ4 Vegito grabs her by the waist, then kissed her lips. 

She gasps in surprised; she cannot believe what she's seeing. Her boyfriend's dad and Goku fallen for her? Well, this is getting out of hand. Then, SSJ4 Trunks moved them aside, kissing her. Both SSJ4 Saiyans both shoved each other off, continue to kiss her. She felt Vegito sucking her neck while Trunks licking her the shell of her ear. 

She must stop them and shoves them off; but she missed. It accidently made both Trunks and Vegito to rip her shirt, revealed her exposed (size) breasts. They stop fight, stares at her boobs, feeling embarrassed and horny. She looks down, blushed red, and gasps. "KNOCK IT OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!", then she punched both boys, placing big bumps on their heads.

Trunks turns back to his normal, while SSJ4 Vegito stood there, sitting on a chair. He placed ice pack on his head and winced from the pain. (Y/n) stole Trunks' shirt and covered herself. She lowers her fist, angrily grunted. "You boys got some nerve to take advantage of me. What's gotten into you two?" Vegito sighed, feeling embarrassed. Trunks went over to her, "We're sorry (Y/n)", he apologized, "My dad and Goku are in love with you. So, we decided to see which one of us do you love." 

Her glare turns into confused look. "Oh Trunks", she said kiss his lips, "You're my boyfriend. I'll always love you the most." Trunks smiled, happy by her response. "So, do you forgive me?", he asked. "I forgive you", she said, "But I have to punish you by making the rest of lunch I'm making with this recipe." Trunks nods, "Ok, I'll go get it ready." He went inside to help finish cooking lunch.

She turns to SSJ4 Vegito, glaring at him. He shivered in fear, scared what she'll do to him. She went over to him, giving him a mad look. "Vegito", she said sternly, "Is this what Trunks says true? Both of you in love with me?" He frowned, sad, and nodded. 

(Y/n) felt bad that they both love her, and she already dated Trunks. Without Trunks around, (Y/n) leans in and kissed Vegito's lips. He looks up at her, surprised. Touching his lip, he smiled at her. "So, are you going to dump him?", Vegito asked. She frowned, "No way! We're still dating, and I won't leave you and him behind. You guys get along and share together. Got it?", she said, clenching her fist. He gulped, nodded. She smiled, calming down. "Anyway, come inside. Lunch's ready", said (Y/n) smiled. Then, she went inside the house. Trunks went back out and went over to SSJ4 Vegito.

"How did it go?", Trunks asked. Vegito smiled, "Looks like we're going to share her for now on." Trunks smirked, knowing that he won't mind sharing his girlfriend to them. As the Portara earrings' time limit is done, Vegito is turned into light and unfused: and split out Goku and Vegeta. 

They stared at each other and at Trunks. They smirked; "We should go sleep with you guys tonight, just so you don't get her pregnant", suggested Goku. Vegeta was about to slap his face, but he stops. "For once Kakarott, I agree with you", said Vegeta. "Me too", replied Trunks. Then the three Saiyans went inside the house, can't wait to have (Y/n) to herself tonight.

The End

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