Grand Priest X Pregnant Wife Reader (Grand Priest X Depressed reader Part 3

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This is requested by otaku_love_anime. But it was also agreed and approved by WereAllMadHere1234.

-This is the final third part of this fanfic. P.s. I also ran out of ideas for pictures of Grand Priest, I was scared that I would be off guard and encountered his mad and evil smile face (scared me for life). Warning: sexual theme, gross parts, and desire for breast milk. Please Enjoy.

Four months passed by since (Y/n)-Chan's pregnancy announcement. All her friends and her family are all happy for her. She's carrying the children of the Grand Priest. She's been preparing for their arrival and her children already helped make the nursery. With supplies ready for the babies, all she needs to do is wait. While she walks in the corridor, she enters the throne, greeted by her husband. "Morning my wife!", he greeted her with a morning kiss. "Morning my husband!", she replied back to him, "What are we doing today?" He shrugs his shoulders, "Nothing really, his sires don't have any work to do", then turns to the Grand Zenos, waiting for her arrival. They run up to her legs and hugged her; They smiled at her, "Morning (Y/n)-Chan!", they said in unison. "Morning Grand Zenos", she greets them back, "If only my belly's not that heavy, I would've bow to you." "Don't worry", said Grand Zeno. "Yes, you're carrying a child. There's no need to bow to us", said Future Grand Zeno. "Besides, you're already our friend!", they said in unison. (Y/n)-Chan smiled, happy to have the greatest people by her side: the Grand Zenos and her husband the Grand Priest.

Hours Later

            After (Y/n)-Chan spend several hours playing games and reading stories to the Grand Zenos, they were put into their afternoon nap by their guards. While they stand guard by their door, both (Y/n)-Chan and the Grand Priest can relax without worries. She was tired from their play time that she's too heavy to walk. So, her husband carried her to their bedroom, spending time alone together. He laid her on their king-sized bed, feeling the softness and comfy texture of their mattress. She laid her back on the bed, her head on her pillow. She sighed, feeling cozy and cannot move. The Grand Priest laid down next to her, cuddling each other. "Finally, some alone time", said her husband, feeling content. She gave him a burrowed eyebrows, "Honey, we always get alone time when they're gone or napping." He chuckled, "That's true", he replied. They cleared their minds, relaxing on their bed while they stared at the ceiling. It's been four months since they played naughty. Because of her pregnancy, (Y/n)-Chan's always too exhausted; that's what he gets when he accidently got her pregnant when he already has over a dozen of angel offspring.

            He looks at her, admiring her beautiful face, her (color) eyes sparkled still, staring at the ceiling. Her lips are shaded with (color), showing soft texture whenever he kisses her. Her (length) (color) hair is soft, perfect, and smells like (insert scent of shampoo + conditioner). And her breasts are (breast size) as always; except he gets turned on whenever she's lactating breast milk. He would really want to suckle those milk bags. His mind gets the best of him, placing his hand on her right breast. While she's distracted, he snaps his finger quietly, her shirt and bra are gone. After they disappeared, he leans his face to her breasts and starts suckling them, tasting her yummy milk. For some time, whatever she ate makes her milk taste like candy and he's addicted to them. He sucks on her nipples, sucking up the sweet taste of breast milk, and swallowed. (Y/n)-Chan felt his tongue and mouth sucking her nipples and gave him a glare; and pushed him off her. The Grand Priest looks up at his angry wife and chuckled, blushing in embarrassment.

            "Honey!", she whined, tired, "That's for our children. Don't steal my milk." He nods, smiled sadly. "I can't help but be addicted to your sweet and candied flavored breast milk of yours my wife", he said, honestly. (Y/n)-Chan stares at him, felt bad for him, "Sorry my husband, but that was the last time and mistake to let you devour my milk. Our children won't be able to eat if you stole all my milk", she explained. The Grand Priest understood what she meant and nods, "I understand my love." He leans closer to her face, kissing her lips; he gave her a sexy smile, "When's was the last time that we played naughty?", he asked her. She narrowed her eyebrows at him, "Since we had sex nine months ago", she replied. With his fingers snapped, her heavy body lifts off the bed and lands on top of his waist, straddling him. Her big belly's touching his body and chest, only her chest is touching his face while her lower regions touches his.

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