Kid Trunks X Kid Reader

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Hi, I realized this was removed for some reason and forgot who request this. Anyway, whoever it is can comment. 

(Y/n) is the new student to the homeschool group. She was transferred from her previous school because of her parents' job transfer. But since both her mother and father have full time schedule, they don't have time to bring her to school and no ride to get home. Since her father works at Capsule Corp., she gets to be educated by homeschool teacher and only a few students are there. As she and her father arrived early, her father left her in the backyard where a whiteboard appears. Desks are there and went over; as she sat down, she waits patiently.

(Y/n) reads her book to pass the time; until she heard a kid's voice near her, "Hey guys, I promise to meet you later on lunch break." She looks up and saw a handsome boy she ever seen. A boy with short lavender hair, blue eyes, and he seems like a strong fellow. He wears his yellow sleeveless sweater, blue pants, and brown shoes. He smiled, showing off his shiny teeth. As he turns, he stops, stunned by her. He saw a pretty girl sitting on the desk, staring at him. She has (length) (color) hair, (color) eyes, (skin tone) skin, and she's the same height as he. She wears her (color) dress with flowers on them, (color) flat shoes, and a cute barrette clipped on her hair with a cute (animal) glued on.

The boy blushed and went over to the desk next to her. He was nervous, "Um...hi", he greeted her shyly. (Y/n) smiles, "Hi, I'm (Y/n)." The boys pose while winking at her, "I'm Trunks, son of Capsule Corp. boss." Her eyes grew wide, "You're her son? You're lucky to live in a rich family and enough time for family", she said, feeling jealous. "Huh?", he looks confused, "Why would you say that? Does your parents have time for you?" She shakes her head, "Unfortunately, they both work and they never bring me home until dad's done at 10pm."

"Woah!", Trunks exclaimed, "That's cool you get to stay up late!" "No! it's not cool", she replied, "That means I'm always tired and I didn't get to have a meal or any time with my parents." Her eyes look sad while frowning, feeling frustrated that she's lonely while her parents are awhile. Trunks notice her expression and felt bad for her. "I'm sorry (Y/n). I didn't mean to offended you", he apologized. (Y/n) looks at him, give him a smile, "It's ok Trunks, you didn't mean it", she assured him. "Anyway, the teacher's coming, so when we're on break, we'll have lunch with my other friends", Trunks offered. She lightens up when he offers her an invitation. "Sure!", she answered. Then they opened their notebooks and pencils as their teacher arrived for today's lesson.

Time Skip

It is lunch break; so (Y/n) took out her lunch box and Trunks lead her to the door to his house. Unfortunately, the door is locked. Trunks took out his phone and calls his mom. "Um mom, the door's lock. I want to have lunch with my other friends", he called on the speaker. (Y/n) couldn't hear, but his groaning is a sign that is not good. He hung up, looking disappointed. He looks at her, sad. "Sorry, looks like mom won't let me see them during lunch. Looks like we can eat at the patio", he stated. She nods and they both left to the patio.

(Y/n) brought with her lunch box: once she opens it, there's nothing. She gasps as she sees nothing in her lunch box. "What? She told me she packed my lunch this morning!", she whined. Trunks noticed, sees her empty lunch box. He nudged her arm; cause her to turn and look at him. She saw his lunch: it was a gourmet food and gasps as she saw huge pile of food on each plate. He must have high metabolism. Trunks hands a clean plate in front of her, "I feel bad that you don't have any food. Want some of mine before lunch break ends?", he asks. She smiles, nodding. She used her fork, picked certain types of food onto her plate, and they both began to eat.

Four Hours Later

"Alright students", said their homeschool teacher, "That's it for today. Tomorrow, we'll discuss about science and ELA. Have a good day!", then she left the yard. Now that school's over, (Y/n) will have to stay until her dad's done in the next seven hours. Trunks approached her, clearing his throat, "Well since you'll be here for long time, do you want to show you around the rest of the yard and Capsule Corp?", he asks her. "Sure", said (Y/n) happily. She holds his hand, making him blush. For an hour and thirty minutes, Trunks gave (Y/n) the tour of his house, the backyard, and then stops at the lab. "And this is the lab where mom works on mechanics", he stated. "Wow! It's a huge lab!", she said in awe.

Then Bulma approached the kids. "Hi Trunks, how's school today?", she asks her son. "It's fine. This is my new classmate, (Y/n). Her dad works for you", Trunks said, introducing his mom to (Y/n). Bulma kneel down, looking at her. "Nice to meet you (Y/n). I understand that your father's working late and longer. So, I invited you to have dinner with us tonight", Bulma offered to the girl. (Y/n)'s shocked, she never been invited by new people before, but it's a nice change for her. Besides, she's hungry as a horse."

For the last hour, she had dinner with Trunks and his family: Bulma, Vegeta, Dr, Briefs, Bulma's mom, and Bulla who is being bottle feed by Bulma. The is great, but (Y/n) is shocked that Trunks' father eats like him. They had a nice conversation. Vegeta comments, "Trunks, if you want her as your woman, you must make her happy before she kills you for pissing her off." 'Vegeta! Language!", Bulma yelled at her husband, "We have a guest here. Don't be rude." Then, Vegeta and Bulma engaged into an argument. (Y/n) looks scared and confused by their changed of aura. "Don't worry (Y/n)", Trunks said, assuring her, "This is normal at my house." 

She nods as both his parents looks away from each other while grunted. When they finished dinner, the plates were put away into the sink, and both Trunks and (Y/n) decides to pay a visit to his friends' room. They went upstairs, heading towards the bedroom door; sadly, the sign says, "Not Allowed to Visit Until Further Notice" "Dammit!", Trunks exclaimed. (Y/n) gasps, "Woah! You can't say swear words like that!", she warned him, worried he might get in trouble. "Don't worry (Y/n)", he said, laid back, "I always cussing whenever I'm around with the adults. Well, it stinks that we can't see my friends." "Why can't we see them?", she asks Trunks. "Because they have the chicken pox", he answers her. Her face shows a gross reaction to this, "Gross! Thank god I didn't get any!", she said.

(Y/n) is curious, "Do they live here?", she asks. He nods, "They're homeless and orphaned. My mom and I let them live here in exchange for work in the lab. They're Pilaf, Shu, and Mai." "Oh!?", (Y/n) narrowed her eyebrows at him, "So you got a girl live here?" Trunks can tell she's suspicious that one of his friends is a girl. "Don't worry, we're all friends....", he chuckled nervously. (Y/n) gave him a death glare at him, into his soul. He felt scared of the change of her aura. "Oh, ok ok!", he surrendered, "Mai and I used to date." (Y/n) looks at him with her hawk-eyed look at him. "But she dumped me two months ago. So, we became friends again", he muttered, sad.

(Y/n) looked surprised by his statement. "Really? Why did she dump you?", she asked. His face lowers down and stares at the ground, "She said I'm not her type", said Trunks. (Y/n) is not happy by Mai's decision, but it's for the best for both of them. Then, she went over to Trunks' side, leans in, and kissed him on the cheek. Trunks blushed, turning red. He turns to look at (Y/n), gave her a goofy look while chuckling. "Well too bad for her then. Because you're definitely my type", (Y/n) replied, giving him a wink, "And now I see what your father said about us, we definitely a great couple together."

They laugh, making Trunks feel better. They look at the clock: 9:55pm. "Oh! It's already about ten! I guess we'll see each other tomorrow", said (Y/n), about to leave. But Trunks stops her. "Wait (Y/n)! I got something for you!", he begs her to stay. She stands there, waiting for him. Without a word, Trunks leans in and kissed her lips. His face turning red, standing still, his lips touched hers. He breaks the kiss and backs up, "I know your dad will kill me if I kissed you in public, so this will be between us. 

So, do you want to be my girlfriend. I'll be more matured this time", he asks, begging her the answer. (Y/n) chuckled, "Sure, but don't worry, I know you've matured from your previous relationship." She leans closer to him and quickly kissed his lips again. "Well, see you tomorrow boyfriend", she waved him bye. "Oh!", he reacted, blushing while smiling at her, "Ok! See you tomorrow (Y/n)!"", he waved back at her, see her already disappeared.

Trunks sighed, happy that he got a new girlfriend who be with him for a long time. And he'll be happy to see her tomorrow, the next day, next day, and next week, and until they grow up and someday become husband and wife.

The End

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