Zamasu X Reader

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Requested by HellsingFan5ever

- This is an alternative universe where the reader met this Zamasu before he uses the Super Dragon Balls to switch his body with Goku's, and other messed up stuff as well time travel. Anyway, this timeline changed Zamasu into a good kai instead of evil. Please Enjoy.

Zamasu; he's next in line to be the next Supreme Kai of Universe 10, peaceful being, creating life. Gowasu taught him many important lessons that shows the nature and balance of planets and the mortals. What Gowasu doesn't know that Zamasu has a flaw: he hates mortals and their acts of chaos. There are no causes why he hates them, but one thing's certain that he wanted to bring justice and peace back to its original state. Zamasu has been ranting about how selfish and disrespectful the mortals were while ruining the beauty of their planets. Gowasu worries that his student has lost faith in humanity because the mortals cause mistakes to themselves, their communities, and their worlds. Gowasu remembers the Supreme Kai from Universe 7 visited him recently, asking about his student and testing his power. He decides to visit Supreme Kai. So Gowasu and Zamasu teleported and brought them to the Scared World of the Kais of U7. "Oh? Master Gowasu!", said the calm male voice. It was Supreme Kai Shin, greeting the two kais.

"Greetings, Supreme Kai, how are you?", he asks the short kai. "Very well, thank you", he smiles, and looks at Zamasu, "Great to see you again Zamasu", They exchange hand shake, "It's great to visit your lovely world Supreme Kai", Zamasu replied, admiring the landscapes. Shin looks at the older kai, "So, what brings you two here?", he asks. "I'm here for your full permission to visit a planet where mortals reside", said Gowasu, pointing his finger at his student, "It's an important lesson for him", he said telepathy. Shins nods, "Sure, I'll take you to Earth. But we must wait for a friend of mine to finish her garden work." Gowasu looks surprise, "A friends of yours? Who is she exactly", he asks. "She' Earthling", Shin answered telepathy. Gowasu's eyes open in shock, he smiles, knowing this is a great opportunity for Zamasu.

Meanwhile, Zamasu decides to walk around the planet; after a few minutes of walking, he encounters a small cottage, where Shin, Elder Kai, and Kibito sleep. Zamasu whistles, taking in the view of the beautiful landscape. He took around the corner and gasps, a huge flower garden appeared before him, from lilacs to dandelions, so beautiful that he could live here forever. "Wwwwho created this wonderful place?", he thought to himself. Just then, he heard a soft, feminine humming. He caught a feminine figure, kneeling while she plants daisies. This young girl wears a straw hat, black t-shirt, blue overalls, black boots, and grey garden gloves. He noticed how curvy her body is and he's intrigued by her work, "So she's responsible for this", he paused, looking at her planting roses, "I must talk to her."

Just as she finished planting the roses, she sat up, wiping sweat off her forehead. A hand touched her shoulder, surprised her. She looks up and saw a strange light green kai, standing before her. He smiles at her, offering her a hand; she reaches and grabs his hand, then he lifts her off the ground, and place her feet, allowing her to stand. She smiles at him, "Hello, I'm (Y/n)", and placed her hand out. He smiles, reach her hand, and gave it a shake, "I'm Zamasu, from Universe 10. Anyway, that's a very unusual name for a Shinjin." (Y/n) gave him a confused look, "What are you talking about Zamasu?" He chuckles by her question, "I'm sorry for laughing at you. But of course, you're a Shinjin. You have the best feature of the Shinjin, your face and body, so pure." (Y/n)-Chan thought for a moment, hoping to clear up the situation, then she found a solution. She smiles, then removes her straw hat off her head, revealing a beautiful (skin color) skin, rosy cheeks, smooth skin; her nose is small, but it's cute. Her eyes are colored (color), shining from the sun, looking dazzling. Her eyebrows are arched perfectly, then her (hair length) (hair color) hair shows off, smelling like fruit. He was staring at her, drooling, hoping nothing ruins the moment. Suddenly, his jaw dropped, and his eyes grew in horror: there's no sight of pointy ears, only small rounded human ears. There's no doubt about it, she's definitely no Shinjin. "As you can see", she continued, pointing to her ears, "I'm actually an Earthling."

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