Sour X Female Reader Lemon

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- Requested by mrs_kathy. I do apologized of this delay, but I need to see how my brother's doing. Right now, he's temporarily resting. But he will be awake and better tomorrow. Ok enough of my life, please enjoy.

Sour and Lady Helles arrived home on planet Helles; they were on planet (name) to solve conflict between two tribes that was solved by love and friendship thanks to Helles and the Witch Warriors of Universe 2. Helles is exhausted from all her tasks and about to take a nap. She turns to meet her guide angel. "Sour", said Helles calmly. He bowed a bit, "Yes m'lady?", he asks. "I'm going to rest. Make sure that you or anyone else don't disturb my nap", she said sternly. "Of course, Helles", he replied. Helles smiled, "Good, now go relax with your woman. See you at dinner!", she waved him while talking in teasing tone. Sour gave her an irritated face, not amused by her teases. But what she said is a hint that Sour, Universe 2's guide angel, has a girlfriend. His feet lifted off the ground, hovers over the staircase, arrived at a door while his feet back on the ground.

Meanwhile, (Y/n)-San is busy reading a book about (favorite subject or magazines). Her (color) eyes glistened as she reads through the pages, her rosy pink cheeks left a pretty shade on her face. Her lips are shaded (color), her favorite color. Her (length) (color) hair hang past her shoulders, half covered her left side of her eye and face. Her (colored) finger nail flip to another page while reading. She is skinny, yet she is also short (same height as Freiza). She wears her (color) skirt, (color) shirt with a (color) tank top, and (color) shoes. For a few hours, she waited for lover, Sour, who is occupied by his job. Whenever he's busy, she has to occupied herself until he returns. Ever since a month ago, her life gets better than her old life. When she was five years old, her mother died from unexpected life expectancy (died from a disease). Then, her father sends her away to her aunt and uncle's house. But they treated her badly, saying she's worthless and always force her to steal booze and stuff. At first, her father will come get her back; but when he died when she was only eight, she thought she has no hope. At age twenty-two, she was enjoying her time at a field filled with flowers. That's where she meets Sour. Their eyes meet, hearts appeared on their pupils. They smiled softly. They talked for an hour, talking about their lives. As she revealed her terrible life, Sour knew that she deserves better than this. So, he took her home to planet Helles; Helles has no problem with the mortal girl because she knew that Sour loves the girl.

Whenever Sour is done with his job during break time or during the late evenings is spending quality time with his beloved lover. He would adore her, kiss her cheek and sometimes her hand and forehead, and made her clothes and jewelry that would please her. But what he doesn't know that (Y/n)-San is not satisfied; she wants and secretive. (Y/n)-San longed for something erotic yet romantic from him. The only down side is he is clueless about intercourse or even foreplay. She wished that he will figure it out what she wants, and she hoped that one day, she might have to spell it out for him. Luckily for her, she recently visited her planet three days ago. She purchased unknown item gift wrapped in a gift wrap and gift bag. Sour was thinking to ask her about it, but he shrugged, forget about it. Today, she remembers that he and Helles will be home early this time due to less tasks. So, she laid out her plan. Until she heard a light knock on her door. She smiled as she opens the door. As it opens, Sour smiled; happy to see her, he scooped her into his arms and carried her to her queen-sized bed.

(Y/n)-San hang on it to him, embracing for what he's going to do; Sour smirked and jumped from the floor onto the bed, making them bounced till they stop moving. They chuckled as they stare at each other, love in their eyes. The only kiss that they never did was an actual kiss on their lips; a kiss that shows their true affections for each other. Sour is glad to be off work and now has time for his woman. (Y/n)-San wraps her arms around his neck, embracing him while her (size) boobs touching against his chest. Sour blushed while smiled weakly as he returned the hug. "Oh my (Y/n)", he sighs with adoration, "I'm sorry if we spend time too early, I hope today is a better day." She gave him a confused look, "What do you mean today a better day?", she asked. "Lady Helles' taking a nap until dinner time. I hope maybe I can make it up to you by letting you have fun with me", he replied, his hand caressing her right cheek. Suddenly, an idea popped out of her mind; she knows what to do to him. (Y/n)-San gave him a smirk. Sour finds this suspicious, yet he allows her to continue this guessing game.

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