Goku X Saiyan Wife Reader 2 Lemonish

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This one is a sequel to the first Goku and reader Saiyan wife pairing fanfic and is also requested by SoulEater_Luver. I know you didn't request about lemons but hopefully you're ok with little sexual content. Please enjoy.

-This takes place before Goku left his home to prepare for the Cell Games.

It's been twelve years since Goku and (Y/n)-Chan's been together since marriage. Throughout the first four years, they raised their first-born son Gohan, (Y/n)-Chan continued working to support her family while Goku trains and defeat evil to protect his home, family, friends, and everyone else of the entire universe. (Y/n)-Chan knew there are risks of being a hero especially when she heard Goku's death; she felt sad when she heard the news, but she held on high hopes for her husband's resurrection with the Dragon Balls. She also wished to be by her son's side during the one-year training, but work is her priority and prayed that Piccolo's capable of training him until the ordeal with the Saiyans are over.

Over the years, (Y/n)-Chan is happy for Goku's accomplishments especially after becoming the first Super Saiyan. But she does have doubts on her Saiyan husband; whenever he goes up against new enemies, she worries that he might end up dead again. But she reminds herself that her lover is the strongest fighter of the world. Sure, Goku defeated Vegeta, the Ginyu Force, and Frieza. When new foes appeared, he struggled from losing faith and life. As foes and conflict try to make him struggle, he went through them without defeat. Recently, she heard from Goku about the new enemy Cell and the upcoming Cell Games. Not long, Gohan became a Super Saiyan which his parents are proud of him. (Y/n)-Chan and Goku spend their last remaining day at home while their son and friends are at Master Roshi's house. Even though she can't help them defeat Cell, but she wanted to spend quality time together before the Cell Games.

At night, Goku ate his late dish and helped (Y/n)-chan with washing the dishes while she wipes the table clean. After chores, Goku relaxes on their bed while (Y/n)-Chan undressed into her (f/c) night gown and sat next to her husband. (Y/n)-Chan watches her husband touching his golden hair and yawned. What she's been thinking is how to spend their last hours before they sleep; then an idea pops out her mind and she grins. Unexpectedly, she saw Goku climb out of bed. She gets angry, crawls over, and grabs his hand; Goku looks at her with confused look. "What's wrong (Y/n)-Chan?", he asks. She made a sad puppy eyes, looking into his soul, "Please don't leave Goku! Spend time with me!", she begged as he tries to shake her off. "Sorry honey", he said, "But I'm not tired. I'm going to train." (Y/n)-Chan's jaw opened; she couldn't believe what he just said. "It must be being confident with his Super Saiyan powers", she thought to herself, desperately trying to make him stay. "Please (Y/n)-Chan! Let go!", he whined, feeling his hand tired. "But I'm tired of this bullshit!", she thought to herself as she stands up and gathering strength.

Goku's standing there, wondering what's she's going to do. Soon, he watches her powering up with all her Ki. He gasps as he saw her hair turned golden; then, she yells out once and stops. (Y/n)-Chan finally turned into a Super Saiyan! "WOW!", he yells in awe, "(Y/n)-Chan, you've become a Super Saiyan!" He went to her, hugged her, and kiss her on the lips. (Y/n)-Chan isn't happy about her transformation, she's too angry how stupid that he rather train than spending time with his wife. (Y/n)-Chan held him above her head and throw him onto their bed, accidently hit his head. She watches her husband rubs his head and he look at her, "What's gotten into you? What are you so angry about?", he asks his wife. She levitates off the floor and lower herself onto Goku, straddling him. Instantly, she pinned his hands and tied them with clothing onto the bed frame. Then, (Y/n)-Chan rips his shirt open along with his undershirt, wristbands, and his orange gi. The only thing he's wearing is his white boxers. (Y/n)-Chan admires his muscular body; she's definitely going to play naughty tonight.

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