Android 17 X Reader

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Requested by KakesuZebuto.

-This is after when Cell is defeated by Teen Gohan and a month later when both 17 and 18 are free from Cell and Dr. Gero's programming to kill Goku.

It's been a month since Cell's defeat and the second death of Goku. Everyone's busy with their lives. The Z Fighter are also busy with life especially Android 18 who married Krillin and are raising their newborn daughter Marron.

Meanwhile, Android 17 was patrolling around the big island, inhabited by normal and rare species of animals. Last week, 18 explained to him that Krillin made a wish to remove their bomb devices. She told him that she's going to have a new life with him and 17 accepted her decision. When he heard the death of 16, he felt bad and he made a vow to 16 to protect live and the animals. So, he was hired as a ranger of this big island and protect them from poachers. 17 likes his job; it felt comforting, felt that 16's right beside him while protecting the creatures. He owes 16 so much apologies for protecting him and 18 from Cell and he decides to owe him back with his job as protector of all creatures of the island. He worked for six months, patrolling the island and some days, he captured wanted criminals and poachers to the police. He made sure that no one harms any creature and neve leave the island with filled cages.

Lately, he felt lonely; he knows it's just him and the creatures, but he wanted something else. Someone to accompany him. He heard a faint yet small noise over the other side of the island. "Must be the damn poachers again", he mutters, irritated. He levitates off the ground and fly over to the area. As he approaches the source of the noise, he saw a strange figure there. Quietly, he landed on the ground and hides behind the bushes. He inspects the figure closer and his eyes grew wide with curiosity: he saw a young woman, drawing on her sketchbook. This is his first encounter with an unwanted and harmless visitor on his island. As she finished drawing, she stood up and turns around. She's only two years younger than him, a (height), (weight), and (he must admit it) she's a pretty one.

She wears her comfy (color) sweat pants, a sleeveless (color) shirt, (color) sneakers, and carries a (color) backpack that carries her sketchbook and other stuff. 17 accidently steps on a twig, make a noise, and cause her to gasp in alarm. "Wait", said 17 calmly. He steps out of the bushes, reveal himself to the woman. She looks at him, with curiosity and amazed how strong he looked. She smiles at him, "Hi! You must be the ranger of this island. I'm sorry for intruding, but I was given permission to come her for my animal illustration studies. I'm (Y/n)", she introduced herself. "17", he replied back to her. She gave him a confused look, "17? You're 17 years old?", she asks, cause him to facepalm his face. He gave her a stern look, "17 is my name. Android 17." "Oh!", she exclaimed as she realized what she said is stupid, "Ok, sorry. Are you really an android?"

He nods, "Wanna see me make energy blasts?", he asks. She nods, excited what he's going to do. He levitates off the ground, moved far away and make sure not to destroy the forest. He raised his hands, forming energy. As he takes his aim at the open sky, he sends his energy blasts, seeing them laying there. With one final touch, he sends at one of the blast, cause it to set off in explosion; it also caused all the blasts to blow off. But it didn't end in destructive force, it was a beautiful sparks of light, shimmering it's shiny sparks into nothing (so basically it's like pokemon coordinators performing their pokemons' moves to create unique show entertainment). (Y/n) claps her hands, amazed by his ability. He went back to her and lands his feet on the ground. "So, is this the proof you need from this android?", he asks her. She nods excitedly, "That was so cool 17! I can't believe you would do that!" Her compliments made him blushed; he felt embarrassed by this sudden reaction. "That's weird", he said, "This never happens to me before."

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