Special Announcement

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Hello everyone. Here is my announcement of this evening:

First off, I want to thank all the requesters. After posting the open requests three weeks ago, it took me longer especially receiving ten of them during the first day.

Second, I want to apologize to those waiting so long due to the pandemic and online classes

Third, also thank those who are patient and also do appreciate the comments

And I also want to thank those who read my book. Seriously, the views are over 40,000!!! And over 400 votes! And more comments.

I'm...wasn't always good at accurate intense writing. But those of them due like my writing which is good. 

Now that I finished the request, I'll continue my online classes. In case you're wondering or asking if I'm accepting requests, well I need to be away from Wattpad for two weeks. Because of the Coronavirus, not only I've been stressed out to see where my assignments needs to be completed including proof of attendance, but my graduation is pushed down to mid August.

We will not know for sure when this disaster ends, but let's hope it'll go away before the end of summer. 

So, that's my announcement. Thank you all and have a good night.

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