Camparri X Reader (half-angel, half-earthling) Lemonish

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Camparri is sitting in the kitchen chair, alone, in the middle of the night. Lord Mosco/Mule is tucked into bed and the Supreme Kai Ea is probably staying up late on his work on the updates of  Universe 3's mortals and planets; and also, his scheme on new inventions to evolve Universe 3's technology. Camparri is bored as usual, waiting for dawn to come to reveal a new day to aid his lord. Suddenly, his staff is glowing on and off, making a quiet noise; Camparri's glad that his alarm isn't too loud, otherwise Lord Mosco will be cranky from lack of sleep. A hologram of the Grand Priest appears before Camparri. "Hello Camparri. How are you doing lately?", he asks while smiling. Camparri found it suspicious, yet something's up with his father. "Fine as usual Father", he said returning him with a smile, "Is there any news that I should know about?" The Grand Priest nods, "Yes, you along with the other eleven angels must report to Grand Zeno's Palace immediately." Camparri's eyes are wide open! But what does it mean?

            Camparri left Planet Mosco, left a note for his lord while he's away. He was teleported instantly by the Grand Priest, standing in front of his father, and escorted Camparri into the royal throne room. Camparri is seated between his brothers Sour and Cognac; Camparri's thoughts get the best of him with questions, "What's the real reason for coming here?" Suddenly he remembers important  memory from long ago before he started working as Universe 3's guide angel. His father would watch over all twelve universes and tests their abilities on their teachings to their Gods of Destruction. If this is the real reason to be summoned to the palace, then that means the Grand Priest is going to declare the two candidates for the position of the new Grand Priest! Camparri has dreaded to get the position for a long time; if he's chosen as the first or second candidate, then his life will be saved. Then, the Grand Priest stands in front of them on top of the podium. "Welcome back my children", he said, "I know it's late before the gods wake up, but this will be a quick meeting. First off, I have been watching each of you angels completed your tasks as the guide angel. I am proud to each of you of your teachings, care taking, and most importantly, your knowledge and determination of your own universes. That's why I have finally decided the candidates for the position for the title as Grand Priest/Priestess."

            A sweat drop falls off Camparri's forehead while smiling for his victory. He's not the only one; all angels are excited to hear the news. A few of them knows who the candidates are, while the rest of them dreams that the electives are one of them. Finally, the Grand Priest speaks, "Now I'm going to select two names who will be named candidates for the title of future Grand Priest/Priestess", said the Grand Priest. Everyone gasps in shock! Only two candidates?! Camparri is getting nervous, but he hopes for his name to be revealed, as the candidate for the title. He can only imagine himself, claiming the title as Grand Priest, aiding and advising for the Grand Zeno and the Future Grand Zeno; leaving his position as guide angel, universe 3 along with Lord Mosco and Supreme Kai Ea. Sure, he'll miss his old life; but not really. His knowledge of Universe 3 along with the idea of advance technology is handy, but he finds it boring. He was desperate to find new knowledge of everything besides techno and robots; which is why he's certain to move on to the semi-final election as the candidate for the job means his life will get better. "The two candidates who will be selected for the title is...", the Grand Priest trailed off, leaving the angels in suspension.

            It was done. The two candidates are Whis and Vados! Which means they'll be running against each other for the title. However, the other ten angels are disappointment including poor Camparri who is more disappointed than ever. His head hang low, shadowing his face, covering his face, his tears of sorrow, from his siblings and his father. "I know each of you have done great in your jobs", said the Grand Priest while holding a piece of paper, "But the reason why I chose Whis and Vados is because their moral reasons with their knowledge has meet my expectations that put them into the election."

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