Goku X Pregnant Reader

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Requested by SoulEater_Luvr. Thank you for the fifth Goku related request. 

-note: two things that you should know in this fic: 1. Chichi never met Goku and was married to someone else, and 2. The start of the fic focus on the reader before and meets Goku.

(Y/n) (last name): a young talented girl who loves to read. For her entire life, all she does is read books; horror, romance, comedy, etc. But her favorite type of books are kids and illustration books. She admires the craftsmanship of pictures, created with any type of art tools to create these books. She was considered a first-place winner of making short stories since elementary school. Ever since then, she continues to make stories, won all prizes and eventually in high school, a prize award for the best literary short story: My Dreams.

Sadly, her life wasn't that easy: her parents died in a car crash when she was little, forced to live with her impatient aunt and uncle. While growing up, a lot of kids make fun of her, calling her names like "bookworm", and then she went through the worst three years in high school. After high school graduation, she meets the one and only kind man who is also a literary writer. So, they meet up every day, reading and reviewing their work for corrections. She felt very content that she met the man of her dreams. But that didn't last long: After two years being together, her lover died from an accident, hit by a truck. (Y/n) was miserable, felt lonely, even reading her favorite books didn't help her.

Unexpectedly, she was being nauseous for the past three months. That's when she used the pregnancy tester and shocked that she really is pregnant with his child. While her lover works for literary scholars society, she stays at home, cleaning the apartment, cooking, and spends free time working on her novels that might help her get huge income. It was finished when her lover dies, and she felt that she'll never have it published because she is too heartbroken. Since she's jobless, there's no way she'll survive on her own while pregnant. She pleaded with her aunt and uncle, begging them to let her stay and help her; sadly, they turned their backs on her and left her out. Two months later, used the last savings for her home, she moved out her apartment and left.

She is (height), (weight), has (length) (color) hair, (skin tone) skin, a pretty face with (color) eyes, nose, and (color) shaded lips. She wears her maternity clothes, comfy soft spandex (color) shirt, (color) stretchy pants, and (color) sneakers. She carries a (color) tote bag, carrying various stuff inside including her work for her novel. (Y/n) looks around town, looking for job opportunities. She spends five hours of searching and they all turn her down. As she walks around the area, a figure suddenly grabs her arm, yanking her to come with him. As they run, they passed by many stores and people. She tries to see her what's behind her but they're running too fast. Finally, they ran into a back alley of the building and stop. She was lucky that she was able to run fast, but her breathing's heavy from being pregnant. 

The figure was a young man, at least two years older than she. A tall man, short spiky black hair, wears a soft light blue green sweater, khaki pants, leather shoes, and wears black framed glasses, showing his black eyes. He approaches her, bowing to her, "I'm so sorry miss! I didn't mean to make you run like this, I was running away from thugs and I don't want you to get yourself hurt", he apologized. She smiles, "That's alright, thank you for your concern. But as you can see...", she said and reveals her big belly. He gasps, "Huh!? You're pregnant!?", and gasps again that he made a pregnant woman run fast, "Oh no! And I made you run without knowing this. I'm so so so sorry!", he apologized again, feeling bad for her. (Y/n) waves her hands, "No need to apologize. You didn't know this. I'm (Y/n)." The man smiles, "I'm Gohan", he introduced himself. "Wait...you're Videl Satan's husband?", she asks him. "Yep", he said, "A son-in-law of Hercule Satan, a husband of my wife, and a father of my daughter." (Y/n)'s intrigued by his title. "And I'm also a scholar", he said, showing her his research paper on genres of literature. "Wow!", she said amazed, "I'm very impressed by your work Gohan!" He notices her bag, a stack of papers with a clip on it. "I see you're a scholar too", he said. "Oh no, I'm just a literary novelist for fun", she said, feeling embarrassed.

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