Helles X Male! Reader Part 1

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Requested by HellsingFan5ever. I don't own the image or the Jojo's Bizzare Adventure ending theme. By the way, there's brief nudity and sexual content. Please Enjoy part 1

"(Y/n)-Chan!", Lady Helles yelled, "Where are you? I need you at once!" This is Lady Helles, relaxing in her courtyard, sitting on a lounge chair, getting the regular arm massage from her two manly servants. She recently took in a new male servant to her temple, hopefully works hard better than the female servants. Today, she needs him for this task; now, she has to wait until his arrival.

            (Y/n); a young man, only 18 years old. He's (height), has (skin color) skin, has handsome facial feature: no hair on face, but has (eye color) eyes, short (hair color) hair, and has muscular chest. His race is like Helles; human (maybe Earthling?). His parents recently lost their stillborn from complications. But lately, they suffered from poverty after they sold their home to the tax collector. Their eldest son deserves better and sold him to the slavery market. He was marked as unexperienced, virgin, and obedient. He stares down on the ground, waiting for hell to take him away from this world. Then, she came into his life; Lady Heles. "Oh, Welcome My Lady!", the old merchant seller greeted the goddess. "Greetings old fool", she replied, unamused, "I'm here to buy a new slave. But I want another male slave." The young man stares at her; noticing her bizarre heavy makeup on her face. He knew that Universe 2 is all about beauty and the morals about beauty; but the cosmetics is blocking something important of herself. Helles notices him staring at her, half smile. The old merchant notice this as well and slaps the boy across the cheek, "Stop that!" (Y/n) looks down again, avoiding another slap. Helles felt bad for him, yet she does feel that he meets her expectations. "I'll buy him", Helles demanded, causing the merchant shock. "Bbbbut...why My Lady? Don't you want different one manly?", but then, she interrupts him, screams, "I want him now! And I will take him!" The old man nods tied (Y/n)'s wrists tightly and hand the rope to the sky-blue skinned young man; he was an odd fellow, has white hair, lavender eyes, wears yellow outfit with strange geometric pattern shapes, leather shoes, and carries a tall staff.  All three of them left the market, allowing the man with his staff to transport them to planet Helles. (Y/n) stood in the courtyard, looking around the new surrounds. "Young man", Helles called out, causing him to look at her. "Yes?", he asks. "I'm Helles, Goddess of Destruction of Universe 2. You can only call me Lady Helles or My Lady", she paused, then points at the blue man, "This is Sour, my guide angel. He'll instruct you where you'll work, eat, and sleep." Sour bows to (Y/n), he bowed back. Helles walks towards him, stood in front of him, touching his muscular chest, "Starting today, you'll work for me and only me...forever", she announced, making him understand what he's about to endure.

            He spends three weeks working hard, attending chores, even the hardest tasks, clean up messes made by other servants, and was given special tasks by Lady Helles. He only wears white toga pants and (color) briefs; exposed only his chest. So far, she favors him the most out of all her servants. One day, she gave him a special task to clean up her shower room; "(Y/n)-Chan, there are girls who will want to have you as a lover or force you into sex", Helles warned, "All I want you is to stay away from them. If you don't", she continued, narrowed her eyes at him, "I'll destroy you, understood?" He's surprised by her expression, but he nodded, understood her well. Back home, he was the only popular boy among his race, earning many attentions from girls. But he doesn't have any interests in them and avoided them. (Y/n) made his way to the servant's dinning room, helping the other servants serving their dinner. As he placed plates on the table, the servant girls came out, giggling while watching him work. After he finished his task, one of the popular servant girls came up to him, asking him to be her boyfriend. Sadly, he declined her, leaving her rejected. She's not the only one; he rejected all the servant girls. The male servant felt outraged that a man could reject pretty girls. Who is he looking for?

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