Grand Priest X Depressed Reader Part 2

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Requested by WereAllMadHere1234. I hope you find this pleasing than ever. 

P.s.- I don't own this image, fan art made by MissTuliharja on DeviantArt.

It's been six months since Grand Priest and (Y/n)-Chan have been married. She is the happiest woman alive: she fell in love and married the most handsome angel she ever seen. She's now a new mother to all his children (yes, including the other children angels back on their home planet), and now, part of her new life is wonderful. (Y/n)-Chan's getting better and no longer suicidal or depressed. Since she's starting a new life with the Grand Priest, she no longer wears black clothes anymore. She now wears floral and starry night looking dresses that he made for her. Along with flat (color(s)) shoes, specially made jewelry, and on one occasion, he made her wear her sexy (color) lingerie for their private alone time on their free time. As her husband stands, he watches his wife laughing and playing with the Grand Zenos. He really loves her very much and couldn't stop staring at her beauty, her happy smile, and admires her new change of her personality. She always played games, taught the Grand Zenos new songs and child's play from when she was a child. He really is blessed to have her as his new wife.

Since their six-month marriage, they spend most of their time with the Grand Zenos for advising and playing; while on their free time, they would play calm slow music while waltzing in the throne room or laughing, talking about how they feel for each other when they first met. He was happy to meet this beautiful creature. On every occasion, they would visit the twelve guide angels, paying them visits as while they spend bonding time with their new mom. It was bliss for this odd new family and nothing's getting in their way.

But one morning, the Grand Priest notice his wife looks a little sad (not too depressed) and always sighs, thinking while looking at her book. He walks closer, inspects the book, and saw all photos of her from her childhood and her previous life before they met. One photo caught his eye: it was a photo of her parents, looking happy as both her and her young brother smile. The Grand Priest believes that she misses her parents, yet both of them knew how cruel they are to her for the death of her toddler brother. "There's got to be something to cheer her up", he thought to himself, thinking for ideas. Then, he remembered that her birthday's coming up this Saturday. That's when he excused himself from their room, standing in the corridor, and began to contact his son Whis and his other children.

He explained to all the angels, deities, and even Goku and his friends about (Y/n)-Chan's birthday and decides to plan her a surprise party at Bulma's place. He asks the females and his daughters to take her out shopping while he and the other males will handle preparing the party. Bulma and everyone else nodded in agreement and get ready to plan out the party.

Time Skip

It is Saturday morning; both the Grand Priest and (Y/n)-Chan arrived at Capsule Corp. (Y/n)-Chan's wearing her lovely (color) dress, hang below her knees, she wears her (color) flat shoes and she wears her pretty golden necklace that he gave her on their honeymoon in (insert favorite, popular, or most romantic place). They kissed each other before she leaves with the girls. "Are you sure you'll be fine without me my husband?", she asks, concerning that he'll be lonely without her. His calm stoic face shows his smile to her, "I'll be fine my lovely wife, I just want to work on training plans with the deities and mortals. Just go have fun", he said, reassuring her that he's fine whatever he's doing. "Come on (Y/n)-Chan!", exclaim Bulma. "Yes, we must go before it's getting crowded", said Vados, gesturing her to stand next to her. Sometimes the females angels argued at each other who's her favorite daughter and then, (Y/n)-Chan would say they're all her favorite daughters. It may feel weird that her children are older than her, but that didn't bother her as she considers all his children her children. (Y/n)-Chan kissed his cheek, ran over to Vados, they all transported away from Capsule Corp. He sighs, relief that she's away for a good reason. "Now gentlemen!", the Grand Priest exclaims, "Let's get going to make this party successful!" Everyone nods and start working.

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