Freiza X Lord Beerus's Chubby Daughter X Cooler Lemon Part 2

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-this was continued from part one and let's hope to conclude this. Warning: it contains a rim job (basically licking a butthole). P.s. I apologize if I didn't include reader for the title of the chubby daughter but you get the idea who she is as the reader. 

(Y/n)-Chan screams in pleasure, moaning their names as Freiza and Cooler eat out of her pussy. Each of her hands grips onto each of their heads, forcing their faces to go deeper within her womanhood, begging them to please her. They chuckled, like being ordered by their special lady. Cooler sucks onto her clit and Freiza sucks her cum from her soaked snatch. Each of them switched positions and back to it, repeatedly. Her hands are clinging tightly on the blanket, breathing rapidly as she felt her orgasm coming. Her mind couldn't think, just allowing her to close her eyes as she felt her clit as it's about to burst. "Ah! AH!", she moans, finally screams, "I'M CUMMING!!!" Her body stood still, letting the waves of pleasure took over her; her pussy squirted onto their tongues, feeling her warm essence. The brothers both lap up the remaining ejaculation off her cunt and swallow after they savor the taste of her. They breathe as they watch her blushing red all over her body. They knew she's a virgin and are pleased to excite her; but the fun's getting started with only nineteen minutes to spare.

Cooler noticed Freiza, spacing out while drooling; he looks at his brother's direction and realized what had turn them on: her anus. Cooler admits that her feminine taste of her anus is yummy and he allows Freiza to have fun with her. Cooler picks her up and flips her over, laying on the bed is her stomach. (Y/n)-Chan looks puzzled what they're planning. They took each of her leg and spread them, they could hear her moan in embarrassment. Cooler spreads her butt cheeks wide, allowing Freiza to take a look at her clean butthole. Freiza grips onto her ass cheeks, cannot think what to do, immediately leans his face towards her anus, and began to lick it. Giving her a rim job, Freiza's tongue licks around it many times; his mind snapped as he tasted her, so delicious. Cooler's dick is throbbing as he watch her moan, feeling Freiza's tongue licking her butthole. Without any second thoughts, Freiza thrusted his tongue inside her anus. Quickly penetrating her rapidly, (Y/n)-Chan screamed uncontrollably, a mixture of moaning and whining as she felt the best pleasure inside her butt. This oral-anal foreplay erected Freiza's penis, throbbing and hard. He notice that she won't cum at this penetration and changed his plan; he withdrew his tongue out, tasting her anus, very feminine and sweet. Her mind went back to normal as she notice that he stopped. "Huh?", she moaned in question. Her face grew redder as she faces Cooler huge cock in front of her face; she had never seen male genitals like this and she's now drooling in anticipation. Freiza noticed what he's up to and lets him do it; since blow jobs doesn't make him cum, Freiza has to rely on tight holes to pleasure himself. On the other hand, Cooler had dreamed of getting himself a blow job since his first promotion as ruler of the universe.

Cooler, who was already sitting on his knees, leans his thick purple cock closer and touched her lips. (Y/n)-Chan lick her lips as she gently lick his penis, sending him shudders in pleasure. Slowly, she inserted the tip inside her mouth and starts sucking. Cooler groaned, feeling her tight mouth squeezing him. Freiza, who used her now moist ejaculation onto his cock and slowly traces his tips around her anus. Taking slow breaths, Freiza shoved his entire length, stretching the walls of her butthole. He stops when his balls touching the entrance of her anus. He hear her moan in pain, could see a trickle of a tear on her left eye. He waited and stood still, allowing her to adjust to his size. He nodded at Cooler and his older brother understood; Cooler place kisses on her forehead while deep throat her, (Y/n)-Chan felt the pain fades away and she moans, signaling for them to start moving. Cooler leans up and began to deep throat her, penetrating his manhood down her throat. She doesn't mind the deep throat as her mouth can pass his pre-cum. She makes whining moans as Freiza starts to thrust; as he thrusts faster, he felt her anus loosen a bit and he went to crazy speed. Now, (Y/n)-Chan felt this crazy sensation and she squeezed her anus tightly around his dick. She also squeezed her mouth around Cooler's cock and the threesome felt their climaxes coming quickly. To make this worthy, both brothers decides to make her cum hard; Freiza is slamming his dick inside her anus, making her moan as she can see stars while drooling. Cooler follow his lead as he was slamming his cock inside her throat. The double penetration cause their bodies to reach their orgasms. As they felt it coming, both Freiza and Cooler grunted, can hear their thrusting sloppy. And then, (Y/n)-Chan screams, "COOLER! FREIZA! AHHHH!!!!", then she orgasmed. She breathed as she catches her breath, feeling both of them jazzed inside her throat and anus. Now the siblings are breathing heavily, catching their breaths as sweat drops appear on their foreheads. They withdraw their penises out of her, lying on the bed as they take a quick break.

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