Goku X Female Saiyan Wife Reader

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This fanfic is requested by SoulEater_Luvr ; my very first request for the requester.

This is an alternative timeline where Goku married the reader instead of Chichi. Please enjoy.

Goku is training in the back yard; the young Saiyan spends three hours to increase his Ki while training to kill his boredom. Sweat drips from his forehead, rolls down to his chin, and falls on the ground. Then, Goku creates an energy ball and throws it towards an old tree, results in destroying the tree. Goku wipe sweat off his face and sigh, "Phew! Now it's done", Goku said as he stretched his back and arms. "Goku! Lunch's ready!", said the sweet and feminine voice, coming from the front door of their lovely home. This woman is Goku's beloved wife (Y/N)-Chan; she may look like human, but actually she's a Saiyan, just like Goku. "Yes! Lunch time!", exclaim Goku and rushed inside the house.

Goku reaches his last bowl of rice and gulped down. He belched in satisfaction while (Y/N)-Chan grabs his dishes and puts them into the soapy-water filled sink. "(Y/N)-Chan, you amazed me everyday with your cooking!", Goku said as he wipes his mouth with a napkin. (Y/N)-Chan blushes while giggling, "Oh thanks Goku!", and then she remembers something in her mind. She walked over to the living room and went into the closet. Goku was puzzled; "What is she up to?", he thought to himself. As she returns to the kitchen, she carries a wrapped box and placed it on the table, in front of Goku. "Oh! You got me a present! What is it! TELL ME!", he exclaims while shaking his gift. "Just open it already!", said (Y/n)-Chan. Goku immediately rips open the wrapper and opens the box's lid; it was homemade zeni-jar (similar to Japanese 500-yen tin can bank) and a wallet, filled with at least five 10,000 zeni bill notes. Goku's eyes widen and looks at his wife. "What's wrong Goku? Don't you like your gift?", she said concerning of Goku's reaction. 

Goku smiles, "It's a nice gift, but you don't have to give me money to make me happy. I love you and your cooking!", he said in honesty. "But Goku, the world doesn't give you free food or anything in this society. Besides I want you to spend the money on things you want while you're out. Don't worry, I make massive salary from work. Anyway, you probably don't remember what day it is?", (Y/n)-Chan ask. Goku shrugs his shoulders. "Oh Goku", her tears began to get watery, "You forgot our wedding anniversary?!", said the wife who was about to cry. "WHAT! TODAY'S OUR WEDDING ANNIVERSARY!!!", Goku shouted and jumps off his chair. Oh no! Goku remembers that today is their first wedding anniversary; he was too busy with training that he didn't get her any gift. Goku shaken and darted his eyes at the door. "Oooh..ohh, No honey! Of course, I remember our special day. Anyway, I just remembered that I need to go pick up your gift", Goku said in a hurry and opens the door, "I'll be back by dusk, later!", then he closed the door. (Y/n)-Chan's tears diminished, and she shook her head. A smile formed on her face, "Oh I'm sure Goku will get me a special gift", she said and resume washing the dishes.

Four hours later, Goku flies around West City in search for a gift for his wife. "Man, that was a close one", he said in relief, "If only I know a perfect present to her and I'm sure that Bulma's too busy right now." Goku landed on the ground and spots a park bench. "All this flying and stress sure made me tired, gotta sit", and sat on the bench. Goku looks up at the clear blue sky, feeling relaxed and stretches his arms behind his back. "Oh man", Goku said, "I can't believe that it's been a year since we're married. I'm glad that I married (Y/n)-Chan, I remember the day when we first met...", said Goku.


Goku was only a boy along with Bulma and Oolong; the gang recently left Fire Mountain with the hover car to continue their search for the other Dragon Balls. As Bulma drives into a path towards the jungle, the road gets bumpy and everyone shakes back and forth. "Oi! Watch your driving Bulma! You could've got us all killed!", Oolongs shouts to Bulma. "Oh, shut the hell up pig! I'm driving the best I can, it's the quickest route to find the next Dragon Ball", Bulma replied while focus on driving the hover car. "um...Bulma...I need to pee!", whined Goku while holding it in. "Goku, we got an hour left to find the Dragon Ball. Can you wait?", Bulma asks him. Goku breathes in and out; however, he couldn't hold it anymore. "BUT I NEED TO PEE NOW!!", Goku screams, jumps out of the hover car, and runs into the bushes. Bulma slams her brakes and stops. "Goddamnit Goku! You better get back in five minutes boy!", Bulma yells and huffed in frustration. After Goku finished his business, a noise is heard in the bushes on his left side; as Goku takes his battle stance, a young black-haired girl came out.

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