Goku X Female Frieza Race Reader Lemon

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Requested by Wolfkiller45. I can't find any good female frieza race beings, a lot online doesn't meet my expectations for this fanfic.

-This takes place six months after Goku defeated Frieza; Goku on planet Yardrat, training to learn Instant Transmission technique. Also, when Goku died the first time, Chichi filed divorce and left, moved at her father's house, no longer want to talk to him ever again, I already explain the situation in other fanfic.

Goku landed planet Yardrat six months ago, finally defeat the evil emperor of Universe 7 Frieza. After Frieza Force's ship found his body, King Cold, Frieza's father, is furious by this, demands to find his killer and destroy him. He called (Y/n); a female alien. She's a highly trained assassin, paid to find Goku and kill him. She understood and accept the request. King Cold promised her good amount of credits as long as she brings Goku alive. She's also in her final form like Frieza; (Y/n)'s skin is mostly white like except the gem on her head, shoulders and center piece on her chest are (color). Also (color) nails, lips, and (color) eyes. She brought a few gadgets and tools; prepared a space pod and launched into space. For two days, she navigates half of the entire universe; until her radar alerts her, found Goku's Ki. Her eyes narrowed, grinned that he's hiding on planet Yardrat. "Hm, I wonder what you'll do Goku", said (Y/n), the pod coming close to the planet.

As Goku trains with the habitants of Yardrat, a noise of crashing caught their attentions. Goku stares into the area where the pod crashed. "What's that?", he asks himself, "I sensed a strange yet familiar Ki." Goku flies over to the pod, a few feet away. The door opened, emerged a small feminine being. The person is white, (color) gem on other parts of the body; then Goku's eyes grew wide, saw a tail swaying, "Frieza!? What you doing here? I thought I killed you?", he exclaimed, preparing his battle stance. But Goku notice one feature that Frieza doesn't have: A (breast size) pair of breasts. "Wait!?", he said, confused, "You're not Frieza?" She giggles, giving him a smile; "How observant of you Goku", said (Y/n). Goku grew surprised, "Eh!? How did you know my name?", he asks the female. "Frieza's father hired me to kill you", she replied, chuckling. He gave her an angry stare, but then smirks, "So you're going to kill me huh?" She smiles, shook her head. "What!?", his eyes grew wide, confused, "Then why are you here?", he asks. Instantly, she appears in front of him, examining his muscular body and his Ki. Her tail wraps itself around his waist, forcing him to lean close to her, face to face.

"If you need to know, I'll tell you", she said, pointing to the Yardrats, "But we need privacy from the inhabitants." Goku nods; her tail let him go, Goku went over to the people, asking for a spare room to talk. One of them nods, Goku lends her a hand, guiding her to his side; they hold on the little Yardrat and instantly teleports them to a clean spare room, with piles of big pillows and a huge soft blanket on the floor. "Thank you, little guy", said Goku, seeing the Yardrat teleported back. They can finally have their private talk. Goku stares at her, not sure what she'll do. "So (Y/n), are you going to tell me?", he asks her, seeing her sitting on a huge pillow like a chair. "Very well, I heard rumors that you managed to defeat Frieza? Is it true?", she asks the Saiyan. He nods, "Yep, I did." She hums in fascination, "So tell me how you do it?" Goku finds it weird how she questions about him and his way of defeating Frieza. "He killed my best friend Krillin", he paused, sighed, "I was very angry. My aura, hair, and Ki changed, grew stronger and stop him. I did offer him mercy, but he refused, foolishly tried to end me and I destroyed him." His story reached to her ears; she cannot believe that someone like him is strong enough to challenge Frieza. Then, she smiled, have an idea.

(Y/n) pushes the pillows away, leaving two regular ones at the end of the blanket. Goku watches her reset the bedding. "What are doing?", he asks. As she finishes the blanket, she walks over to Goku, look straight into his eyes, smiling. "You should know that I can decline King Cold's request and let you live", she mentioned, hands on his gi shirt. "Oh really?", he said excited, "You can do that?" "Sure", she replied, "But I won't do it for free." His face grew confused, "Aw!? But...I got nothing to pay you with!" She looks down at his lower region and looks back at him, "Are you sure?", she asks, pointing her finger to his groin. Goku follows her finger and gasps in surprise and confusion. "Are you saying you want us to have sex?", he asks (Y/n); she nods, giving him a sexy smile. He thought for a moment, he hasn't had sex since almost six years ago; when he was revived by the Dragon Balls, he heard that Chichi filed for divorce and took Gohan to live with her father. Goku felt confused why she did it, yet he did feel sad that he no longer lives with his family. He could decline, but if she guarantees him safe from King Cold's wrath, he'll accept the compensation.

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