Chapter 6

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"Eat it." I shook my head.

"Eaaat it!" I closed my eyes shut and shook my head no

"I am your master. You should obey me." He put it near my mouth and looked away from it.

"Never!" He grabbed my mouth and squished my cheeks with one hand. My eyes widened when he scooped a large portion of the fruit I hate and it put it near my mouth. I squirmed

"Nooo!" I felt the avocado on my lips

"Andwaaaaaaeeeee!" I screamed, jolting up from my dream.

"Did you just slap me?" Jennie unnie looked shock, holding her cheek. Oops.

"Sorry. I had a nightmare." She pouted.

"Remind me not to sleep next to you again?" She grumbled and stretched.

"Don't forget your blower!" She picked up the hair blower with a yawn. I heaved a sigh and rubbed my eyes. It was just a dream. A dream...

I laid back down, hoping to get more sleep when my phone rang. I felt the bed and searched my phone using my hand while my eyes are still close. I turned clockwise in bed before I got to it and answered it, thinking it's our manager unnie.

"Hello?" I moaned.

"Good morning chipmunk." My eyes snapped open and I looked at my phone. I cussed silently seeing the unregistered number.

"Tell me this is the first time you're calling me." I groaned

"You're making lovely noises in the morning." I glared at the ceiling

"You perv!" His voice is husky and deeper than usual

"To answer your question, no. We talked last night. I can play the recording if you want." I ended the call without saying anything. I forced myself to go back to sleep.

My phone kept ringing but I ignored it. He'll eventually get tired. But he didn't.

"What you perv?!" I hear a clearing of throat.

"Park chaeyoung?" My mouth dropped and I jolted up, looking at my phone in horror.

"S-sajangnim..." I'm gonna dieeee! I'm gonna be kicked out from yg! I'm gonna be banned in Korea!!

"Come to my office." I can hear my heart breaking to pieces. But I just started my career!

"J-just m-me?" I stuttered. Feeling my eyes sting

"Yes." He ended the call. I stared at my phone, numb. Another call came and it's the jerk!

"It's your fault! You giant perverted jerk!" I yelled then sobbed.

"Stop calling me! So what if I read fanfics! Go find your own ship! So what if I read yaoi?! I'm still straight! I don't care if you spread it! No one will believe you and even if they do they won't know what I actually read! Don't show yourself or I'm gonna kick your ass! Remember David and Goliath! The giant loses!" I sobbed some more and ended the call.

I calmed myself and took a shower. I still kept on crying but hurriedly finished taking bath so I won't be late. I made myself look extra pretty so at least I'd look pretty on the news coverage. I put on some eye drops to get rid of my red eyes from crying.

"I'm gonna miss you guys." My eyes started to water as I hugged my members. Jisoo unnie chuckled

"So you know already?" They know? If course they already know! It affects the group afterall.

"We're gonna miss you too." They hugged me. But unlike me, there's no sign of heartbreak in their faces. I thought we were family.

"You're okay with it?" They all looked at each other in question

"Of course! We've been waiting for it!" They smiled widely and I suppressed a sob. I feel stabbed by a million swords.

"Go now do you can know the details of your departure." They're that excited to get rid of me? My life's been a lie?

"Why are you crying?" I couldn't fake it. I sobbed on our way.

"I-I just thought what we head was special." I blew my nose and got another tissue. Filling the car with my waste.

"You're dating? Aigoo, I told you don't date yet, specially you still have a dating ban." I sniffed.

"What? No." Manager unnie looked at me through the rearview mirror and raised a brow

"Then what are you crying about?" I didn't get to answer cause we already arrived

"Fix yourself. Someone might think I made you cry or someone died in your family." I pouted but made myself presentable.


"Good morning. Rosé, sit down." Yg ceo greeted as soon as I walked in

"Sajangnim! I'm sorry about earlier! I was getting a prank call and I thought your call was one so I yelled something inappropriate to you I didn't look at who was calling I'm really sorry please give me a second chance" I apologized in one breath

"Oh, that's nothing to me." I blinked

"But you called my full name." He titled his head

"To get your attention." He calmly sighed and looked at some papers on his desk

"You're not firing me?" I asked in a small voice

"What? No. I told you to come here so you can sign this waiver. You'll be attending camp for a month" a camp?

"Me? Alone?" Ceo nodded and handed me the paper.

"Yes. Jennie is preparing for her solo while jisoo is going to debut in the small screen and lisa is going to thailang for some modeling stuff." I read the waiver and signed it.

"I'll be leaving tomorrow? It states here for the safety of the artists? But how come I'm going alone?"

"Winner's Kang Seungyoon will be there too and I'll be sending over the kids as well." Kids? Must be Treasure13

"I'll pack my things." I smiled in relief. I stood up and ready to leave

"And oh by the way, the people you will be having collaborations with on the year-end grand award show will be there as well and some other groups too." I froze and a flashback of me sobbing to the phone and ranting off to a particular giant appeared. I just told him he can spread it thinking I'll be banned in korea or something. Kill me now!

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