Chapter 8

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This chapter is dedicated to CindyNatt, vinvinblack, and  CahyaningsihWilujeng. Thank you for your upvotes, comments and following me 😊


"Rosé-ssi." I feel someone shaking my body, waking me up.

"Sunbae." Seungyoon oppa smiled at me as I rubbed my eyes, sitting straight.

"We're here." He got down the bus and I looked out of the window. The kids were waiting for seungyoon oppa and I marveled at the view.

I slowly got down the bus, my luggage is already being taken away by them. I took advantage of taking in the scene. Green trees everywhere, golden sunset rays seeping through, where it sparkled to the lake. Beutiful. I looked to my right and the I see a huge bonfire, cabins.. and....

"Took you long enough." A yoda. I immediately frowned

"Are you done creating a music video?" I rolled my eyes.

"Why am I the one carrying your luggage to the cabin? Aren't you supposed to be my slave?" He kept on grumbling but he's carrying it anyway.

"Why do you have two of these? They're huge! And you still have a backpack?" He glared at my bag

"What? We'll be staying here for a month." I marched forward, not caring if he's struggling with my things.

"Chanyeol hyung, let me help you with that." I froze when BTS jimin helped chanyeol with my luggage

"No, it's alright. I can take it from here you guys. They have wheels anyway." I chuckled awkwardly.

"Ani, rosé-ssi. It's ok. Your backpack seems heavy." He smiled and I looked away from him, only to meet a smirking chanyeol.

"Thank you jimin-ssi." He glared at me

"Where's my thank you?" He mouthed but I just stuck my tongue at him but smiled immediately when jimin looked up.

"You can call me jimin." I can't stop smiling.

"You can call me rosé." We smiled at each other. Is it just me or I can see sparkles everywhere?

"Hey chipmunk, Where's your room?" That snapped me out and fished out my key Cabin B14.

"Oh, just next to mine." He smirked and my eyes widened.

"Follow me." Jimin followed chanyeol and I stomped grudgingly, following them.

"Here we are." I thanked Jimin again and tucked a hair behind my ear, smiling shyly.

"Easy there, he might melt from your stares." And my magical world popped like a bubble just like that.

"What are you talking about? I feigned ignorance and opened my door and dragged one of my luggaage in. Chanyeol followed me in, carrying the other one.

"Thanks for the help again." He mimicked me and even tucked an imaginary long hair behind his ear.

"I'm always like that." I rolled my eyes.

"You can't fool me you amazon." My eyes turned to slits

"Who you calling amazon?!" I punched his shoulder

"See, woman! Where's your sweet voice now?" He scoffed.

"There are some times, where the sweetest people would bare their fangs to the likes of the devils." He inched towards me and cocked a brow

"I'm the devil? I returned your phone, your guitar, and carried you luggage."

"You invaded my privacy!" I'm yelling at him now

"There's no such thing as privacy if it's out in open." He yelled back.

"You and your logic!"

"You and your illogical thinking!"

"Ah, guys? You both ok?" We both turned to seungyoon oppa.

"O-of course." I laughed

"We're good. We were just..." hebput his arms around my shoulder and looked at me

"Vocalizing! One more time yeol. Aaah~" I wrapped my other arm on his waist and pinched him a bit making him vocalize with me. Yoon actually joined us.

"Ooh~ that sounded nice. Anyway, the rookies are going to compete with their fellow rookies. Come on, let's cheer them."

"We'll go together." I pointed to yeol

"I didn't know you two were close, I'll just remind you, you still have a dating ban." My mouth dropped

"Oppa!!" He laughed and shook his head, walking away.

"You're still banned huh?" I looked up to chanyeol and pushed him

"It'll be over in a month anyway but you didn't have to know that." I fixed my clothes and got my phone to go cheer on our hoobaes.

"Lock the door when you leave." I quickly went to the main cabin which was obvious where cause it was huge.

"What's wrong?" I nudged seungyoon oppa

"Our perky big boy is having a stage fright." Junkyu was wiping his sweaty palms on his jeans while his opponent is almost ending his song.

He looked over to his members who cheered him on and he scanned the crowd. We immediately raised our fists when when he found us.

"Go junkyuuu!" We yelled at the same time and the crowd cheered with us. His hands shook, clearly nervous but he started the song beautifully. He covered better by atom.

By the time he finished, he already had girls swooning for him. Ah, I feel like crying. I'm so proud. Next up is a rap battle. Hyunsuk is up with a kid and it's interesting. He's acknowledging his opponent by not belittling him and gave him his one hundred percent.

"Ooooh~ they spit fire and fast." I am amazed with how they performed yammy gang. They had everyone up and hyped. I kinda wish they'd debut as a unit but ofcourse that'd be impossible.

"Yeoksii, that's our hyunsukiee!" We clapped when they were done

"Encore! Encore! Encore!" The audience yelled making them laugh.

"Now now, people. We still have two people left who people have been waiting to debut since their kpop star days" everyone cheered. Jongseob went first and then yedam. I squealed like a fangirl. His voice! He sang an original song, black swan.

His members already memorized the lyrics as they chant to it. I liked it, I really do! I can't wait to hear more from this kid.

Somebody suddenly grabbed my cheeks and played with it. I turned around to glare. If course it's the giant.

"Sorry, can't help it. You've been smiling nonstop and your cheeks just puffs." I punched him but he caught my fists.

"Come on chipmunk, time to practice. excuse me seungyoon?" Seungyoon turned and he asked permission to take me away and seungyoon oppa just gave a thumbs up.

"Yah! I can walk by myself."

"I don't think so" with that, he didn't let go and just continued on dragging me

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