Chapter 17

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"Why are you sweating?" I was startled when he came in.

"Eomma!" I yelled and accidentally threw my phone up in the air. I ran to it but fell short. I watched in horror as it falls to the ground in slow motion.

"Andwaaeeeee!" I dramatically yelled but the emotions are real! A hand caught it at the last minute and I felt relieved.

Chanyeol groaned, clutching my phone safely as rolled on my floor.

"You better pay for that." I gasped and my throat went dry.

"I will not kiss you! Or let you kiss me, over my dead gorgeous, beautiful and sexy body!" I sat up on my bed and grabbed my pillow as shield. He looked at me like I've grown two heads.

"What are you on woman? Did you forget to drink your medicine again?" I glared at his questions. He sat up groaning and massaging his elbow.

"Yah don't look!" I sprinted off faster than the flash and reached out to my phone in his grasp but with fast reflex, I still failed.

"Are you watching you shouldn't be watching?" He squinted his eyes on me and my eyes widened

"What? No! And how could I when there's no connection here?" I tried to grab it but he avoided my hands. My back is hurting from crouching down since he's still sitting on my floor.

"So you watch it when there is?" He raised a brow

"Well duh." What's there to deny?

"What? You guys think you're the only ones who have hormones." I gave uo and sat down to the floor and held his arm while the other reached for my phone.

"Touché" He smirked.

"Give it back!" I glared

"How many times have ever glared at me?" My brows connected.

"About the nth time everyday. I swear there's not a day I'm not glaring at you and we're here for a week already." He nodded

"And how many time did your glare work?" I stilled.

"Exactly." I scrunched up my nose and punched his abdomen, making him groan and automatically put his arm down.

"My glares doesn't work but my fist always does." I smirked, closing my phone but he snatched it back.

"No fair! I already had it on my hands!" I whined and he laughed

"I didn't know there were rules." I puffed out air and readied myself to wrestle him again.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" I panted.

"Why yes of course, I'm a guy afterall." We just stared at each other panting. His straightforward answer caught me off guard.

"What are you thinking?" He snapped his fingers on my face, taking me away from my trance.

"N-nothing..." I tried to stand but he put an arm around my waist, stopping me. I'm growing more and more conscious to where I am sitting.

My mind vividly played the scenes that I've read. I'm already on chapter twelve where my character have already gone through so much sexual tension with this guys character.

"You're turning reallly red by the minute. What's on your mind Park Chaeyoung?" This is bad. I just had an involuntary shiver when he called me by my full name.

Just a taste. I remembered reading. Damn it! This is sooo close to home. I licked my lips, feeling it dry.

"Hey, you ok?" I looked at him, like really looking at him. His disheveled straight hair, big chocolate brown eyes, perfectly angled nose and his lips accented with his cute dimples. Damn that Fan Fiction! I curse it to the depths of hell but I enjoyed reading it, much as I hate it. Only if I was not the main character! Ugh.

I was about to answer when the door opened.

"Please tell me it's not seungyoon oppa." I groaned, leaning my forehead to his shoulder.

"Okay... hm. It's not seungyoon." I glared at him

"What? It's really not seungyoon." With that, I see a familiar cute pair of shoes and when I looked up, I gasped.

"Unnie!" I stood up so fast that I got out of balance

"Omomomo" Jisoo unnie got out of balance as well when I tried to hold on to her for support.

"Woah. Easy there." She fell backwards but someone caught her by her armpits, like how you usually drag someone, like that position.

"You clutz." Chanyeol flicked my forehead after catching me by my waist.

"Hyung." He bowed to jisoo unnie who straightened herself and thanked suho who just smiled and rubbed his nape.

"I was told you were here." Suho glanced and bowed to me, and I bowed back. Than goodness it wasn't him who caught me on chanyeol's lap. I'd be more embarrassed than I already am. I kind of woshed it was seungyoon oppa instead.

"What are you doing here?" He smiled and lead suho out of my room.

"Care to explain yourself, roseanne?" I bit my lips and looked up to jisoo unnie who has her arms folded

"I thought I'd surprise you, but imagine my surprise being the one surprised by the scene I just saw." I groaned and plopped down to my bed, face down.

"What this?" I mumbled a response and she thankfully got it. It's one of her talents. Understanding alien language.

"Don't tell me..." I sighed and faced her.

"Ok, then I won't tell you." She bursted out laughing, rolling over to my bed

"Unnnieeee" I whined

"It's freaking me out. I don't if the author just knows about our personality but it's like, I can see it happening. And with what you saw earlier, there was a scene that hit close to home!" I ranted

"Aigoo. It's just like acting chaeng. Just think of it this way, that's actress you over here." She shook my phone

"It's just really crazy you know? With What's happening here. I think she or he got chanyeol's personality on point! Although he's not that grumpy."

"Really? How about your character?"

"I am not that dense and innocent thank you very much."

"Then are you really freaking out because the story hits close to home with what's going on here? Or you're just in denial that it's not about the fic anymore but how really feel?" I did the most rational thing to do. I screamed on my pillow.

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