Chapter 1- What Just Happened?

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"Hey."Marco said to Star.

"Hi." Star said right back to him.

They continued to look into each other's eyes, even though the world around them was entirely different. City buildings stood tall while castle spires towered high right next to them. Humans...well...actually ran through the streets terrified while monsters and mewmans wondered what in the world is wrong with these people. The sky was no longer its normal color, but filled with bright, colorful shades of purples, blues, and pinks with shimmers soaring across the horizon. In the sky was not just one moon, but three bright spheres gleaming white.

Earth and Mewni were combined. Who would've thought that would happen? Guess there was a little bit of magic left to bring not just Star and Marco together, but both their worlds. Star and Marco gave a small little smile to one another. Marco stepped closer to Star and embraced her, crying happy tears. Star took her arms and wrapped them around Marco's neck, tearing up a bit too and holding him tight.

Marco took in the scent of Star's golden hair as Star felt the soft threads of Marco's red sweatshirt. They took into account how they would even have been able to survive without one another; for Star not to hear Marco say how she's the coolest girl she knows or for Marco to never again see Star's excited face. They dreaded the thought. The more they kept their minds on it, the tighter they grabbed each other. They didn't even care what was going on around them. It was just the two of them at this very moment. Marco snuggled his face into Star's shoulder. Star sighed, loving the feeling of Marco's touch. before finally saying something.

"Did...did that just happen?" Marco asked Star as well as himself. Never in his wildest imagination did he think this would happen. It was a lot to comprehend. Heck, he's traveled across dimensions and this was still a bit to process.

"Yeah, I think it did." Star said to him.

"Did we just combine Earth and Mew-" Marco added.

"Yup." Star said with an even bigger smile.

" di-" Marco kept talking. Star interrupted him by putting a finger to his lips.

"I don't know and frankly I don't even care." Star put her one arm back around Marco. "...because I have never been so happy about anything...ever." Star and Marco pulled apart just a bit to look at each other again. "Even if it's been about an hour...I missed you." Star said as she stared into Marco's chocolate brown eyes.

"I missed you too." Marco said, gazing right back at her.

"Oh, you got a bit of-" Marco took a free hand and wiped a tear off her cheek. "-tear right here." He chuckled.

"Oh, thank you." Star giggled. Marco stopped midway, noticing something's a bit different about Star. "Um...Star?"


"Your...your cheeks!"

"Huh? Ohhhh yeah. My cheeks. The hearts went away with the magic. Weird." Star said to him as she touched her left cheek. Marco took his hand and stroked her right cheek. Seeing Star without her hearts was definitely new. He wondered if Star was okay, being that those hearts were a part of her ever since she was born. It's almost like losing birthmarks. It would be like Marco losing his mole!

"Well, are you...feeling okay?" Marco asked.

"Yeah, I'm alright. They were just hearts on my cheeks. No big deal. Now I'm...I'm like everyone else. I'm going to be honest though. It feels fit in." Star said. Seeing Star happy is one of the top things that brings Marco joy. He knew she was stressed. Now that she feels like a weight has been lifted off of her, life will be a lot easier. It's what Marco has wanted for her for a long time.

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