Chapter 20- The Detective and the Doctor

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"The Earthni moon is full...and the suspicion is high. There's a stranger among us; one that holds the key to discovery...and secrets unknown. Do I confront the mysterious figure...or do I turn back like a mewman hiker after he sees a chestnut swamp bear? The question goes on and on. I must discover...the truth!"

"Star?" Marco spoke as he flipped the light switch in his room before Star gently turned her head. He walked into his bedroom, seeing Star looking out the window as she sported a striped black trenchcoat and a fedora on her head. Jazz music played loudly on her phone. "Whaaaat are you doing?"

"Ah, my beloved partner comes forward." Star said.

"Uh-huh...wait. Why are you wearing my Halloween costume from 8th grade?" Marco asked, confused. Star loosened her position, turning around to talk to Marco. She looked at the clothing on her body, then back at him.

"...I've been watching film noirs." Star told him. Marco gave Star a blank stare.

" mean those detective movies in black and white?" Marco asked.

"Yup! I've been doing my research on what to do when you get a note from a random stranger." Star told him.

"You mean this hasn't happened to you before?" Marco asked her.

"Nope." Star replied. "Anyway, I don't know what to do. What if the guy...or know, whoever, is dangerous and this note is a trap? This could be a set-up, Marco. We have to be prepared."

"And you think film noirs are the answer?" Marco wondered.

"Yup." Star told him. Marco shook his head in amusement.

"You do realize those movies were shot more than 50 to 60 years ago right? Times have changed." Marco explained to her. "Plus, if you were going to use tactics from those movies, you really don't need to wear a fedora and trenchcoat to pull it off." Marco chuckled.

"Hey! I think the hat and coat work on me. Thank you very much. Makes me a bit more...mysterious." Star said as she pulled on the collars of her jacket. "So for now on you can call me Lady Danger Le Rebel-" She spoke, using a french accent.

"Star...I'm not calling you that." Marco told her with a straight face.

"'re right. Too fancy. How about Ms. Narwhal Rider of the Earthnian Realm!" Star said.

"Now that name's a little overboard." Marco told her.

"Oh! I came up with a name for you! Wanna hear it?" Star asked as she wiggled her eyebrows. Marco could tell this whole thing made her incredibly joyous. If Star giving him a detective name made her happy, then he was for sure going to play along.

"Fiiine. What is it?" Marco asked, kind of regretting saying he wanted to know already.

"...Inspector Yammy." Star told him as she took her hands and held them up to her mouth.

"! No! I'm not being called Yammy again!" Marco told her.

"But it's adorable though!...Yammy." Star said to him with a cheeky grin.

"Look. It was really brutal being a yam, especially for a whole year. I'd rather keep that in my distant memory." Marco spoke.

"Yeah...the boredom must have been preeetty severe." Star spoke.

"You have no idea." Marco replied.

"Okay...well, I got more!" Star said as she took a list out of her pocket. "How about Detective Nacho de la Cheesy?" Star asked in excitement.

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